Experimental Methods in Computer Science – Course Plan

Experimental Methods in Computer Science – 67650

Course Plan

Classes are held on Tuesday 16-18 in Shprintzak 213

115/2/11 Introduction: (slides)
The experimental method: measurements, hypothesis testing, and reproducibility.
Use of experimentation in engineering, performace evaluation, and algorithmics.
Tichy, Should computer scientists experiment more? Computer, 1998.
Feitelson, Experimental computer science: the need for a cultural change. Manuscript, 2005.
Ex1: Data exploration and simple graphs
222/2/11 Statistical graphics: (slides)
Data visualization and exploring data. Representing experimental results graphically.
Jain chap. 10, 11.
Michael Friendly's Gallery of Data Visualization and Neoformix patterns in data.
gnuplot reference, Ploticus reference.
Ex2: Data presentation
31/3/11 Measurement: (slides)
Resolution, precision, and accuracy.
Repeated measurements. Removing outliers. Confidence intervals.
Jain chap 4, 5, 11
Lilja chap. 4, 6, 7
Ex3: Basic measurement
48/3/11 Designing and using microbenchmarks. lmbench. (slides)
Using the average, maximum, minimum, and median.
Jain chap 12, 14
Lilja chap. 8
Staelin and McVoy, mhz microbenchmark Usenix, 1998
Ostrovsky on cache effects
Ex4: Measuring cache parameters
515/3/11 Data analysis (slides)
Distribution fitting. Handling censored data.
Correlation. Linear regression. Applying linear regression to transformed data.
Ex5: Finding correlations in data
622/3/11 Experiment design: (slides)
Factors and their interactions.
Simple experiment design, full factorial design. ANOVA.
Jain chap. 16-19; Law/Kelton chap. 12
Ex6: 22 experiment design
729/3/11 Workloads: (slides)
Workload analysis and characterization, and data cleaning.
Feitelson and Tsafrir, Workload sanitation for performance evaluation. IEEE Symp. Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, 2006
Ex7: What's wrong with this data?
85/4/11 The arrival process: burstiness and cycles. (slides)
Correlation and locality of sampling.
Paxson and Floyd, failure of Poisson modeling IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, 1995
Ex8: Burstiness vs. Poisson
912/4/11 Analyzing networks: (guest lecture by Prof. Scott Kirkpatrick, in English) (slides)
From the Internet to telephone calls.
Ex9: the graph of phone calls
103/5/11 Experiments with users: (slides)
Observing users, usability testing, interviews.
Ex10: Usability of a GUI and menus
1117/5/11 Experimental algorithmics: (slides)
what experiments can add to theory when studying algorithms
Ex11: The complexity of sorting
1224/5/11 Case studies of experimental evaluation of algorithms (slides) Ex12: Comparing first-fit and best-fit
1331/5/11 Summary. Experimentation and performance evaluation (slides)
Final Quiz.

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