Uses of Interface javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2)
JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MutableAttributeSet
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 

Uses of MutableAttributeSet in javax.swing

Methods in javax.swing that return MutableAttributeSet
 MutableAttributeSet JTextPane.getInputAttributes()
          Gets the input attributes for the pane.

Uses of MutableAttributeSet in javax.swing.text

Subinterfaces of MutableAttributeSet in javax.swing.text
 interface Style
          A collection of attributes to associate with an element in a document.

Classes in javax.swing.text that implement MutableAttributeSet
 class AbstractDocument.AbstractElement
          Implements the abstract part of an element.
 class AbstractDocument.BranchElement
          Implements a composite element that contains other elements.
 class AbstractDocument.LeafElement
          Implements an element that directly represents content of some kind.
protected  class DefaultStyledDocument.SectionElement
          Default root element for a document...
 class SimpleAttributeSet
          A straightforward implementation of MutableAttributeSet using a hash table.
 class StyleContext.NamedStyle
          A collection of attributes, typically used to represent character and paragraph styles.

Methods in javax.swing.text that return MutableAttributeSet
 MutableAttributeSet StyledEditorKit.getInputAttributes()
          Gets the input attributes for the pane.
protected  MutableAttributeSet StyleContext.createLargeAttributeSet(AttributeSet a)
          Create a large set of attributes that should trade off space for time.

Methods in javax.swing.text with parameters of type MutableAttributeSet
protected  void StyledEditorKit.createInputAttributes(Element element, MutableAttributeSet set)
          Copies the key/values in elements AttributeSet into set.
 void StyleContext.readAttributes(ObjectInputStream in, MutableAttributeSet a)
          Context-specific handling of reading in attributes
static void StyleContext.readAttributeSet(ObjectInputStream in, MutableAttributeSet a)
          Reads a set of attributes from the given object input stream that have been previously written out with writeAttributeSet.
static void StyleConstants.setBidiLevel(MutableAttributeSet a, int o)
          Sets the BidiLevel.
static void StyleConstants.setComponent(MutableAttributeSet a, Component c)
          Sets the component attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setIcon(MutableAttributeSet a, Icon c)
          Sets the icon attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setFontFamily(MutableAttributeSet a, String fam)
          Sets the font attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setFontSize(MutableAttributeSet a, int s)
          Sets the font size attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setBold(MutableAttributeSet a, boolean b)
          Sets the bold attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setItalic(MutableAttributeSet a, boolean b)
          Sets the italic attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setUnderline(MutableAttributeSet a, boolean b)
          Sets the underline attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setStrikeThrough(MutableAttributeSet a, boolean b)
          Sets the strikethrough attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setSuperscript(MutableAttributeSet a, boolean b)
          Sets the superscript attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setSubscript(MutableAttributeSet a, boolean b)
          Sets the subscript attribute.
static void StyleConstants.setForeground(MutableAttributeSet a, Color fg)
          Sets the foreground color.
static void StyleConstants.setBackground(MutableAttributeSet a, Color fg)
          Sets the background color.
static void StyleConstants.setFirstLineIndent(MutableAttributeSet a, float i)
          Sets the first line indent.
static void StyleConstants.setRightIndent(MutableAttributeSet a, float i)
          Sets right indent.
static void StyleConstants.setLeftIndent(MutableAttributeSet a, float i)
          Sets left indent.
static void StyleConstants.setLineSpacing(MutableAttributeSet a, float i)
          Sets line spacing.
static void StyleConstants.setSpaceAbove(MutableAttributeSet a, float i)
          Sets space above.
static void StyleConstants.setSpaceBelow(MutableAttributeSet a, float i)
          Sets space below.
static void StyleConstants.setAlignment(MutableAttributeSet a, int align)
          Sets alignment.
static void StyleConstants.setTabSet(MutableAttributeSet a, TabSet tabs)
          Sets the TabSet.

Uses of MutableAttributeSet in javax.swing.text.html

Classes in javax.swing.text.html that implement MutableAttributeSet
 class HTMLDocument.BlockElement
          An element that represents a structural block of HTML.
 class HTMLDocument.RunElement
          An element that represents a chunk of text that has a set of HTML character level attributes assigned to it.

Fields in javax.swing.text.html declared as MutableAttributeSet
protected  MutableAttributeSet HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.charAttr

Methods in javax.swing.text.html that return MutableAttributeSet
 MutableAttributeSet HTMLEditorKit.getInputAttributes()
          Gets the input attributes used for the styled editing actions.
protected  MutableAttributeSet StyleSheet.createLargeAttributeSet(AttributeSet a)
          Creates a large set of attributes that should trade off space for time.

Methods in javax.swing.text.html with parameters of type MutableAttributeSet
protected  void HTMLEditorKit.createInputAttributes(Element element, MutableAttributeSet set)
          Copies the key/values in elements AttributeSet into set.
 void HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback.handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)
 void HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback.handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)
 void StyleSheet.addCSSAttribute(MutableAttributeSet attr, CSS.Attribute key, String value)
          Adds a CSS attribute to the given set.
 boolean StyleSheet.addCSSAttributeFromHTML(MutableAttributeSet attr, CSS.Attribute key, String value)
          Adds a CSS attribute to the given set.
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)
          Callback from the parser.
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a, int pos)
          Callback from the parser.
protected  void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.blockOpen(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
          Adds an instruction to the parse buffer to create a block element with the given attributes.
protected  void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.addSpecialElement(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
          Adds content that is basically specified entirely in the attribute set.
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.TagAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
          Called when a start tag is seen for the type of tag this action was registered to.
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.BlockAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.ParagraphAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.SpecialAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.IsindexAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.HiddenAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a)
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.PreAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.CharacterAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)
 void HTMLDocument.HTMLReader.FormAction.start(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet attr)

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

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