Object Oriented Design Course : Schedule
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Date Lecture Notes Tirgul Notes Exercise
March 3rd Introduction, UML overview and First Pattern Introduction to Eclipse, Unit Testing and JUnit  
March 10th Structural & Traversal Design Patterns Common mistakes from previous years, Basic Design Principles Exercise 1 (Programming)
March 17th Creational Design Patterns Typing Issues (Covariance, Descendant Hiding), LSP  
March 24th Programming Tools Cancelled  
March 31st Design by Contract Correct Exception Handling Exercise 2 (Theoretical)
April 7th Passover Vacation
April 14th Passover Vacation
April 21st Behavioral Design Patterns Generic Programming (STL, Java Generics)  
April 28th Structural Design Patterns Exercise 1 Review
Exercise 3 Preview
Exercise 3 (Programming)
May 5th RTTI and Reflection Prelude to exercise 5: Dynamic Proxies  
May 12ve Aspect-Oriented Programming Prelude to exercise 5: AspectWerkz - An AOP Framework Exercise 4 (Theoretical)
May 19th Frameworks & the Swing Case Study Prelude to exercise 5: Introduction to Ant  
May 26th Shavuot Vacation
June 2nd Components & the COM Case Study ODBC and JDBC, O/R Mapping Exercise 5 (Programming)
June 9th Guest Lecture: C# and the .NET Environment   Exercise 5  
June 16th .NET Review, Introduction To Software Engineering, Course Summary Review