MetalLabelUI (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2)
JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

Class MetalLabelUI

  extended byjavax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI
      extended byjavax.swing.plaf.LabelUI
          extended byjavax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI
              extended byjavax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLabelUI
All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, PropertyChangeListener

public class MetalLabelUI
extends BasicLabelUI

A Windows L&F implementation of LabelUI. This implementation is completely static, i.e. there's only one UIView implementation that's shared by all JLabel objects.

Field Summary
protected static MetalLabelUI metalLabelUI
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
          Returns an instance of the UI delegate for the specified component.
protected  void paintDisabledText(JLabel l, Graphics g, String s, int textX, int textY)
          Just paint the text gray (Label.disabledForeground) rather than in the labels foreground color.
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicLabelUI
getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getPreferredSize, installComponents, installDefaults, installKeyboardActions, installListeners, installUI, layoutCL, paint, paintEnabledText, propertyChange, uninstallComponents, uninstallDefaults, uninstallKeyboardActions, uninstallListeners, uninstallUI
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI
contains, getAccessibleChild, getAccessibleChildrenCount, update
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static MetalLabelUI metalLabelUI
Constructor Detail


public MetalLabelUI()
Method Detail


public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c)
Description copied from class: ComponentUI
Returns an instance of the UI delegate for the specified component. Each subclass must provide its own static createUI method that returns an instance of that UI delegate subclass. If the UI delegate subclass is stateless, it may return an instance that is shared by multiple components. If the UI delegate is stateful, then it should return a new instance per component. The default implementation of this method throws an error, as it should never be invoked.


protected void paintDisabledText(JLabel l,
                                 Graphics g,
                                 String s,
                                 int textX,
                                 int textY)
Just paint the text gray (Label.disabledForeground) rather than in the labels foreground color.

paintDisabledText in class BasicLabelUI
See Also:
BasicLabelUI.paint(java.awt.Graphics, javax.swing.JComponent), BasicLabelUI.paintEnabledText(javax.swing.JLabel, java.awt.Graphics, java.lang.String, int, int)

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java 2 SDK SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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