MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

const and volatile member functions

C++ allows you to restrict the use of a particular member function so, as the programmer, you can insure that the user can only use it in the appropriate context. This is accomplished with the keywords const and volatile. You will see const member functions used far more often than volatile member functions, but the syntax works the same way.

const objects

const tells the compiler that a variable will not change throughout its lifetime. This applies to variables of built-in types, as you've seen. When the compiler sees a const like this, it stores the value in its symbol table and inserts it directly, after performing type-checking (remember that this is an improvement in C++, which acts differently than C). In addition, it prevents you from changing the value of a const. The reason to declare an object of a built-in type as const is so the compiler will insure that it isn't changed.

You can also tell the compiler that an object of a user-defined type is a const. Although it is conceptually possible that the compiler could store such an object in its symbol table and generate compile-time calls to member functions (so all the values associated with a const object would be available at compile-time), in practice it isn't feasible. However, the other aspect of a const – that it cannot be changed during its lifetime – is still valid and can be enforced.

const member functions

The compiler can tell when you're trying to change a simple variable, and can generate an error. The concept of constness can also be applied to an object of a user-defined type, and it meanst the same thing: the internal state of a const object cannot be changes. This can only be enforced if there is some way to insure that all operations performed on a const object won't it. C++ provides a special syntax to tell the compiler that a member function doesn't change an object.

The keyword const placed after the argument list of a member function tells the compiler that this member function can only read data members, but it cannot write them. Creating a const member function is actually a contract which the compiler enforces. If you declare a member function like this:

class X {
  int i;
  int f() const;
then f( ) can be called for any const object, and the compiler knows that it's a safe thing to do because you've said the function is const. However, the compiler also insures that the function definition conforms to the const specifier. Not only are you forced to use the const specifier when you define the function (otherwise the compiler won't recognize that the function is a member), but you cannot change any data members inside the function or the compiler will generate an error:

int X::f() const { return i++; } // Compiler reports error

So the const function can be used on a const object because the declaration claims it is safe, and the compiler insures that the definition conforms to this claim. Notice that the const keyword must be used in both the declaration and the definition. This is illustrated in the following program:

//: C03:Constf.cpp
// const member functions
// Compiler checks for proper use of const
class CMembers {
  int x;
  CMembers(int X) { x = X; }
  int X() const { return x; }
  int XX() { return x; }  // Non-const, doesn't modify
//!  int incr() const { return ++x; } // Error
  void g() const; // Non-inline
void CMembers::g() const {
//!  x++;  // Error
int main() {
  CMembers A(1);
  const CMembers B(2);
  A.X();  // Can call any member function for non-const objects
//!  A.incr();
  B.X(); // Can only call const members for const objects
//!  B.incr();
//!  B.XX();   // Error
} ///:~ 

Notice that even though XX( ) doesn't actually modify any data members, it hasn't been defined as a const member function so it can't be used with B. Also, the compiler will verify that a function doesn't modify any data members if you say it's a const, whether or not that function is defined inline.

const member functions can be called for non- const objects, but non- const functions cannot be called for const objects. Therefore, for the greatest flexibility of your classes, you should declare functions as const when possible, since you never know when the user might want to call such a function for a const object. This practice will be followed in this book.

Casting away const-ness

In some rare cases you may wish to modify certain members of an object, even if the object is a const. That is, you may want to leave the const on all the members except a select few. You can do this with a rather odd-looking cast. Remember that a cast tells the compiler to suspend its normal assumptions and to let you take over the type-checking. Thus it is inherently dangerous and not something you want to do casually. However, the need sometimes occurs.

To cast away the const-ness of an object, you select a member with the this pointer. Since this is just the address of the current object, this seems redundant. However, by preceeding this with a cast to itself, you implicitly remove the const (because const isn't part of the cast). Here's an example:

//: C03:Castaway.cpp
// Casting away the const-ness of an object
class FishingPole {
  int rod, reel;
  FishingPole() { rod = reel = 0; }
  void cast_away() const {
int main() {
  const FishingPole fp;
} ///:~ 

Inside cast_ away( ), the cast of this to type FishingPole (without the const) removes the const-ness of reel, while leaving rod as a const. Of course, this isn't the most straightforward code in the world, but when you do this kind of thing you're intentionally breaking the type-safety mechanism, and that is usually an ugly process. You should know what it looks like, but you should try not to do it.

volatile objects and member functions

A volatile object is one which may be changed by forces outside the program's control. For example, in a data communication program or alarm system, some piece of hardware may cause a change to a variable, while the program itself may never change the variable. The reason it's important to be able to declare a variable volatile is to prevent the compiler from making assumptions about code associated with that variable. The primary concern here is optimizations. If you read a variable, and (without changing it) read it again sometime later, the optimizer may assume that the variable hasn't changed and delete the second read. If the variable was declared volatile, however, the optimizer won't touch any code associated with the variable.

The syntax for const and volatile member functions is identical. Only volatile member functions may be called for volatile objects. In addition, objects and member functions can be both const and volatile, as shown here:

//: C03:Constvol.cpp
// Const AND volatile together
class Comm {
  unsigned char databyte;
  Comm() { databyte = 0; }
  unsigned char read() const volatile {
    return databyte;
int main() {
  const volatile Comm port;;
} ///:~ 

databyte is ostensibly where the data is placed (by hardware, or perhaps an interrupt control routine). Since port is both const and volatile, it can only be read and the compiler won't optimize away any reads of that location.

By the previous logic, you should declare as many functions as possible both const and volatile so they would always be usable with objects which are const and/or volatile. In practice, however, volatile is used far less frequently than const.

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