MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

new & delete for arrays

In C++, you can create arrays of objects on the stack or on the heap with equal ease, and (of course) the constructor is called for each object in the array. There’s one constraint, however: There must be a default constructor, except for aggregate initialization on the stack (see Chapter 3), because a constructor with no arguments must be called for every object.

When creating arrays of objects on the heap using new, there’s something else you must do. An example of such an array is

MyType* fp = new MyType[100];

This allocates enough storage on the heap for 100 MyType objects and calls the constructor for each one. Now, however, you simply have a MyType*, which is exactly the same as you’d get if you said

MyType* fp2 = new MyType;

to create a single object. Because you wrote the code, you know that fp is actually the starting address of an array, so it makes sense to select array elements with fp[2]. But what happens when you destroy the array? The statements

delete fp2; // OK
delete fp;  // Not the desired effect 
look exactly the same, and their effect will be the same: The destructor will be called for the MyType object pointed to by the given address, and then the storage will be released. For fp2 this is fine, but for fp this means the other 99 destructor calls won’t be made. The proper amount of storage will still be released, however, because it is allocated in one big chunk, and the size of the whole chunk is stashed somewhere by the allocation routine.

The solution requires you to give the compiler the information that this is actually the starting address of an array. This is accomplished with the following syntax:

delete []fp;

The empty brackets tell the compiler to generate code that fetches the number of objects in the array, stored somewhere when the array is created, and calls the destructor for that many array objects. This is actually an improved syntax from the earlier form, which you may still occasionally see in old code:

delete [100]fp;

which forced the programmer to include the number of objects in the array and introduced the possibility that the programmer would get it wrong. The additional overhead of letting the compiler handle it was very low, and it was considered better to specify the number of objects in one place rather than two.

Making a pointer more like an array

As an aside, the fp defined above can be changed to point to anything, which doesn’t make sense for the starting address of an array. It makes more sense to define it as a constant, so any attempt to modify the pointer will be flagged as an error. To get this effect, you might try

int const* q = new int[10];


const int* q = new int[10];

but in both cases the const will bind to the int, that is, what is being pointed to, rather than the quality of the pointer itself. Instead, you must say

int* const q = new int[10];

Now the array elements in q can be modified, but any change to q itself (like q++) is illegal, as it is with an ordinary array identifier.

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