DefaultFormatterFactory (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2)
JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

Class DefaultFormatterFactory

  extended byjavax.swing.JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory
      extended byjavax.swing.text.DefaultFormatterFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultFormatterFactory
extends JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory
implements Serializable

An implementation of JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory. DefaultFormatterFactory allows specifying a number of different JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatters that are to be used. The most important one is the default one (setDefaultFormatter). The default formatter will be used if a more specific formatter could not be found. The following process is used to determine the appropriate formatter to use.

  1. Is the passed in value null? Use the null formatter.
  2. Does the JFormattedTextField have focus? Use the edit formatter.
  3. Otherwise, use the display formatter.
  4. If a non-null AbstractFormatter has not been found, use the default formatter.

The following code shows how to configure a JFormattedTextField with two JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatters, one for display and one for editing.

 JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter editFormatter = ...;
 JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter displayFormatter = ...;
 DefaultFormatterFactory factory = new DefaultFormatterFactory(
                 displayFormatter, displayFormatter, editFormatter);
 JFormattedTextField tf = new JFormattedTextField(factory);

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage of all JavaBeansTM has been added to the java.beans package. Please see XMLEncoder.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
DefaultFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter defaultFormat)
          Creates a DefaultFormatterFactory with the specified JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter.
DefaultFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter defaultFormat, JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter displayFormat)
          Creates a DefaultFormatterFactory with the specified JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatters.
DefaultFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter defaultFormat, JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter displayFormat, JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter editFormat)
          Creates a DefaultFormatterFactory with the specified JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatters.
DefaultFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter defaultFormat, JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter displayFormat, JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter editFormat, JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter nullFormat)
          Creates a DefaultFormatterFactory with the specified JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatters.
Method Summary
 JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getDefaultFormatter()
          Returns the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use as a last resort, eg in case a display, edit or null JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter has not been specified.
 JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getDisplayFormatter()
          Returns the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use if the JFormattedTextField is not being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified.
 JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getEditFormatter()
          Returns the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use if the JFormattedTextField is being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified.
 JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getFormatter(JFormattedTextField source)
          Returns either the default formatter, display formatter, editor formatter or null formatter based on the state of the JFormattedTextField.
 JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getNullFormatter()
          Returns the formatter to use if the value is null.
 void setDefaultFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter atf)
          Sets the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use as a last resort, eg in case a display, edit or null JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter has not been specified.
 void setDisplayFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter atf)
          Sets the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use if the JFormattedTextField is not being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified.
 void setEditFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter atf)
          Sets the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use if the code>JFormattedTextField is being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified.
 void setNullFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter atf)
          Sets the formatter to use if the value of the JFormattedTextField is null.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultFormatterFactory()


public DefaultFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter defaultFormat)
Creates a DefaultFormatterFactory with the specified JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter.

defaultFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used if a more specific JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter can not be found.


public DefaultFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter defaultFormat,
                               JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter displayFormat)
Creates a DefaultFormatterFactory with the specified JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatters.

defaultFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used if a more specific JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter can not be found.
displayFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used when the JFormattedTextField does not have focus.


public DefaultFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter defaultFormat,
                               JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter displayFormat,
                               JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter editFormat)
Creates a DefaultFormatterFactory with the specified JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatters.

defaultFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used if a more specific JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter can not be found.
displayFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used when the JFormattedTextField does not have focus.
editFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used when the JFormattedTextField has focus.


public DefaultFormatterFactory(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter defaultFormat,
                               JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter displayFormat,
                               JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter editFormat,
                               JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter nullFormat)
Creates a DefaultFormatterFactory with the specified JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatters.

defaultFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used if a more specific JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter can not be found.
displayFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used when the JFormattedTextField does not have focus.
editFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used when the JFormattedTextField has focus.
nullFormat - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to be used when the JFormattedTextField has a null value.
Method Detail


public void setDefaultFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter atf)
Sets the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use as a last resort, eg in case a display, edit or null JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter has not been specified.

atf - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter used if a more specific is not specified


public JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getDefaultFormatter()
Returns the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use as a last resort, eg in case a display, edit or null JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter has not been specified.

JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter used if a more specific one is not specified.


public void setDisplayFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter atf)
Sets the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use if the JFormattedTextField is not being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified.

atf - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use when the JFormattedTextField does not have focus


public JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getDisplayFormatter()
Returns the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use if the JFormattedTextField is not being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified.

JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use when the JFormattedTextField does not have focus


public void setEditFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter atf)
Sets the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use if the code>JFormattedTextField is being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified.

atf - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use when the component has focus


public JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getEditFormatter()
Returns the JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use if the JFormattedTextField is being edited and either the value is not-null, or the value is null and a null formatter has has not been specified.

JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use when the component has focus


public void setNullFormatter(JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter atf)
Sets the formatter to use if the value of the JFormattedTextField is null.

atf - JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use when the value of the JFormattedTextField is null.


public JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getNullFormatter()
Returns the formatter to use if the value is null.

JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to use when the value is null


public JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter getFormatter(JFormattedTextField source)
Returns either the default formatter, display formatter, editor formatter or null formatter based on the state of the JFormattedTextField.

Specified by:
getFormatter in class JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory
source - JFormattedTextField requesting JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter to handle formatting duties.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

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