Experimental Methods in Computer Science – Course Plan

Experimental Methods in Computer Science – 67650

Course Plan

Classes are held on Tuesday 16-18 in Shprintzak 213

Purim 8-)
117/3/09 Introduction: (slides)
The experimental method: measurements, hypothesis testing, and reproducibility.
Use of experimentation in engineering, performace evaluation, and algorithmics.
Tichy, Should computer scientists experiment more? Computer, 1998.
Feitelson, Experimental computer science: the need for a cultural change. Manuscript, 2005.
Ex1: Simple graphs
224/3/09 Statistical graphics: (slides)
Data visualization. Representing experimental results graphically.
Jain chap. 10, 11.
Michael Friendly's Gallery of Data Visualization.
gnuplot reference, Ploticus reference.
Ex2: Showing more complex data
331/3/09 Measurement: (slides)
Resolution, precision, and accuracy.
Repeated measurements. Removing outliers. Confidence intervals.
Jain chap 4, 5, 11
Lilja chap. 4, 6, 7
Ex3: Basic measurement
421/4/09 Designing and using microbenchmarks. lmbench. (slides)
Using the average, maximum, minimum, and median.
Jain chap 12, 14
Lilja chap. 8
Staelin and McVoy, mhz microbenchmark Usenix, 1998
Ex4: Measurement-based modeling
Yom Hazikaron
55/5/09 Linear regression. Applying linear regression to transformed data. (slides)
Handling censored data.
Ex5: Distribution of patience
612/5/09 Experiment design: (slides)
Factors and their interactions.
Simple experiment design, full factorial design. ANOVA.
Jain chap. 16-19; Law/Kelton chap. 12
Ex6: 22 experiment design
719/5/09 Workloads: (slides)
Workload analysis and characterization, and data cleaning.
Feitelson and Tsafrir, Workload sanitation for performance evaluation. IEEE Symp. Performance Analysis of Systems and Software, 2006
Ex7: What's wrong with this data?
826/5/09 The arrival process: burstiness and cycles. (slides)
Correlation and locality of sampling.
Paxson and Floyd, failure of Poisson modeling IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, 1995
Ex8: Burstiness vs. Poisson
92/6/09 Measuring and Modeling the Internet: (guest lecture by Prof. Scott Kirkpatrick, in English) (slides)
Sources of data, questions of coverage, bias, and stability. Visualization tools. What is required for performance estimation? Can one infer mechanisms of growth and management from topology?
Ex9: Internet mapping tools
109/6/09 Experiments with users: (slides)
Observing users, usability testing, interviews.
Ex10: Usability of menus
1116/6/09 Experimental algorithmics: (slides)
Analysis vs. experimentation in studying algorithms
Ex11: The complexity of sorting
1223/6/09 case studies (slides) Ex12: Comparing first-fit, best-fit, and next-fit

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