MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


Before C++, the most successful object-oriented language was Smalltalk. Smalltalk was created from the ground up as an OO language. It is often referred to as pure, whereas C++, because it was built on top of C, is called hybrid. One of the design decisions made with Smalltalk was that all classes would be derived in a single hierarchy, rooted in a single base class (called Object – this is the model for the object-based hierarchy). You cannot create a new class in Smalltalk without inheriting it from an existing class, which is why it takes a certain amount of time to become productive in Smalltalk – you must learn the class library before you can start making new classes. So the Smalltalk class hierarchy is always a single monolithic tree.

Classes in Smalltalk usually have a number of things in common, and always have some things in common (the characteristics and behaviors of Object), so you almost never run into a situation where you need to inherit from more than one base class. However, with C++ you can create as many hierarchy trees as you want. Therefore, for logical completeness the language must be able to combine more than one class at a time – thus the need for multiple inheritance.

However, this was not a crystal-clear case of a feature that no one could live without, and there was (and still is) a lot of disagreement about whether MI is really essential in C++. MI was added in AT&T cfront release 2.0 and was the first significant change to the language. Since then, a number of other features have been added (notably templates) that change the way we think about programming and place MI in a much less important role. You can think of MI as a “minor” language feature that shouldn’t be involved in your daily design decisions.

One of the most pressing issues that drove MI involved containers. Suppose you want to create a container that everyone can easily use. One approach is to use void* as the type inside the container, as with PStash and Stack. The Smalltalk approach, however, is to make a container that holds Objects. (Remember that Object is the base type of the entire Smalltalk hierarchy.) Because everything in Smalltalk is ultimately derived from Object, any container that holds Objects can hold anything, so this approach works nicely.

Now consider the situation in C++. Suppose vendor A creates an object-based hierarchy that includes a useful set of containers including one you want to use called Holder. Now you come across vendor B’s class hierarchy that contains some other class that is important to you, a BitImage class, for example, which holds graphic images. The only way to make a Holder of BitImages is to inherit a new class from both Object, so it can be held in the Holder, and BitImage:

This was seen as an important reason for MI, and a number of class libraries were built on this model. However, as you saw in Chapter 14, the addition of templates has changed the way containers are created, so this situation isn’t a driving issue for MI.

The other reason you may need MI is logical, related to design. Unlike the above situation, where you don’t have control of the base classes, in this one you do, and you intentionally use MI to make the design more flexible or useful. (At least, you may believe this to be the case.) An example of this is in the original iostream library design:

Both istream and ostream are useful classes by themselves, but they can also be inherited into a class that combines both their characteristics and behaviors.

Regardless of what motivates you to use MI, a number of problems arise in the process, and you need to understand them to use it.

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