Object Oriented Design Course
Technical Help
Course Details
Lecture Wednesday, between 13:00-16:00, at Upper Papik
Tirgul Wednesday, between 18:00-19:00, at Feldman B
Professor David Talby
Reception hour: Wednesday at 16:00 at Ross 108, by advance notice.
Teaching Assistant David Rabinowitz
Reception hour: Wednesday, at 12:00-13:00 at Ross 107 (Just before the lecture).
E-Mail ood@cs.huji.ac.il
Newsgroup local.course.ood
Course Number 67615
July 12ve, 2004

Congratulations for those of you who finished their work on the course. I hope what you've learned will help you in your future. Please let me know what you think about the material - useful parts, useless parts, parts that could be explained better, material you think should be in the course, and so on.

Now for more technical issues:

  • The appeal hour for the moed alef exam will be on this Thursday, at 17:30, in Ross 201.
  • Moed bet is currently scheduled to the 8th of September. If you plan to take it, verify the time and place before the exam.
  • The final grades of the course will be published after ex5 is checked, which should happen until the end of the month.

One last thing - next year there's going to be a 2 points seminar, titled "Seminar in Software Design", about the topics we discussed in OOD. The seminar will be based on student lectures; each student or pair will prepare a lecture on one idea or technology. It's going to be on Thursday mornings, and if you're interested in learning more, you're most invited.


July 7th, 2004
Exam grades have been published. Here are the exam ( ) and its solution ( )
July 6th, 2004
Exercise 4 grades have been published.
July 4th, 2004
Exercise 2 grades have been published.
June 9th, 2004
Exercise 5 is published. It will be explained in detail in the exercise hour. Also, today we have a guest lecture on C# and the .NET environment.
June 3rd, 2004
Exercise 4 deadline is extended until next week's lecture - June 9th at 13:00.
May 30th, 2004
Last and final extension: Exericise 3 got another extension - until Tuesday, June 1st, at midnight.
Exercise 4 is given two more days, so it's new deadline is Sunday, June 6th, at midnight.
May 17th, 2004
Exericse 3 got a one week extension. The new deadline is May 28th, at Ross closing time.
May 12ve, 2004
Today's lecture slides are in the library
Due to public's request - in 6 slides per page format. Remember that we won't be able to get you more printing quota for them so go ahead and photocopy them.
April 29th, 2004
Exercise 3 has been published.
March 22nd, 2004
Some schedule changes: The design by contract and exception handling topics have been moved to next week. David Rabinowitz will give this week's lecture (on March 24th about programming tools and there will be no tirgul hour. The new slides are online.
March 16th, 2004
Some clarifications for exercise 1:
  • The "name" property of the upper directory will be it's name, not the entire path - if we write fswalker -d ../a/b/c the first element will begin with <directory name="c" .... The same goes for the rest of the files - only the file name matters (see the example), not the path.
  • In the HTML, you can assume the entire title will be in the same line. This means that the entire tag <title>Hello !!!</title> will be in the same line in the HTML file. No guaranties about the rest of the line - before and after the tag.
  • A small typo fell in future requirement #3, it should be "output document" and not "input document". Our apologies.
  • For Java users: Don't use java.io.File.getCanonicalPath() or java.io.File.getCanonicalFile() in your code. We may use symbolic links in out tests and these methods ignore them. This applies for all the programming exercises in this course.
March 3rd, 2004
Lecture 1 notes were updated.
February 29th, 2004
The course has started! Notice that Please register yourself in the administratives page and review carefully the course's guidelines..