
Papers in Journals and Refereed
(* means that this work was published elsewhere,
after revision or expansion)
- Revisiting Asynchronous Fault Tolerant Computation with Optimal
Resilience. Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Gilad Stern, PODC 2020.
- Communication Complexity of Byzantine Agreement, Revisited. Ittai
Abraham, T-H. Hubert Chan, Danny Dolev, Kartik Nayak, Rafael Pass, Ling
Ren, Elaine Shi. PODC 2019.
- Implementing Mediators with Asynchronous Cheap Talk. Ittai Abraham, Danny
Dolev, Ivan Geffner, Joseph Y. Halpern. PODC 2019.
- Synchronous Byzantine Agreement with Optimal Resilience, Expected O(n^2)
Communication, and Expected O(1) Rounds. Ittai Abraham, Srinivas Devadas,
Danny Dolev, Kartik Nayak, and Ling Ren. FC 2019.
- Distributed Protocols for Leader Election: a Game-Theoretic Perspective,
Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolev, and Joe Halpern. ACM Transactions on Economics
and Computation (TEAC). Volume 7 Issue 1, February 2019 TEAC 2019.
- Preventing (Network) Time Travel with Chronos. Omer Deutsch, Neta Rozen
Schiff, Danny Dolev, and Michael Schapira. NDSS 18.
- Compact Routing Messages in Self-Healing Trees. Armando Castanedar, Danny
Dolev and Amitabh Trehan. TCS 2018.
- LogMemcached - An RDMA based Continuous Cache Replication. Samyon Ristov,
Yaron Weinsberg, Danny Dolev and Tal Anker. The ACM SIGCOMM 2017 Workshop
on Kernel-Bypass Networks (SIGCOMM KBNets'2017 Workshop.)
- (*) Compact Routing Messages in
Self-Healing Trees,
Armando Castaneda, Danny Dolev and Amitabh Trehan. ICDCN 2016.
- HEX:
Scaling Honeycombs is Easier than Scaling Clock Trees, Danny Dolev,
Matthias F"ugger, Christoph Lenzen, Martin Perner, and Ulrich Schmid.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol. 82, issue 5, Aug. 2016, pp.
- Synchronous
Counting and Computational Algorithm Design, Danny Dolev, Keijo
Heljanko, Matti Järvisalo, Janne H. Korhonen, Christoph Lenzen, Joel
Rybicki, Jukka Suomela, and Siert Wieringa. Journal of Computer and System
Sciences (2015). (preprint)
- Byzantine
Agreement with Optimal Early Stopping, Optimal Resilience and Polynomial
Complexity, Ittai Abraham and Danny Dolev, STOC 2015.
- Fault-tolerant
Distributed Systems in Hardware, Danny Dolev, Matthias Fugger,
Christoph Lenzen, Ulrich Schmid, and Andreas Steininger. (Invited article)
EATCS Bulletin 116, June 2015.
- Fault-tolerant
Algorithms for Tick-generation in Asynchronous Logic: Robust Pulse
Danny Dolev, Matthias Fuegger, Christoph Lenzen, and Ulrich Schmid. Journal
of the ACM, 61(5):860-900, August 2014.
- Rigorously
Modeling Self-Stabilizing Fault-Tolerant Circuits: An Ultra-Robust Clocking
Scheme for Systems-on-Chip, Danny Dolev, Matthias Fuegger, Christoph
Lenzen, Markus Posch, Ulrich Schmid, and Andreas Steininger. Journal of
Computer and System Sciences, 80(4):30, January 2014.
- Distributed
Protocols for Leader Election: a Game-Theoretic Perspective, Ittai
Abraham, Danny Dolev, and Joe Halpern, DISC 2013, Oct. 2013.
- BA:
Communication-Efficient Byzantine Consensus Without a Common Clock,
Danny Dolev and Christoph Lenzen, (BA) DISC 2013, Oct. 2013.
- Synchronous
Counting and Computational Algorithm Design, Danny Dolev, Janne H.
Korhonen, Christoph Lenzen, Joel Rybicki, and Jukka Suomela. 15th Symposium
on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS),
November 2013.
- Early-Deciding Consensus is
Expensive, Christoph Lenzen and Danny Dolev, 32nd Symposium on
Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), July 2013.
- HEX: Scaling Honeycombs is Easier than
Scaling Clock Trees, Danny Dolev, Matthias F"ugger, Christoph Lenzen,
Martin Perner, and Ulrich Schmid, 25th Symposium on Parallelism in
Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), July 2013.
- Enhancing RSSI-based
Tracking Accuracy in Wireless Sensor Networks, Gaddi Blumrose, Bracha
Hod, Tal Anker, Danny Dolev, Boris Rubinsky, ACM Transactions on Sensor
Networks (TOSN), Volume 9 Issue 3, May 2013, Article No. 29.
- Enhanced
Calibration Technique for RSSI-Based Ranging in Body Area Networks,
Gaddi Blumrosen, Bracha Hod, Tal Ankera, Danny Dolev and, Boris Rubinsky,
Ad Hoc Networks 11:1 (2013), January 2013, Pages 555–569.
- Tri, Tri again": Finding Triangles and Small
Subgraphs in a Distributed Setting, Danny Dolev, Christoph Lenzen, and
Shir Peled, 26th Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), October
- An Optimal
Self-Stabilizing Firing Squad, Danny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch, and Yoram
Moses, SIAM J. Comput., 41(2), 415–435, 2012.
- No Justified Complaints: On Fair Sharing of
Multiple Resources, Danny Dolev, Dror G. Feitelson, Joseph Y. Halpern,
Raz Kupferman and Nathan Linial, ITCS12 2012. arXiv:1106.2673
- Exploitation of Electromagnetic Radiation
Properties for Medical Diagnostic, Gaddi Blumrosen, Dana Porrat, Boris
Rubinsky, and Danny Dolev, IEEE International Conference on Microwaves,
Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems - COMCAS,
- Fault-tolerant Algorithms for
Tick-generation in Asynchronous Logic: Robust Pulse Synchronization,
Danny Dolev, Matthias Fuegger, Christoph Lenzen, and Ulrich Schmid, 13th
Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems
(SSS), October 2011. arXiv:1105.4780
- Delay Fast Packets (DFP): Prevention of
DNS Cache Poisoning, Shimrit Tzur-David, Kiril Lashchiver, Danny Dolev,
Tal Anker, SECURECOMM, Sept. 2011.arXiv:/0901.2689
- Fault identification via non-parametric belief propagation. D.
Bickson, D. Baron, Alex T. Ihler, H. Avissar and D. Dolev. In IEEE Tran. on
Signal Processing, 2011. arXiv:/0908.2005
- Peer-to-Peer secure multi-party numerical computation facing malicious
adversaries. D. Bickson, T. Reinman, D. Dolev and B. Pinkas. In
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, June 2010,
Springer, pp. 129-144. arXiv:/0901.2689
- Simple Gradecast Based Algorithms, Michael Ben-Or, Danny Dolev, Ezra N.
Hoch, DISC 2010, Sept. 2010. For full paper see: arXiv:1007.1049v2
- A Fault-Resistant Asynchronous Clock Function, Ezra N. Hoch, Michael
Ben-Or and Danny Dolev, in 12th
International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety and Security of
Distributed Systems (SSS '10), Sept. 2010. For full paper see:
- Continuous Close-Proximity RSSI-based
Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks, Gaddi Blumrosen, Bracha Hod, Tal
Anker, Danny Dolev and Boris Rubinsky, International Conference on.
Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2010), Singapore, June 2010.
- SPADE: Statistical Packet Acceptance Defense
Engine, Shimrit Tzur-David, Danny Dolev, and Tal Anker, IEEE
Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR2010), Dallas,
June 2010.
- Steward: Scaling Byzantine
Fault-Tolerant Replication to Wide Area Networks, Yair Amir, Claudiu
Danilov, Danny Dolev, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane, Cristina Nita-Rotaru,
Josh Olsen, David Zage, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure
Computing - January-March 2010 (Vol. 7, No. 1), pp.80-93.
- (*) An Optimal Self-Stabilizing
Firing Squad, Danny Dolev, Ezra N. Hoch, and Yoram Moses, in 11th International Symposium on Stabilization,
Safety and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS '09), Nov. 2009. arXiv:0908.2295
- Distributed Data Flow Language for
Multi-Party Protocols, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birman and Danny Dolev,
in 5th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS 2009),
Oct, 2009.
- A Low density lattice decoder via non-parametric belief propagation, D.
Bickson, H. Avissar, A. Ihler and D. Dolev.
In the 47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and
Computing, Allerton House, Illinois, Sept. 2009. arXiv:0901.3197
- MULAN: Multi-Level Adaptive
Network Filter, Shimrit Tzur-David, Danny Dolev, and Tal
Anker, SecureComm'09, Sept. 2009.
- Distributed large scale network utility maximization. D. Bickson, Y.
Tock, A. Zymnis, S. P. Boyd, and D. Dolev, In Proceedings of the
2009 IEEE international Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) - Volume 2
(Coex, Seoul, Korea, June 28 - July 03, 2009). IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ,
829-833. arXiv:0901.2684
- Fixing the convergence of the Gaussian belief propagation algorithm. J.
K. Johnson, D. Bickson and D. Dolev. In the International symposium on
information theory (ISIT) - Volume 3 (Coex, Seoul, Korea, June 28 - July
03, 2009). IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1674-1678.. arXiv:0901.4192
- Maxtream: Stabilizing P2P Streaming by Active
Prediction of Behavior Patterns, Shay Horovitz and Danny Dolev,
International Workshop on Image and Multimedia Processing (MUE-09 - IMP),
June 2009.
- Collabrium: Active Traffic Pattern
Prediction for Boosting P2P Collaboration, Shay Horovitz and Danny Dolev, IEEE WETICE 5th International Workshop on
Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Information Systems (COPS09), June
- (*) Peer-to-Peer secure multi-party numerical computation facing
malicious adversaries. D. Bickson, T. Reinman, D. Dolev and B. Pinkas. In
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA) journal, May 2009. arXiv:/0901.2689
- Self-stabilizing numerical iterative
computation, E. N. Hoch, D. Bickson and D. Dolev, in 10th
International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety and Security of
Distributed Systems (SSS '08), Nov.
2008. arXiv:0811.3176v1
- Belief
Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks - A Practical Approach,
Tal Anker, Danny Dolev and Bracha Hod, International Conference on Wireless
Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA), Dallas, October 2008.
- Polynomial Linear Programming with Gaussian
Belief Propagation, D. Bickson, Y. Tock, O. Shental and D. Dolev, in
the 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and
Computing, Allerton House, Illinois, Sept. 2008.
- Distributed Kalman Filter via Gaussian
Belief propagation, D. Bickson, O. Shental and D. Dolev, in the 46th
Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing,
Allerton House, Illinois, Sept. 2008.
- A Gaussian
Belief Propagation Solver for Large Scale Support Vector Machines, D.
Bickson, D. Dolev and E. Yom-Tov. In the 5th European Complex Systems
Conference, Jerusalem, Sept. 2008.
- Secure
Multi-party Peer-to-Peer Numerical Computation, D. Bickson, D. Dolev,
G. Bezman and B. Pinkas. In the 8th IEEE Peer-to-Peer computing, Sept.
2008, Aachen.
- Constant-space Localized
Byzantine Consensus, D. Dolev and E. N. Hoch, DISC 2008, Sept. 2008,
Arcachon, France.
- An
Almost-Surely Terminating Polynomial Protocol for Asynchronous Byzantine
Agreement with Optimal Resilience, Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolev and
Joseph Y. Halpern, PODC, Aug. 2008.
- Fast
Self-stabilizing Byzantine Tolerant Digital Clock Synchronization,
Michael Ben-Or, Danny Dolev and Ezra N. Hoch, PODC Aug. 2008.
- OCD:
Obsessive Consensus Disorder (or Repetitive Consensus), Danny Dolev and
Ezra N. Hoch, PODC Aug. 2008.
- Quicksilver
Scalable Multicast (QSM), K. Ostrowski, K. Birman, D. Dolev. Network
Computing and Applications (NCA), July 2008.
- Collabory: A
Collaborative Throughput Stabilizer & Accelerator for P2P
Protocols, Shay Horovitz and Danny Dolev, in IEEE WETICE 4th International Workshop
on Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Information Systems (COPS08), July
- Programming with Live Distributed
Objects, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birman, Danny Dolev and
Jong Hoon Ahnn. The European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
(ECOOP 2008). Cyprus. July
- Gaussian
Belief Propagation Based Multiuser Detection, O. Shental, D. Bickson,
P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf and D. Dolev, IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory
(ISIT), Toronto,
Canada, July
- Gaussian
Belief Propagation Solver for Systems of Linear Equations, O. Shental, D. Bickson, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf and
D. Dolev, IEEE Int. Symp. on Inform. Theory (ISIT), Toronto, Canada, July
- Nysiad: Practical
Protocol Transformation to Tolerate Byzantine Failures, Chi Ho, Mark Bickford, Danny Dolev and Robbert van
Renesse, NSDI, April, 2008.
- LiteLoad:
Content Unaware Routing for Localizing P2P protocols, Danny Dolevand Shay
Horovitz, in IPDPS 2008, Fifth International Workshop on Hot Topics in
Peer-to-Peer Systems (Hot-P2P), April, 2008.
- Tapping into the Fountain of CPUs
- On Operating Systems Support for Programmable Devices, Yaron
Weinsberg, Danny
Dolev, Tal
Anker, Muli Ben-Yehuda and Pete Wyckoff, ASPLOS08,
Seattle, March
- Lower Bounds
on Implementing Robust and Resilient Mediators, Ittai Abraham,
Dolevand Joe Halpern, TCC, March 2008. (Extended version
- Efficient
Clustering for Improving Network Performance in Wireless Sensor
Networks, Tal
Anker, Danny Bickson, Danny Dolevand Bracha Hod, EWSN'08, March,
- The Building
Blocks of Consensus, Yee Jiun Song, Robbert van Renesse, Fred B.
Schneider and Danny Dolev, the 9th International Conference on Distributed
Computing and Networking (ICDCN), Jan. 2008.
- A
message-passing solver for linear systems, O. Shental, D. Bickson, P.
H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf and D. Dolev, In Proc. Information Theory and
Applications (ITA) Workshop, San Diego, CA, USA, Jan. 2008.
- Live
Distributed Objects: Enabling the Active Web, Krzysztof Ostrowski,
Ken Birmanand
Danny Dolev,
IEEE Internet Computing, ICSI-2007-05-0099, Dec.
- Self-Stabilizing and
Byzantine-Tolerant Overlay Network, Danny Dolev, Ezra Hochand Robbert van Renesse, 11th
International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems (OPODIS) Dec.
- Making
Distributed Applications Robust, Chi Ho, Danny Dolevand Robbert Van
Renesse, 11th International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems
(OPODIS) Dec. 2007.
- Byzantine Self-Stabilizing Pulse
in a Bounded-Delay Model, Danny Dolevand Ezra Hoch, SSS 07, Paris, Nov. 2007.
- Extensible
Architecture for High-Performance, Scalable, Reliable Publish-Subscribe
Eventing and Notification. Krzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birmanand Danny
Dolev. International Journal of Web Services Research
(JWSR). Volume 4, Number 4. October-December 2007.
- Linear Detection via Belief
Propagation, Danny
Bickson, Danny Dolev, Ori Shental, Paul H. Siegel and Jack
K. Wolf, Forty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference
on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, Sept.
- On Self-stabilizing
Synchronous Actions Despite Byzantine Attacks, Danny Dolevand
Ezra Hoch,
DISC 07, Cyprus, Sept.. 2007.
- Exploiting Gossip for Self-Management in
Scalable Event Notification Systems. Ken Birman, Anne-Marie
Kermarrec, Krzysztof Ostrowski, Marin Bertier, Danny Dolev, Robbert Van
Renesse. Distributed Event Processing Systems and Architecture
Workshop (DEPSA). June 2007.
- One Algorithm to Match Them All:
On a Generic NIPS Pattern Matching Algorithm, Yaron Weinsberg,
Shimrit Tzur-David, Danny Dolevand
Anker,IEEE Workshop on High
Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR07), New York,
June 2007.
- Accelerating Distributed
Computing Applications Using a Network Offloading Framework, Yaron Weinsberg, Danny Dolev, Pete Wyckoff and
Tal Anker,
IPDPS07, April, 2007.
- Scalable
Multicast Platforms for a New Generation of Robust Distributed
Applications, Ken
Birman, Mahesh Balakrishnan, Danny Dolev, Tudor Marian,
Krzystof Ostrowski, Amar Phanishayee, Proceedings The Second
IEEE/Create-Net/ICST International Conference on Communication System
software and Middleware (COMSWARE). Bangalore, India. January 7-12,
- Tomography of
Scale-free Networks and Shortest Path Trees, Tomer Kalisky,
Cohen, Osnat Mokryn, Danny Dolev, Yuval Shavittand Shlomo Havlin. Physical
Review E 74(6), Dec. 2006.
- Self-stabilizing Byzantine
Digital Clock Synchronization, Ezra Hoch, Danny Dolevand Ariel Daliot, SSS 06, Dallas, Nov.
- Hydra: A
Novel Framework for Making High-Performance Computing Offload
Capable, Yaron Weinsberg, Danny Dolev, Pete Wyckoff
and Tal Anker,
The 31st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks(LCN 2006),
Tampa, Nov.
- Internet Resiliency to Attacks and Failures under
BGP Policy Routing, Danny
Dolev, Sugih Jamin, Osnat Mokrynand Yuval Shavitt. Computer Networks,
50(16):3183--3196, Nov. 2006.
- On a NIC's Operating System, a
Scheduler and High-Performance Networking Applications, Yaron Weinsberg, Danny Dolev, Scott Kirkpatrickand Tal Anker, International
Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2006),
Munich, Sep.
- Self-stabilizing Byzantine Agreement,
Daliotand Danny Dolev, PODC 06, Denver, July 2006. Full proofs and corrections can be found in arxiv.
- Distributed
Computing Meets Game Theory: Robust Mechanisms for Rational Secret Sharing
and Multiparty Computation, Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Rica Gonen and Joe Halpern,
PODC06, Denver,
July 2006.
- Asynchronous
Resource Discovery, Ittai Abrahamand Danny
Dolev. Computer Networks, 50(10) 1616-1629, July
- High Performance String Matching
Algorithm for a Network Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS), Yaron
Weinsberg, Shimrit Tzur-David, Danny Dolev, Tal Anker, IEEE Workshop on High Performance
Switching and Routing (HPSR2006), Poznan, Poland, June 2006.
- How
the Hidden Hand Shapes the Market for Software
Reliability. Ken
Coimbatore Chandersekaran, Danny Dolevand Robbert van Renesse.
Proceedings of the First IEEE Workshop on Applied Software Reliability,
Philadelphia, PA. June
- Scaling Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replication to
Wide Area Networks,
Yair Amir,
Claudiu Danilov, Danny
Dolev, Jonathan Kirsch, John Lane, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Josh
Olsen, David Zage, DSN-DCCS 2006, June 2006.
- On Multicast Trees: Structure and Size
Mokrynand Yuval
Shavitt. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 14(3)
557-567, June 2006.
- Searching Complex Networks efficiently with
Minimal Information, Shai Carmi, Reuven Cohenand Danny Dolev, Europhys. Lett., 74 (6), pp. 1102-1108 (2006) DOI:
10.1209/epl/i2006-10049-1, May 2006.
- Cooperative and Reliable Packet-Forwarding on
Top of AODV, Tal
Anker, Danny
Dolevand Bracha Hod, 4th International Symposium on
Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, ad-hoc
and wireless Networks (WiOpt'06), April 2006.
- Wire-Speed Total Order,
Tal Anker,
Danny Dolev,
Gregory Greenman and Ilya Shnayderman, 20th IEEE International Parallel
& Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'06) Rhodes Island, April
- Indexing data-oriented overlay networks using
belief propagation, Danny Bickson,
Danny Dolev,
Yair Weiss, Karl
Abererand Manfred Hauswirth, 7th Workshop on Distributed
Data and Structures (WDAS 2006), Jan. 2006.
- Self-Stabilization of
Byzantine Protocols, Ariel Daliotand Danny
Dolev. SSS'05.
- Optimal Resilience Asynchronous Approximate
Agreement, Ittai
Abraham, Yonatan
Amit and Danny Dolev. In proceedings of 8th International Conference on
Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), December, 2004.
- LLS : a Locality Aware Location Service for
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolevand Dahlia Malkhi, DIALM-POMC'04, October 1, 2004,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Off-Piste QoS-aware Routing
Protocol, Tal
Anker, Danny
Dolevand Yigal Eliaspur, 12th IEEE International
Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Oct.
- Non-Malleable
Danny Dolev,
Dworkand Moni Naor,
45:4 (2003). 727-784. (SIAM-Review-03)
- Linear Time Byzantine
Self-Stabilizing Clock Synchronization, Ariel Daliot, Danny Dolevand Hanna Parnas.
In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Principles of Distributed
Systems (OPODIS), La
December, 2003. Note: The pulse synchronization
algorithm in the paper had a flaw. For a corrected version please see
- Evaluating Total Order Algorithms in
WAN, Tal
Anker, Danny
Dolev, Gregory Greenmanand Ilya Shnayderman. In
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Large-Scale Group
Communication, Oct. 2003.
- TCP-Friendly Many-to-Many End-to-End
Congestion Control, Tal
Anker, Danny
Dolev, Ilya Shnayderman and Innocenty Sukhov. In
Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium on Reliable Distributed Computing (SRDS-03), Oct.
- Accounting Mechanism for Membership
Size-Dependent Pricing of Multicast Traffic, David Breitgand,
Dolev,and Danny Raz. In Proceedings of the Third
International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS Technology (ICQT'03), Munich, Sep..
- (*) Asynchronous Resource Discovery,
Abrahamand Danny
Dolev. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second ACM Symposium
on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC'03), Boston, Massachusetts, July
- Self-Stabilizing Pulse Synchronization
Inspired by Biological Pacemaker Networks, Ariel Daliot,
Dolevand Hanna Parnas. In Proceedings of the Sixth
Symposium on Self-Stabilizing Systems, DSN SSS '03, San Francisco, June 2003.
See also LNCS 2704.
- Facilitating Efficient and Reliable Monitoring
through HAMSA: architecture, protocols and applications,
Breitgand, Danny Dolev, Danny Razand Gleb Shaviner. In Proceedings of the
8th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network
Management (IM
2003), Colorado, March 2003.
- (*) On Multicast Trees: Structure and Size
Estimation, Danny
Dolev, Osnat Mokrynand Yuval
Shavitt. In Proceedings of the The 22nd Annual Joint
Conference of the IEEEComputer and Communications Societies(Infocom 03), San Francisco, April
- State-Machine Replication with Infinitely Many
Processes: A position Paper,
Gregory Chockler, Dahlia
Malkhiand Danny
Dolev. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Future Directions in Distributed Computing (FuDiCo), Bertinoro, Italy,
2002. See also LNCS 2584.
- Moshe: A
Group Membership Service for WANs, Idit Keidar, Jeremy Sussman, Keith Marzullo
and Danny
Dolev, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), 20:3 (2002).
- Neighborhood
Preserving Hashing and Approximate Queries, Danny Dolev, Yuval Harari, Nathan Linial,
Noam Nisanand
Parnas, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 15:1 (2002)
73-85. (SIAM-Disc-02)
- Ad Hoc Membership for Scalable
Applications, Tal
Anker, Danny
Dolevand Ilya Shnayderman, 16th International Symposium on
DIStributed Computing (DISC-02), Toulouse,Oct.
2002. See also LNCS 2508.
- An Integrated Architecture for the Scalable
Delivery of Semi-Dynamic Web Content, Danny Dolev, Osnat Mokryn, Yuval Shavittand Innocenty
Sukhov, The Seventh IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, July
2002. (ISCC-02)
- Using AVL Trees for Fault Tolerant Group Key
Management , Ohad
Rodeh, Ken
Birman, Danny Dolev, The International Journal on
Information Security, 1:2 (2002) 84-99. (AVL-02)
- The Architecture and
Performance of Security Protocols in the Ensemble Group Communication
System, Ohad
Rodeh, Ken
Birman, Danny Dolev, ACM Transactions on Information and
System Security (TISSEC), 4:3 (2001) 289-319.
- A Quorum Based Approach to CORBA
Fault-Tolerance, Greogory Chockler and Danny Dolevand Dahlia Malkhi, European Research Seminar on
Advances in Distributed Systems (ERSADS01), May 2001. See also
LNCS 1795. (ERSADS-01)
- Probabilistic
Fair Queuing, Tal Anker, Roi Cohen, Danny Dolev
and Yoram Singer, In
proceedings of IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing
(HPSR'01), May 2001. (HPSR-01)
- (*)Non-Malleable
Dolev Dolev, Cynthia
Dworkand Moni Naor,
Comp. 30:2 pp. 391-437.
- Towards Highly Available Three-Tier Monitoring
Applications, David
Breitgand, Gleb Shaviner, Danny Dolev, 11th IFIP/IEEE International
Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations & Management (DSOM 2000),
Austin, Texas, USA, Dec, 2000.
- A Client-Server Oriented Algorithm for Virtually
Synchronous Group Membership in WANs, Idit Keidar, Jeremy
Sussman, Keith Marzullo and Danny Dolev.In the 20th International
Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS), pages 356-365, April 2000.
- Implementing
a Caching Service for Distributed CORBA Objects, Gregory
V. Chockler, Danny Dolev, Roy Friedman and Roman Vitenberg. In Proceedings of IFIP/ACM
International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open
Distributed Processing (Middleware'2000), LNCSVolume 1795, pp 1-23,
2000 (best paper award). (middle-00)
- Optimized Group Rekey for Group Communication
systems, Ohad
Rodeh, Ken
Birman, Danny Dolev, Network and Distributed System
Security 2000, pages 39-48, February, San DiegoCalifornia.
- Fault
tolerance in the cardiac ganglion of the lobster, Ehud Sivan ,
Parnas, Danny Dolev, Biological Cybernetics 81:1 (1999)
- Fault Tolerant Video on Demand Services,
Tal Anker,
Dolevand Idit Keidar, International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), May 1999. (ICDCS-99)
- Increasing the Resilience of Distributed and
Replicated Database Systems, Idit
Keidarand Danny
Dolev, Journal of Computer and System
Sciences (JCSS), 57:3 (1998) 309-324.
- Barter: A Backbone ARchitecture for Trade of
ElectRonic Content, Gadi Shamir,M. Ben-Or and Danny Dolev, International
Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), 7:4 (1998)
- An Adaptive Totally Ordered
Multicast Protocol that Tolerates Partitions, Gregory V. Chockler,
Nabil Huleihel and Danny
Dolev, In Proceedings of the Seventeenth ACM Symposium on
Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC'98), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
- A Rate Allocation Protocol Using Competitive
Pricing for Improving Performance of Multicast Sessions,
Zohar Levyand
Danny Dolev,
SPIE 98, pp. 230-241.
- IMSS: IP Multicast Shortcut Service,
Tal Anker,
Breitgand, Danny Dolevand Zohar Levy, in the Proceedings of HICSS-31 on
Software Technology Track (High-Speed Networks Mini-Track), January 1998.
- Bounded Concurrent
Time-Stamping,Danny Dolevand Nir Shavit. SIAMJournal on Computing, 26:2
(1997) 418-455. (SIAM-Comp-97)
- Efficient
message passing interface (MPI) for parallel computing on clusters of
workstations, Jehoshua Bruck, Danny Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho, Marcel-Catalin Rosu
and Ray Strong, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
(JPDC), 40:1 (1997) 19-34. (JPDC-97)
- Congress: CONnection-oriented Group-address
RESolution Service, Tal
Anker, David Breitgand, Danny Dolevand Zohar Levy. In Proceedings of
SPIE-97 on Broadband Networking Technologies, Nov. 1997, pp. 89-100.
- Scalable Group Membership Services for Novel
Applications, Tal
Anker, Gregory V. Chockler, Danny Dolevand
Idit Keidar,
in Networks in Distributed Computing, DIMACS book series, (ed. Marios
Mavronicolas, Michael Merritt and Nir Shavit). In Proceedings of the workshop on
Networks in Distributed Computing. 23-42,
Oct. 1997, American Mathematical Society, 1999.
- Dynamic Voting for
Consistent Primary Components, Esti YegerLotem, Idit Keidarand Danny Dolev. In Proceedings, the Sixteenth ACM
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, (PODC '97), Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 21-24, 1997. (PODC-97-voting)
- The Caelum Toolkit for CSCW: The Sky is the
Limit, Tal
Anker, Gregory V. Chockler, Danny Dolevand Idit Keidar.
In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Next Generation
Information Technologies and Systems, (NGITS 97), June 30 - July 3, 1997,
Neve Ilan,
- Exploiting Group Communication for Highly
Available Video-On-Demand Services, Tal Anker, Gregory V.
Chockler, Idit Keidar, Michael Rozman and Jonathan Wexler. In Proceedings
of the IEEE YUFORIC on MultimediaInformation
Systems and the 13th International Conference on Advanced
Science and Technology (ICAST97) and the 2nd International
Conference on Multimedia Information Systems (ICMIS97),MotorolaUniversity, Chicago, Illinois, April 5, 1997, pages 265-270.
- Efficient State Transfer in Partitionable
Environments, Yair
Amir, Gregory V. Chockler, Danny Dolevand Roman Vitenberg, In
Proceeding of the European Research Seminar in Advanced Distributed
Systems, (ERSADS'97), Zinal (Valais, Switzerland), March 17-21, 1997.
- Relationship between Burst Properties and
Sensitivity to Input: A theoretical analysis, Ehud Sivan, Hanna Prnas
and Danny
Dolev, J. Computational Neuroscience 3: 35-50,
- The
Transis Approach to High Availability Cluster Communication,
Dolevand Dalia Malki, Communications of ACM, 39, 4, (1996)
- Multimedia Multicast Transport Service for
Groupware, Gregory V. Chockler, Nabil Huleihel, Idit Keidarand
Danny Dolev,
TINA Conference on the Convergence of Telecommunications and Distributed
Computing Technologies, September 1996, pages 43-54.
- Group
Communication as an Infrastructure for Distributed System Management
Yair Amir,
Breitgand, Gregory V. Chockler and Danny Dolev, In proceedings
of the Third International Workshop on Services in Distributed and
Networked Environments (SDNE'96). Available also as Technical Report
CS96-2, Instituteof Computer
Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
January 1996.
- Efficient Message Ordering
in Dynamic Networks. Idit Keidar and Danny Dolev, 15th ACM Symposium on
Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC'96), May 1996. (PODC-96-dynamic)
- Dynamic Fault Tolerant Clock
Danny Dolev,
Joe Y. Halpern, Barbara B. Simons and H. Ray Strong, Journal of the ACM,
42:1 (1995) 143-185. (JACM-95-clocks)
- Sharing Memory Robustly in Message-Passing
Systems, Hagit
Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy and Danny. Dolev, Journal of the ACM, 42:1 (1995)
124-142. (JACM-95-robust)
- Atomic Broadcast: From Simple Message
Diffusion to Byzantine Agreement, F. Cristian, H. R. Strong, D. Dolev and H.
Aghili, Information and Control, 118:1 (1995).
- Efficient Message Passing
Interface (MPI) for Parallel Computing on Clusters of Workstations,
Jehoshua Bruck, Danny
Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho, Marcel-Catalin Rosu and Ray Strong,
7th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA-95
Santa Barbara, California, July 1995. (SPAA-95)
- Increasing the Resilience
of Atomic Commit at No Additional Cost, Idit Keidarand Danny Dolev1995 ACM
SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems,
San Jose, California, May 1995. (PODS-95)
- PCODE: An Efficient and Reliable Collective
Communication Protocol for Unreliable Broadcast Domains, Jehoshua
Bruck, Danny
Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho, Rimon Orni and Ray Strong. In
Proceedings, the 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium, Santa
Barbara, California, April 1995. (IPPS-95)
- A Bounded First-In, First-Enabled-Solution to
the l-Exclusion Problem, Y. Afek, D. Dolev, E. Gafni, M. Merritt and N.
Shavit, TOPLAS, 16:3 (1994) 939-953. (TOPLAS-94)
- Observable Clock
Danny Dolev,
Rudiger Reischuk and H. Ray Strong, 13th ACM Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing (PODC'94), Los Angeles, California, August 1994.
Efficient Parallel Computing over Distributed
Jehoshua Bruck, Danny
Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho, Rimon Orni and Ray Strong. In
Proceedings, the 13th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
(PODC'94), Los Angeles,
California, August 1994.
- Highly
Available Cluster: A Case Study, Alain Azagury, Danny Dolev, German Goft, John Marberg and
Julian Satran. In Proceedings, the 24nd Annual International Symposium on
Fault-Tolerant Computing July 1994.
- Warm
Backup using Snooping, Danny Dolev, Dalia Malki and Yuval Yarom. In
Proceedings, SDNE'94, Prague, the Czech
Republic, June 1994, pp. 60-65.
- Experience with
RAPID Prototypes,
Danny Dolev,
Ray Strong and Ed Wimmers. In Proceedings, the 5th IEEE International
Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping
Grenoble, France, June 1994.
- (*)
Neighborhood Preserving Hashing and
Approximate Queries, Danny Dolev, Yuval Harari, Nathan Linial,
Noam Nisanand
Michal Parnas. In Proceedings, the 5th Annual ACM Symposium On Discrete
Algorithms, 1994. (DISC-Alg-94)
- A
Partial Equivalence Between Shared-Memory and Message-Passing in an
Asynchronous Fail-Stop Distributed
Environment,Amotz Bar-Noy and Danny Dolev, Mathematical Systems Theory, 26
(1993) 21:39.
- Atomic Snapshots of Shared
Yehuda Afek,
Hagit Attiya, Danny
Dolev, Eli Gafni, Michael Merritt and Nir Shavit, Journal of the
ACM, 40:4 (1993) 873--890. (JACM-93-snapshot)
- Perfectly Secure Message
Danny Dolev,
Dwork, Orli Waarts and Moti Yung, Journal of the ACM, 40:1
(1993). (JACM-93)
- Early
Delivery of Totally Ordered Broadcast in Asynchronous Environment,
Danny Dolev,
Shlomo Kramer and Dalia Malki. In Proceedings, the 23nd Annual
International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing June 1993, pp 544-553.
- On Distributed Algorithms in a Broadcast
Danny Dolevand Dalia Malki, 20th Intl. Conference on
Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), Lund Sweden, July 1993, pp.
- Finding the
Neighborhood of a Query in a Dictionary, Danny Dolev, Yuval Harariand Michal
Parnas. In Proceedings, the 2nd ISTCS, Haifa(Israel), May 1993.
- Determinism vs. Nondeterminism in Multiparty
Communication Complexity, Danny Dolevand Tomas Feder, SIAMJournal on Computing, 21:5
(1992) 889-895.
- Shifting
Gears: Changing Algorithms on the Fly to Expedite Byzantine
Agreement, Amotz
Bar-Noy, Danny
Dolev, Cynthia Dworkand H. Ray Strong, Information and
Computation, 97 (1992) 205-233.
- Membership Algorithms for Multicast Communication
Groups, Yair
Amir, Danny
Dolev, Shlomo Kramer and Dalia Malki. proceedings, the 6th
Int. Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG-6), (LCNS, 647) Haifa(Israel), 292-312, Nov. 1992.
- Transis: A Communication Sub-System for High
Availability, Yair
Amir, Danny
Dolev, Shlomo Kramer and Dalia Malki. proceedings, the
22nd Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, 76-84,
July 1992.
- (*)
Exploiting LAN
Broadcast for Highly Available Communication
Yair Amir,
Danny Dolev,
Shlomo Kramer and Dalia Malki. In Proceedings, the 6th IsraelConference on Computer
Systems and Software Engineering 36-43,
May 1992.
- Consensus
algorithms with one-bit messages, Amotz Bar-Noy and Danny Dolev, Distributed
Computing, 4:3 (1991) 105-110.
- Fault-Tolerant
Critical Section Management in Asynchronous
Environments, A. Bar-Noy, D. Dolev, D. Koller
and D. Peleg, Information and Computation, 95 (1991) 1-20.
- (*)
Danny Dolev,
Dworkand Moni Naor. In Proceedings, the 23rd ACM SIGACT
Symposium on Theory of Computing, 542-552. May 1991. (STOC-91)
- Early Stopping in Byzantine
Danny Dolev,
Rudiger Reischuk and H. Ray Strong, Journal of the ACM, 37 (1990) 720-741.
- Renaming in An Asynchronous
Environment, Hagit
Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny
Dolev, David
Pelegand Rudiger Reischuk, Journal of the ACM, 37:3 (1990)
524-548. (JACM-90-renaming)
- New Latency
Bounds for Atomic Broadcast, H. R. Strong, D. Dolev and F. Cristian. In
Proceedings, the 11th Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec. 1990.
- A Unified
Theory of Distributed Coordination with Communication
Uncertainty,H. R. Strong, D. Dolev and F. Cristian. In
Proceedings, the 28th Allerton Conference, Allerton, September, 1990.
- (*)Perfectly
Secure Message Transmission, D. Dolev, C. Dwork, O. Waarts and M. Yung. In
Proceedings, the 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,
36-45, Oct. 1990. (FOCS-90)
- (*) A
Bounded First-In, First-Enabled-Solution to the l-Exclusion
Problem, Y. Afek, D.
Dolev, E. Gafni, M. Merritt and N. Shavit. In Proceedings, the 4th Int.
Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG-4) -, (LCNS, 486) Bari(Italy), September 1990.
- (*)
Atomic Snapshots of Shared
Memory, Y. Afek, H.
Attiya, D. Dolev, E. Gafni, M. Merritt and N. Shavit. In Proceedings, the
9th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed
Computing, 307-318, Aug. 1990. (AtomicSnap)
- (*)
Sharing Memory Robustly in
Message-Passing Systems,
Hagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy and Danny
Dolev. In Proceedings, the 9th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 307-318, Aug. 1990.
- Choice Coordination with Bounded
Failure, Amotz
Bar-Noy, Michael Ben-Or and Danny Dolev, Distributed Computing, 3:2 (1989)
- The
Distributed Firing Squad Problem,B. A. Coan, D. Dolev, C. Dwork and L. Stockmeyer,
SIAM Journal on Computing, 18:5 (1989) 990-1012.
- (*)Multiparty
Communication Complexity, Danny Dolevand Tomas Feder. In Proceedings, the
30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 428-435, Oct.
1989. (FOCS-89)
- (*)
Fault-Tolerant Critical
Section Management in Asynchronous Environments, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Daphne Koller and David Peleg.
In Proceedings, the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms
(WDAG-3), (LCNS, 392) Nice France, Sep. 1989.
- (*)
Shared-Memory vs. Message-Passing in an Asynchronous Distributed
Environment, Amotz
Bar-Noy and Danny Dolev. In Proceedings, the 8th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 307-318, Aug. 1989.
- Bounded Polynomial Randomized
Consensus, H.
Attiya, D. Dolev and N. Shavit. In
Proceedings, the 8th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing, 281-293, Aug. 1989. (p281-attiya)
- (*)Bounded Concurrent Time-Stamp Systems are
Dolev and N. Shavit. In Proceedings, the 20th ACM SIGACT Symposium on
Theory of Computing, 454-466, May 1989. (STOC-89)
- Some Geometry for
GeneralRiverRouting, A. Siegel and D. Dolev, SIAMJournal on Computing, 17:3
(1988) 583-605. (SomeGeo)
- (*)
Families of Consensus Algorithms, A. Bar-Noy and D. Dolev, AWOC88 (Aegean Workshop
on Computing), Greece, 380-390, June 1988.
- Toward a
Non-Atomic Era: L-Exclusion as a Test Case, D. Dolev, E. Gafni and N. Shavit. In
Proceedings, the 19th ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 78-92,
May 1988. (STOC-88)
- Efficient
Fault-Tolerant Routing in Networks, Andrie Broder, Danny Dolev, Michael Fischer and Barbara
Simons, Information and Computation, 75:1 (1987) 52-64.
- A New Look at
Fault Tolerant Network Routing,Danny Dolev, Joe Halpern, Barbara Simons and H.
Ray Strong, Information and Computation, 72:3 (1987) 180-196.
- On the Minimal
Synchronism Needed for Distributed Consensus, D. Dolev, C. Dwork and L. Stockmeyer. Journal of
the ACM, 34:1 (1987) 77-97.
- (*)
Achievable Cases in an Asynchronous Environment, Hagit Attiya, Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Daphne Koller,
Pelegand Rudiger Reischuk. In Proceedings, the 28th Annual
Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 337-346, Oct. 1987.
- Parallel Computation of Edit
Distance, D. Dolev
and J. Gil. In Proceedings, the International Conf. on Parallel Processing
and Applications, L'Aquila, Italy,
Sep. 1987.
- (*)Shifting
Gears: Changing Algorithms on the Fly to Expedite Byzantine
Agreement, A.
Bar-Noy, D. Dolev, C. Dwork and H. R. Strong. In Proceedings, the 6th
Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing,
42-51, Aug. 1987. (PODC-87)
- The Parallel Complexity of
Scheduling with Precedence Constraints, D. Dolev, E. Upfal and M. K. Warmuth, Journal of
Parallel and Distributed Computing, 3 (1986) 553-576.
- Reaching
Approximate Agreement in the Presence of
Faults, D. Dolev,
N. A. Lynch, E. Stark, W. E. Weihl and S. Pinter, Journal of the ACM, 33
(1986) 499-516. (JACM-86-approximate)
- On the Possibility and
Impossibility of Achieving Clock
D. Dolev, J. Halpern and H. R. Strong, J. of Computer and System Sciences,
32:2 (1986) 230-250.
- Cheating
Husbands and Other Stories: A case study of knowledge, action and
communication, Y.
O. Moses, D. Dolev and J. Y. Halpern, Distributed Computing, 1:3 (1986)
- Bounds for Width Two Branching
Programs, A.
Borodin, D. Dolev, F. Fich and W. Paul. SIAMJournal on Computing, 15:2
(1986) 549-560.
- Scheduling
Flat Graphs, D.
Dolev and M. K. Warmuth, Journal of the ACM, 14 (1985) 638-657.
- Profile
Scheduling of Opposing Forests and Level
Orders, D. Dolev
and M. K. Warmuth, SIAMJournal on Algebraic and
Discrete Methods, 6 (1985) 665-687.
- Bounds on Information Exchange for Byzantine
Dolevand Rudiger Reischuk, Journal of the ACM, 32 (1985)
191-204. (JACM-85)
- The Parallel Complexity of Scheduling
with Precedence Constraints,
E. Upfal
and M. K. Warmuth. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 3 (1985)
- (*)
Choice Coordination with Bounded
Failure, Amotz
Bar-Noy, Michael Ben-Or and Danny
Dolev. In Proceedings, the 4th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 309-316, Aug. 1985.
- (*) Cheating Husbands and Other Stories: A case
study of knowledge, action and communication, Yoram O. Moses, Danny Dolevand Joe Y. Halpern. In
Proceedings, the 4th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of
Distributed Computing, 215-223, Aug. 1985. (PODC-85)
- (*)
Atomic Broadcast: From Simple Message
Diffusion to Byzantine Agreement, F. Cristian, H. Aghili, H. R. Strong and D.
Dolev. In Proceedings, the 15th Int. Conf. on Fault Tolerant Computing,
1-7, June 1985.
- (*)
The Distributed Firing Squad
Problem, Brian A.
Coan, Danny
Dolev, Cynthia Dworkand Larry Stockmeyer. In Proceedings,
the 17th ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 335-345, May 1985.
- Planar Embedding of Planar Graphs, D.
Dolev, F. T. Leighton and H. W. Trickey, Advanced in Computing Research, 2
(1984) 147-161.
- Scheduling Precedence Graphs of Bounded
Height,D. Dolev and
M. K. Warmuth, Journal of Algorithms, 5 (1984) 48-59.
- Flipping Coins in Many Pockets
(Byzantine agreement on uniformly random values),A. Z. Broder and D. Dolev. In Proceedings, the
25th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 157-170,
Oct. 1984.
- Asynchronous Byzantine
Attiya, D. Dolev and J. Gill. In Proceedings, the 3rd Annual ACM
SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 119-133,
- (*)
Fault Tolerant Clock
Synchronization,J. Y.
Halpern, B. B. Simons, H. R. Strong and D. Dolev. In Proceedings, the 3rd
Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing,
89-102, Aug. 1984.
- (*) Efficient
Fault-Tolerant Routing in Networks,
Broder, D. Dolev, M. Fischer and B. Simons. In Proceedings, the 16th ACM
SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 536-541, May 1984.
- (*)A New Look
at Fault Tolerant Network Routing,
D. Dolev,
J. Halpern, B. Simons and H. R. Strong. In Proceedings, the 16th ACM SIGACT
Symposium on Theory of Computing, 526-535, May 1984.
- (*) On the
Possibility and Impossibility of Achieving Clock
D. Dolev,
J. Halpern and H. R. Strong. In Proceedings, the 16th ACM SIGACT Symposium
on Theory of Computing, 504-511, May 1984.
- Correcting
Faults in a Write-Once Memory,
D. Dolev,
D. Maier, H. Mairson and J. D. Ullman. In Proceedings, the 16th ACM SIGACT
Symposium on Theory of Computing, 225-239, May 1984.
- (*)
Scheduling Trees in Parallel, D.
E. Upfal
and M. K. Warmuth. In Proceedings, the International Workshop on Parallel
Computing and VLSI, Amalfi, Italy, 23-25, May 1984. Published as, VLSI:
Algorithms and Architectures. (P. Bertolazzi and F. Luccio, ed.)
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 91-102, 1985.
- Authenticated Algorithms for Byzantine
Agreement,D. Dolev
and H. R. Strong, SIAMJournal on Computing, 12
(1983) 656-666.
- On the Security of Public Key
D. Dolev
and A. C. Yao, IEEE trans. on Information Theory, IT-29 (1983)
- (*) On the Minimal Synchronism
Needed for Distributed Consensus, D. Dolev,
C. Dwork and L. Stockmeyer. In Proceedings, the 24th Annual Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science, 393-402, Nov. 1983.
- (*)
Reaching Approximate Agreement in the Presence of Faults,
D. Dolev,
N. A. Lynch, E. Stark, W. E. Weihl and S. Pinter. In Proceedings, the 3rd
Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Systems, Clearwater, Oct.
- Superconcentrators, Generalizers and
Generalized Connectors with Limited Depth,
D. Dolev,
C. Dwork, N. Pippenger and A. Wigderson. In Proceedings, the 15th ACM
SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing, 42-51, May
- (*)
Bounds for
Width Two Branching Programs,A.
Borodin, D. Dolev, F. Fich and W. Paul. In Proceedings, the 15th ACM SIGACT
Symposium on Theory of Computing, 87-93, May
- On the
Security of Ping-Pong Protocols,
D. Dolev,
S. Even and R. M. Karp, Information and Control, 55 (1982), 57-68.
- An Efficient Byzantine Agreement without
D. Dolev,
M. J. Fischer, R. Fowler, N. A. Lynch and H. R. Strong, Information and
Control, 52:3 (1982) 257-274.
- An O (n log n)
Unidirectional Algorithm for Extrema Finding in a
Dolev, Maria
Klawe and Michael
Rodeh, Journal of Algorithms, 3 (1982) 245-260.
- The
Byzantine Generals Strike Again,Danny
Dolev, Journal
of Algorithms, 3 (1982) 14-30.
- (*)
`Eventual' Is Earlier than `Immediate',Danny
Dolev, Rudiger
Reischuk and H. Ray Strong. In Proceedings, 23nd Annual Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science, 196-203, Nov. 1982.
- Requirements for Agreement in
a Distributed System, Danny
Dolev, H. Ray
Strong, in Distributed Data Bases (proceedings) (H. J. Schneider, ed.),
North Holland Publishing Company, 115-129, Sep.
- (*)
Bounds on
Information Exchange for Byzantine
Rudiger Reischuk. In Proceedings, ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles
of Distributed Computing, Ottawa, 132-140, Aug. 1982.
- Finding Safe Paths in a Faulty
Environment,D. Dolev,
J. Meseguer and M. C. Pease. In Proceedings, ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on
Principles of Distributed Computing, Ottawa, 95-103, Aug. 1982.
- Distributed Commit with Bounded
Dolevand H.
Ray Strong. In Proceedings, the 2nd Symposium on Reliability in Distributed
Software and Database Systems, Pittsburgh, 53-60, July
- Polynomial Algorithms for Multiple Processor
Dolevand H.
Ray Strong. In Proceedings, the 14th ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of
Computing, 401-407, May 1982.
- (*) On
Security of Public Key Protocols, Danny
Dolevand Andy
C. Yao. In Proceedings, the 22nd IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundation of
Computer Science, 350-357, Oct. 1981.
- The Separation for General
Single-Layer Wiring Barriers, D. Dolev
and A. Siegel, in VLSI Systems and Computations (proceedings) (H. T. Kung,
B. Sproul and G. Steele, ed.), Computer Science Press, 143-152,
- (*) Unanimity in an
Unknown and Unreliable Environment,
Dolev. In Proceedings, the 22nd IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundation of
Computer Science, 159-168, Oct. 1981.
- (*)
Optimal Wiring
between Rectangles,D. Dolev,
K. Karplus, A. Siegel, A. Strong and J. D. Ullman. In Proceedings, the
Thirteen Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 312-317, May
- Commutation
Properties and Generating Sets Characterize Slices of Various
Synchronization Primitives, D. Dolev,
Theoretical Computer Science, 8 (1979)
- Commutation Relation of Slices Characterize some
Synchronization Primitives,
D. Dolev
and E. Shamir, Information Processing Letters, 7 (1978) 7-9.
- A Sequential Analytical Method
for the Howard Mold Count Test of Tomato Products,
Basket, D. Dolev and J. Gillis, J. Sci. Fed. Agric., 28 (1977) 766-774.
- Local
Characterization of Models of Synchronization Primitives,
Dolev. In Proceedings, the WaterlooConference on Theoretical Computer
Science, 53-60, Aug. 1977.
- An
Inequality Relating to Triple Product Integrals of Laguerre
Functions, D.
Dolev and J. Gillis,
IsraelJ. of
Mathematics, 18 (1974) 45-52.

Other Publications:
(* means that this
work was published elsewhere, after revision)
- Evolution
vs. Intelligent Design in Consensus Protocols, Yee Jiun Song, Robbert
van Renesse, Fred B. Schneider and Danny Dolev, Computing and
Information Science Technical Reports, Cornell University, May 2007.
- The
QuickSilver Properties Framework. Krzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birman, Danny Dolev. Abstract, presented at the
OSDI’06 poster session, Seattle, WA,
November 2006.
- (*) Distributed Computing Meets
Game Theory: Robust Mechanisms for Rational Secret Sharing and Multiparty
Computation, Ittai
Abraham, Danny Dolev, Rica Gonen and Joe Halpern, EC 06
conference on Alternative Solution Concepts in Mechanism Design, Ann Arbor, June
- Properties
Framework and Typed Endpoints for Scalable Group Communication.
Krzysztof Ostrowski, Ken
Birman, Danny
Dolev. CornellUniversityTechnical Report TR2006-2062
(July, 2006).
- Extended Data Indexing in Oderlay
Networks using Belief Propogation Algorithms,
Aberer, Danny Bickson, Danny Dolev, Manfred Hauswirth and Yair
Weiss, In the Peer-to-peer Data Management in
the Complex Systems Perspective Workshop (ECCS 05'), Nov
05', Paris (invited paper).
- Self-stabilizing Byzantine Pulse
Synchronization, Ariel
Daliotand Danny Dolev, Technical Report TR2005-84}, Schools
of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem, August 2005. Arevised version
appears in
- TCP-Friendly
Many-to-Many End-to-End Congestion Control, Tal
Anker, Danny
Dolev, Ilya
Shnaidermanand Innocenty Sukhov, Technical Report TR2003-5, School
of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
May 2003.
- Hierarchical
Reactive Monitoring of Multicast Membership
Breitgand, Danny Dolevand
Raz, Technical Report TR2002-45, School of Engineering
and Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, July
- Hierarchical
Bandwidth Sharing made Simple,Tal
Anker, Erez
Bergman, Danny
Dolev, Idan
Gelbourt, Technical Report TR2002-20, School of Engineering and
Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, April
- Group Communication
Specifications: A Comprehensive Study, Roman
Vitenberg, Idit Keidar, Gregory V. Chockler and
Danny Dolev,
Technical Report CS99-31, Instituteof Computer
Science, The Hebrew University of
Jerusalem; abstract
- Dynamic
Virtual Private Networks, Ohad Rodeh, Ken Birman, Mark Hayden and
Cornell University, Computer Science TR98-1695, Aug. 1998.
- Ensemble Security, Ohad Rodeh, Kenneth
P. Birman,
MarkHayden, Zhen Xiao and Danny Dolev
Cornell University, Computer Science TR98-1703, September 1998.
- Failure Detectors in
Omission Failure Environments. Danny Dolev, Roy Friedman,
Keidarand Dahlia
Malkhi. Brief Announcement in Proceeding of the 16th
Annual ACM Symposium on the Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 97), Santa Barbara, CA, August 1997, page 286. (PODC-97-FD)
- IP-SENATE: IP multicast
SErvice for Non-broadcast Access networking
Technology, Tal Anker, David Breitgand, Danny Dolev, Zohar Levy, Technical
Report TR1997-6, School of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, June 1997. (Abstract)
- Report Dagstuhl
Seminar on Time Service, Danny
Dolev, Rüdiger
Reischuk , Ray Strong and Fred Schneider, IBFI Schloß Dagstuhl,
- Supporting
Multiple Quality of Service Options with High Perfomance Groupware
G. V. Chockler, N. Huleihel, I. Keidar and D. Dolev, Technical
Report CS96-3, Instituteof
ComputerScience, The HebrewUniversityof Jerusalem, March 1996. (Abstract)
- Group Communication as
an Infrastructure for Distributed System Management, Y. Amir, D. Breitgand, G. V. Chockler and D.
Dolev, Technical Report CS96-2, Institute of Computer Science, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, January 1996. (Abstract)
- A Framework for Partitionable Membership
Dolev, Dalia Malki and Ray Strong, 15th Annual
ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, (short
presentation) May 1996.. full paper
(.ps) (PODC-96-framework)
- Deciding in Partitionable Networks R.
Friedman, I. Keidar, D. Malki, K. Birman and D. Dolev, Technical Report
CS95-16, Instituteof ComputerScience, The HebrewUniversityof Jerusalem, January 1996. (Abstract)
- A Framework
for Partitionable Membership Service D. Dolev, D. Malki and R.
Strong, Technical Report 95-4, Institute of Computer Science, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1995 (Abstract)
- Robust and Efficient Replication using Group
Communication Y. Amir, D. Dolev, P. M. Melliar-Smith and L.
E. Moser,
Technical Report CS94-20, Institute of Computer Science, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, November 1994. (Abstract)
- The Transis Approach to High Availability Cluster
Communication D. Malki, Y. Amir, D. Dolev and S. Kramer,
Technical Report CS94-14, Instituteof ComputerScience, The HebrewUniversityof Jerusalem, October 1994. (Abstract)
- Efficient Message Passing Interface (MPI) for
Parallel Computing on Clusters of Workstations, Jehoshua Bruck, Danny Dolev, Ching-Tien Ho,
Marcel-Catalin Rosu and Ray Strong 13th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS
Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, (short presentation) Aug.
- Consensus Made
Practical, Danny Dolev, Dalia Malki, Technical Report TR1994-7, Schoolof Engineeringand Computer Science, The HebrewUniversityof Jerusalem, March 1994. (Abstract)
- An Asynchronous Membership Protocol that Tolerates
Partitions D. Dolev, D. Malki and R. Strong, Technical Report
TR94-6, Instituteof ComputerScience, The HebrewUniversityof Jerusalem, March 1994. (Abstract) (TR-94-6)
- Highly Available Application in the Transis
Environment, Ofir Amir, Yair Amirand Danny Dolev, The Hardware and Software
Architectures for Fault Tolerance Workshop, Le Mont Saint-Michel, France, June 1993. InLecture Notes in
Computer Science 774 Springer-Verlag, 1994.
- (*) Warm Backup using
Snooping, Danny
Dolev, Dalia Malki,
Yuval Yarom,
Technical Report TR1993-15, Schoolof Engineeringand Computer Science, The
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 1993. (Abstract)
- Practical Multicasting through
the FLP Barrier,
D. Dolev, Invited Paper, 12th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on
Principles of Distributed Computing, Ithaca, Aug. 1993.
- On Distributed
Algorithms in a Broadcast Domain, D. Dolev and D. Malki, Invited
Paper. In Proceedings Automata, Languages and Programing, 20th
International Colloquium, ICALP93. Lund, July 1993. InLecture Notes in
Computer Science 700 (ed. Lingas, Karlsson and Carlsson), 371-387,
Springer-Verlag, 1993. Also, Technical Report TR1994-5, Schoolof Engineeringand Computer Science, The HebrewUniversityof Jerusalem, March
- Nearest Neighbors
Algorithms for Dictionaries, Danny Dolev, Yuval Harari, Michal Parnas, Technical
Report TR1992-32, Schoolof
Engineeringand Computer Science, The
HebrewUniversityof Jerusalem,
December 1992.
- Models for Distributed
Execution in the Presence of Communication
Uncertainty, H. R.
Strong, D. Dolev and F. Cristian, The Twenty-eighth Annual Allerton
Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Oct. 1990.
- On Safety and Timeliness in
Distributed Data Management, D. Dolev and H. R. Strong, Concurrency
88, International Conference on Concurrency, Hamburg, Oct.
InLecture Notes in Computer Science 335 (ed. F. H.
Vogt), 64-72, Springer-Verlag.
- Coordination Problems in Distributed
Systems, D.
Dolev and H. R. Strong, Second IBM Symposium on Highly Availability and
Horizontal Grows, YorktownHeights, 260-272, Oct. 1988.
- Robust Multi-Agent Decision Making in Faulty
Environment, A. Bar-Noy, D. Dolev and D. Petkovic, 9th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Beijing China, Oct. 1988.
- Majority
Voting in the Presence of Random Voters,
D. Dolev, D.
Feitelsonand H. Sompolinsky, Research Report RJ 6538 (63339), IBM Almaden
Research Center, Oct 1988.
- Byzantine
Agreement, H. R.
Strong and D. Dolev. In Proceedings, COMPCON83, San Francisco, 77-81,
March 1983.
- (*) On Security of Ping-Pong
Protocols, D.
Dolev, S. Even and R. M. Karp, in Advances in Cryptology (D. Chaum, R.
L. Rivest and A. T. Sherman, ed.), North Holland Publishing Company, 1983.
- On the
Security of Multi-party Cryptographic Protocols in Distributed
Systems, D.
Dolev and A. Wigderson, in Advances in Cryptology (D. Chaum, R. L.
Rivest and A. T. Sherman, ed.), North Holland Publishing Company, 167-175,
- Comparing Synchronization
Primitives via Simulation Models, D. Dolev and H. R. Strong, 10th IMACS on
Systems Simulation and Scientific Computation, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 1982.
- Multi-Party Cryptographic
Distributed Protocols, D. Dolev, R. J. Lipton and A. Wigderson,
AMS Summer Research Conf. on Probabilistic Computational Complexity,
Durham, New Hampshire, June 1982.
- Optimal Algorithms for
Structural Assembly,
D. Dolev, K. Karplus, A. Siegel, A. Strong and J. D. Ullman, VLSI
Design, 38-42, March/April 1982.
- Traitor Secure Public Key
Systems, D. Dolev
and A. C. Yao. the 1981 IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory, 1981.

Chapters in Book
- Totally Ordered Broadcast in the Face of
Network Partitions. Exploiting Group Communication for Replication in
Partitionable Networks.
Keidarand Danny Dolev, Chapter 3 of Dependable Network Computing, pages
51-75, D. Avresky Editor, Kluwer Academic Publications.. January
- T. Anker, G. Chockler, D.
Dolev, and I. Keidar. Scalable Group Membership Services for Novel
Applications. In Networks in Distributed Computing (DIMACS workshop).
Edited by: Marios Mavronicolas, Michael Merritt, and Nir Shavit. DIMACS 45.
American Mathematical Society, pp. 23–42, 1998.
- The Design of the Transis System,
Dolevand Dalia Malki, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science
no. 938 Springer-Verlag, 1995, 83-98.
- Atomic
Broadcast in a Real-time Environment, F. Cristian, D. Dolev, H. R. Strong and H.
Aghili. in Fault Tolerant Distributed Computing, (B. Simons and A. Spector,
ed.) Springer-Verlag, 51-71, 1992.
- A
Simple Model for Agreement in Distributed
Systems, D. Dolev and
H. R. Strong. in Fault Tolerant Distributed Computing, (B. Simons and A.
Spector, ed.) Springer-Verlag, 42-50, 1992.
- The Byzantine
Generals, Danny Dolev, Leslie Lamport,
and Robert Shostak. in Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed
Systems, (B. Bhargava, ed.) Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc. 348-369, 1987.

On the
Positivity of the Integral of a Triple Product of Laguerre
supervised by Professor Josef
Gillis, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel, 1973.
of Parallel Processors,
supervised by Professor Eliahu Shamir, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
Israel, 1980.