MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

Duplicate subobjects

When you inherit from a base class, you get a copy of all the data members of that base class in your derived class. This copy is referred to as a subobject. If you multiply inherit from class d1 and class d2 into class mi, class mi contains one subobject of d1 and one of d2. So your mi object looks like this:

Now consider what happens if d1 and d2 both inherit from the same base class, called Base:

In the above diagram, both d1 and d2 contain a subobject of Base, so mi contains two subobjects of Base. Because of the path produced in the diagram, this is sometimes called a “diamond” in the inheritance hierarchy. Without diamonds, multiple inheritance is quite straightforward, but as soon as a diamond appears, trouble starts because you have duplicate subobjects in your new class. This takes up extra space, which may or may not be a problem depending on your design. But it also introduces an ambiguity.

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