Research Areas
Based on our unique
combined experience in CAD and FEM we launch an action in IGA, in
relation with the best labs in this new field
IGA combine the use of CAD type basis functions (ex NURBS or more...) ,
as a FEM type basis with the great idea (thank you Tom!)
of using the CAD definition as the physical domain. We do not come back
on an element per element basis from the geometry to the reference
element, but instead use the CAD transformation (ie the maping from the
parametric NURBS space to the physical spaces.)
We have been advocating for years to use "physical measures" in CAD and
not parametric one. Tom Hughes had the great idea to use the full
maping and that changes a lot of things. From there, for instance, the
Pavia group ( see IMETI) found the proper way to define vector degrees
of freedom beyond the simple Raviart-Thomas ones.
Computer Aided Geometric Design
Finite Element Method
- Meshing - Hex Mesh generation using
proximity skeleton
- Domain Decomposition Methods
- Free Surfaces (Time Varying Domains)
High Perfomance Scientific Computation
Mathematical Modeling
Last modified: Aug 2015

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