MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

Early examples redesigned

Now that new and delete have been introduced (as well as many other subjects), the Stash and Stack examples from the early part of this book can be rewritten using all the features discussed in the book so far. Examining the new code will also give you a useful review of the topics.

Heap-only string class

At this point in the book, neither the Stash nor Stack classes will “own” the objects they point to; that is, when the Stash or Stack object goes out of scope, it will not call delete for all the objects it points to. The reason this is not possible is because, in an attempt to be generic, they hold void pointers. If you delete a void pointer, the only thing that happens is the memory gets released, because there’s no type information and no way for the compiler to know what destructor to call. When a pointer is returned from the Stash or Stack object, you must cast it to the proper type before using it. These problems will be dealt with in the next chapter, and in Chapter 14.

Because the container doesn’t own the pointer, the user must be responsible for it. This means there’s a serious problem if you add pointers to objects created on the stack and objects created on the heap to the same container because a delete-expression is unsafe for a pointer that hasn’t been allocated on the heap. (And when you fetch a pointer back from the container, how will you know where its object has been allocated?) To solve this problem in the following version of a simple String class, steps have been taken to prevent the creation of a String anywhere but on the heap:

//: C13:Strings.h
// Simple string class
// Can only be built on the heap
#ifndef STRINGS_H
#define STRINGS_H
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

class String {
  char* s;
  String(const char* S) {
    s = new char[strlen(S) + 1];
    std::strcpy(s, S);
  // Prevent copying:
  String(const String&);
  void operator=(String&);
  // Only make Strings on the heap:
  friend String* makeString(const char* S) {
    return new String(S);
  // Alternate approach:
  static String* make(const char* S) {
    return new String(S);
  ~String() { delete s; }
  operator char*() const { return s;}
  char* str() const { return s; }
  friend std::ostream&
    operator<<(std::ostream& os, const String& S) {
      return os << S.s;
#endif // STRINGS_H ///:~ 

To restrict what the user can do with this class, the main constructor is made private, so no one can use it but you. In addition, the copy-constructor is declared private but never defined, because you want to prevent anyone from using it, and the same goes for the operator=. The only way for the user to create an object is to call a special function that creates a String on the heap (so you know all String objects are created on the heap) and returns its pointer.

There are two approaches to this function. For ease of use, it can be a global friend function (called makeString( )), but if you don’t want to pollute the global name space, you can make it a static member function (called make( )) and call it by saying String::make( ). The latter form has the benefit of more explicitly belonging to the class.

In the constructor, note the expression:

s = new char[strlen(S) + 1];

The square brackets mean that an array of objects is being created (in this case, an array of char), and the number inside the brackets is the number of objects to create. This is how you create an array at run-time.

The automatic type conversion to char* means that you can use a String object anywhere you need a char*. In addition, an iostream output operator extends the iostream library to handle String objects.

Stash for pointers

This version of the Stash class, which you last saw in Chapter 4, is changed to reflect all the new material introduced since Chapter 4. In addition, the new PStash holds pointers to objects that exist by themselves on the heap, whereas the old Stash in Chapter 4 and earlier copied the objects into the Stash container. With the introduction of new and delete, it’s easy and safe to hold pointers to objects that have been created on the heap.

Here’s the header file for the “pointer Stash”:

//: C13:PStash.h
// Holds pointers instead of objects
#ifndef PSTASH_H
#define PSTASH_H

class PStash {
  int quantity; // Number of storage spaces
  int next; // Next empty space
   // Pointer storage:
  void** storage;
  void inflate(int increase);
  PStash() {
    quantity = 0;
    storage = 0;
    next = 0;
  // No ownership:
  ~PStash() { delete storage; }
  int add(void* element);
  void* operator[](int index) const; // Fetch
  // Number of elements in Stash:
  int count() const { return next; }
#endif // PSTASH_H ///:~ 

The underlying data elements are fairly similar, but now storage is an array of void pointers, and the allocation of storage for that array is performed with new instead of malloc( ). In the expression

void** st = new void*[quantity + increase];

the type of object allocated is a void*, so the expression allocates an array of void pointers.

The destructor deletes the storage where the void pointers are held, rather than attempting to delete what they point at (which, as previously noted, will release their storage and not call the destructors because a void pointer has no type information).

The other change is the replacement of the fetch( ) function with operator[ ], which makes more sense syntactically. Again, however, a void* is returned, so the user must remember what types are stored in the container and cast the pointers when fetching them out (a problem which will be repaired in future chapters).

Here are the member function definitions:

//: C13:PStash.cpp {O}
// Pointer Stash definitions
#include "PStash.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring> // Mem functions
using namespace std;

int PStash::add(void* element) {
  const int inflateSize = 10;
  if(next >= quantity)
  storage[next++] = element;
  return(next - 1); // Index number

// Operator overloading replacement for fetch
void* PStash::operator[](int index) const {
  if(index >= next || index < 0)
    return 0;  // Out of bounds
  // Produce pointer to desired element:
  return storage[index];

void PStash::inflate(int increase) {
  const int psz = sizeof(void*);
  // realloc() is cleaner than this:
  void** st = new void*[quantity + increase];
  memset(st, 0, (quantity + increase) * psz);
  memcpy(st, storage, quantity * psz);
  quantity += increase;
  delete storage; // Old storage
  storage = st; // Point to new memory
} ///:~ 

The add( ) function is effectively the same as before, except that the pointer is stored instead of a copy of the whole object, which, as you’ve seen, actually requires a copy-constructor for normal objects.

The inflate( ) code is actually more complicated and less efficient than in the earlier version. This is because realloc( ), which was used before, can resize an existing chunk of memory, or failing that, automatically copy the contents of your old chunk to a bigger piece. In either event you don’t have to worry about it, and it’s potentially faster if memory doesn’t have to be moved. There’s no equivalent of realloc( ) with new, however, so in this example you always have to allocate a bigger chunk, perform a copy, and delete the old chunk. In this situation it might make sense to use malloc( ), realloc( ), and free( ) in the underlying implementation rather than new and delete. Fortunately, the implementation is hidden so the client programmer will remain blissfully ignorant of these kinds of changes; also the malloc( ) family of functions is guaranteed to interact safely in parallel with new and delete, as long as you don’t mix calls with the same chunk of memory, so this is a completely plausible thing to do.

A test

Here’s the old test program for Stash rewritten for the PStash:

//: C13:Pstest.cpp
//{L} PStash
// Test of pointer Stash
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "../require.h"
#include "PStash.h"
#include "Strings.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
  PStash intStash;
  // new works with built-in types, too:
  for(int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
    intStash.add(new int(i)); // Pseudo-constr.
  for(int u = 0; u < intStash.count(); u++)
    cout << "intStash[" << u << "] = "
         << *(int*)intStash[u] << endl;

  ifstream infile("Pstest.cpp");
  assure(infile, "Pstest.cpp");
  const int bufsize = 80;
  char buf[bufsize];
  PStash stringStash;
  // Use global function makeString:
  for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
    if(infile.getline(buf, bufsize))
  // Use static member make:
  while(infile.getline(buf, bufsize))
  // Print out the strings:
  for(int v = 0; stringStash[v]; v++) {
    char* p = *(String*)stringStash[v];
    cout << "stringStash[" << v << "] = "
         << p << endl;
} ///:~ 

As before, Stashes are created and filled with information, but this time the information is the pointers resulting from new-expressions. In the first case, note the line:

intStash.add(new int(i));

The expression new int(i) uses the pseudoconstructor form, so storage for a new int object is created on the heap, and the int is initialized to the value i.

Note that during printing, the value returned by PStash::operator[ ] must be cast to the proper type; this is repeated for the rest of the PStash objects in the program. It’s an undesirable effect of using void pointers as the underlying representation and will be fixed in later chapters.

The second test opens the source code file and reads it into another PStash, converting each line into a String object. You can see that both makeString( ) and String::make( ) are used to show the difference between the two. The static member is probably the better approach because it’s more explicit.

When fetching the pointers back out, you see the expression:

char* p = *(String*)stringStash[i];

The pointer returned from operator[ ] must be cast to a String* to give it the proper type. Then the String* is dereferenced so the expression evaluates to an object, at which point the compiler sees a String object when it wants a char*, so it calls the automatic type conversion operator in String to produce a char*.

In this example, the objects created on the heap are never destroyed. This is not harmful here because the storage is released when the program ends, but it’s not something you want to do in practice. It will be fixed in later chapters.

The stack

The Stack benefits greatly from all the features introduced since Chapter 3. Here’s the new header file:

//: C13:Stack11.h
// New version of Stack
#ifndef STACK11_H
#define STACK11_H

class Stack {
  struct Link {
    void* data;
    Link* next;
    Link(void* Data, Link* Next) {
      data = Data;
      next = Next;
  } * head;
  Stack() { head = 0; }
  void push(void* Data) {
    head = new Link(Data,head);
  void* peek() const { return head->data; }
  void* pop();
#endif // STACK11_H ///:~ 

The nested struct Link can now have its own constructor because in Stack::push( ) the use of new safely calls that constructor. (And notice how much cleaner the syntax is, which reduces potential bugs.) The Link::Link( ) constructor simply initializes the data and next pointers, so in Stack::push( ) the line

head = new Link(Data,head);

not only allocates a new link, but neatly initializes the pointers for that link.

The rest of the logic is virtually identical to what it was in Chapter 3. Here is the implementation of the two remaining (non-inline) functions:

//: C13:Stack11.cpp {O}
// New version of Stack
#include "Stack11.h"

void* Stack::pop() {
  if(head == 0) return 0;
  void* result = head->data;
  Link* oldHead = head;
  head = head->next;
  delete oldHead;
  return result;

Stack::~Stack() {
  Link* cursor = head;
  while(head) {
    cursor = cursor->next;
    delete head;
    head = cursor;
} ///:~ 

The only difference is the use of delete instead of free( ) in the destructor.

As with the Stash, the use of void pointers means that the objects created on the heap cannot be destroyed by the Stack, so again there is the possibility of an undesirable memory leak if the user doesn’t take responsibility for the pointers in the Stack. You can see this in the test program:

//: C13:Stktst11.cpp
//{L} Stack11
// Test new Stack
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "../require.h"
#include "Stack11.h"
#include "Strings.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
  // Could also use command-line argument:
  ifstream file("Stktst11.cpp");
  assure(file, "Stktst11.cpp");
  const int bufsize = 100;
  char buf[bufsize];
  Stack textlines;
  // Read file and store lines in the Stack:
  // Pop lines from the Stack and print them:
  String* s;
  while((s = (String*)textlines.pop()) != 0)
    cout << *s << endl;
} ///:~ 

As with the Stash example, a file is opened and each line is turned into a String object, which is stored in a Stack and then printed. This program doesn’t delete the pointers in the Stack and the Stack itself doesn’t do it, so that memory is lost.

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