MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

static member functions

Static data members are useful because they work for the class as a whole, and not for a particular instance/object of a class. One effect of a static data member is that it doesn't occupy space in each object, so the size of each object is reduced.

Although member functions don't occupy space in an object, when a function is called that function must somehow know which object data it is accessing. This is done by the compiler, secretly, by passing the starting address of the object into the member function. You can access the starting address while inside the member function using the keyword this. The extra overhead of the member function call when passing this is analogous to the extra size in an object when adding data members. In line with this analogy, you can remove the extra time involved in a member function call by making the member function static.

Like a static data member, a static member function acts for the class as a whole, not for a particular object of the class. The starting address of the object (this) is not passed to a static member function, so it cannot access non-static data members (and the compiler will give you an error if you try). The only data members which can be accessed by a static member function are static data members.

You can call a static member function in the ordinary way, with the dot or the arrow, in association with an object. However, you can also call a static member function by itself, without any specific object, using the scope-resolution operator, like this:

class X {
  static void f();
When you see static member functions in a class, remember that the designer intended that function to be conceptually associated with the class as a whole. That function will have the faster calling time of an ordinary, global function but its name will be visible only within the class, so it won't clash with global function names.

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