Computing: Embedding Intelligence [Fall 2004]
Literature |
Berkeley's CS160 - Taught by James Landay and Laurence Rowe over
past 5-6 years. Good readings in user-centered design and prototyping
procedures. With project descriptions. Focus is on designing Web applications.
Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing - taught at GA Tech by Thad
Starner, one of the original MIT Cyborgs and a principal in fashion
Charmed Technology.
- Tom Igoe's PIC
Resources page under his Physical Computer Course Pages at the Interactive
Telecommunications Program at NYU.
Books and Papers:
Task-Centered User Interface Design - online shareware by Clayton
Lewis and John Rieman.
"Information Appliances and Beyond," edited by Eric Bergman, Morgan-Kaufmann,
2000. Interviews with Don Norman and developers from Sun, Netpliance,
Handspring, Psion, Nokia, and others.
"Modern Batteries: An Introduction to Electrochemical Power Sources,
2nd edition," edited by Colin A. Vincent and Bruno Scrosati. Good
descriptions of the modern battery systems that are appropriate to
today's appliances.
IEEE Spectrum carries consistently interesting articles on technology
directions, with detail and references to the original publications.
Contents and highlights are available on the Web; articles can be
viewed and downloaded if you are an IEEE member (which I recommend
-- student memberships are very cheap). Three recent articles relevant
to our interests are available on the course website:
Two speakers are better than 5.1 - on 3D sound without using
headphones, but incorporating some of the same tricks.
Digital TV rollout - Good information. It presents the European
point of view that HDTV is overkill, and that Europe's DVB, already
in use for satellite TV around the world, is going to win. I suspect
he's about 80% correct, since there is a lot of politics still to
be played.
Wireless data -- the mode of the future - This one's really
for next year's course. But see what Irwin Jacobs (founder, with
Andy Viterbi, of Qualcomm) thinks will help wires to go away.