Current research summary
Broadly speaking, I’m a computation theorist. More narrowly, I’m mainly interested in the theory of algorithms.
These are some of my past, current, and future research interests include (in random order). Please don't hesitate to contact me if you're interested in anything mentioned below:
• Online computing, competitive analysis, and decision under uncertainty:
k-server, layered graph traversal, metrical task systems, file allocation, reordering buffer, randomized algorithms, lower bounds
• Unsupervised learning:
Center and density based clustering, discrete mixture models, causal discovery, causal identtification
• Beyond worst case analysis:
Clusterability and stability, average-case analysis
• Dynamics of interaction in computation and populations:
Discrete dynamical systetms, load balancing, population genetics, weak selection, bargaining networks, dynamics in exchange markets
• High dimensional computational geometry:
Nearest neighbor search, k-means, k-median, min-sum clustering, pseudorandom generators fooling geometric tests, explicit geometric constructions
• Combinatorial approximation algorithms:
Graph partitioning problems, resource allocation problems, metric and high dimensional geometric problems
• Computational aspects of metric geometry:
Discrete Lipschitz embedding, extension and selection, transportation norms and applications, metric Ramsey phenomena, local versus global properties of metrics
• Network optimization:
Packet and circuit routing, admission control, flow control