FileSystemView (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2)
JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

Class FileSystemView

  extended byjavax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView

public abstract class FileSystemView
extends Object

FileSystemView is JFileChooser's gateway to the file system. Since the JDK1.1 File API doesn't allow access to such information as root partitions, file type information, or hidden file bits, this class is designed to intuit as much OS-specific file system information as possible.

Java Licensees may want to provide a different implementation of FileSystemView to better handle a given operating system.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 File createFileObject(File dir, String filename)
          Returns a File object constructed in dir from the given filename.
 File createFileObject(String path)
          Returns a File object constructed from the given path string.
protected  File createFileSystemRoot(File f)
          Creates a new File object for f with correct behavior for a file system root directory.
abstract  File createNewFolder(File containingDir)
          Creates a new folder with a default folder name.
 File getChild(File parent, String fileName)
 File getDefaultDirectory()
          Return the user's default starting directory for the file chooser.
 File[] getFiles(File dir, boolean useFileHiding)
          Gets the list of shown (i.e.
static FileSystemView getFileSystemView()
 File getHomeDirectory()
 File getParentDirectory(File dir)
          Returns the parent directory of dir.
 File[] getRoots()
          Returns all root partitions on this system.
 String getSystemDisplayName(File f)
          Name of a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in a system file browser.
 Icon getSystemIcon(File f)
          Icon for a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in a system file browser.
 String getSystemTypeDescription(File f)
          Type description for a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in a system file browser.
 boolean isComputerNode(File dir)
          Used by UI classes to decide whether to display a special icon for a computer node, e.g.
 boolean isDrive(File dir)
          Used by UI classes to decide whether to display a special icon for drives or partitions, e.g.
 boolean isFileSystem(File f)
          Checks if f represents a real directory or file as opposed to a special folder such as "Desktop".
 boolean isFileSystemRoot(File dir)
          Is dir the root of a tree in the file system, such as a drive or partition.
 boolean isFloppyDrive(File dir)
          Used by UI classes to decide whether to display a special icon for a floppy disk.
 boolean isHiddenFile(File f)
          Returns whether a file is hidden or not.
 boolean isParent(File folder, File file)
          On Windows, a file can appear in multiple folders, other than its parent directory in the filesystem.
 boolean isRoot(File f)
          Determines if the given file is a root in the navigatable tree(s).
 Boolean isTraversable(File f)
          Returns true if the file (directory) can be visited.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FileSystemView()
Method Detail


public static FileSystemView getFileSystemView()


public boolean isRoot(File f)
Determines if the given file is a root in the navigatable tree(s). Examples: Windows 98 has one root, the Desktop folder. DOS has one root per drive letter, C:\, D:\, etc. Unix has one root, the "/" directory. The default implementation gets information from the ShellFolder class.

f - a File object representing a directory
true if f is a root in the navigatable tree.
See Also:


public Boolean isTraversable(File f)
Returns true if the file (directory) can be visited. Returns false if the directory cannot be traversed.

f - the File
true if the file/directory can be traversed, otherwise false
See Also:
JFileChooser.isTraversable(, FileView.isTraversable(


public String getSystemDisplayName(File f)
Name of a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in a system file browser. Example from Windows: the "M:\" directory displays as "CD-ROM (M:)" The default implementation gets information from the ShellFolder class.

f - a File object
the file name as it would be displayed by a native file chooser
See Also:


public String getSystemTypeDescription(File f)
Type description for a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in a system file browser. Example from Windows: the "Desktop" folder is desribed as "Desktop". Override for platforms with native ShellFolder implementations.

f - a File object
the file type description as it would be displayed by a native file chooser or null if no native information is available.
See Also:


public Icon getSystemIcon(File f)
Icon for a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in a system file browser. Example from Windows: the "M:\" directory displays a CD-ROM icon. The default implementation gets information from the ShellFolder class.

f - a File object
an icon as it would be displayed by a native file chooser
See Also:


public boolean isParent(File folder,
                        File file)
On Windows, a file can appear in multiple folders, other than its parent directory in the filesystem. Folder could for example be the "Desktop" folder which is not the same as file.getParentFile().

folder - a File object repesenting a directory or special folder
file - a File object
true if folder is a directory or special folder and contains file.


public File getChild(File parent,
                     String fileName)
parent - a File object repesenting a directory or special folder
fileName - a name of a file or folder which exists in parent
a File object. This is normally constructed with new File(parent, fileName) except when parent and child are both special folders, in which case the File is a wrapper containing a ShellFolder object.


public boolean isFileSystem(File f)
Checks if f represents a real directory or file as opposed to a special folder such as "Desktop". Used by UI classes to decide if a folder is selectable when doing directory choosing.

f - a File object
true if f is a real file or directory.


public abstract File createNewFolder(File containingDir)
                              throws IOException
Creates a new folder with a default folder name.



public boolean isHiddenFile(File f)
Returns whether a file is hidden or not.


public boolean isFileSystemRoot(File dir)
Is dir the root of a tree in the file system, such as a drive or partition. Example: Returns true for "C:\" on Windows 98.

true if f is a root of a filesystem
See Also:


public boolean isDrive(File dir)
Used by UI classes to decide whether to display a special icon for drives or partitions, e.g. a "hard disk" icon. The default implementation has no way of knowing, so always returns false.

dir - a directory
false always


public boolean isFloppyDrive(File dir)
Used by UI classes to decide whether to display a special icon for a floppy disk. Implies isDrive(dir). The default implementation has no way of knowing, so always returns false.

dir - a directory
false always


public boolean isComputerNode(File dir)
Used by UI classes to decide whether to display a special icon for a computer node, e.g. "My Computer" or a network server. The default implementation has no way of knowing, so always returns false.

dir - a directory
false always


public File[] getRoots()
Returns all root partitions on this system. For example, on Windows, this would be the "Desktop" folder, while on DOS this would be the A: through Z: drives.


public File getHomeDirectory()


public File getDefaultDirectory()
Return the user's default starting directory for the file chooser.

a File object representing the default starting folder


public File createFileObject(File dir,
                             String filename)
Returns a File object constructed in dir from the given filename.


public File createFileObject(String path)
Returns a File object constructed from the given path string.


public File[] getFiles(File dir,
                       boolean useFileHiding)
Gets the list of shown (i.e. not hidden) files.


public File getParentDirectory(File dir)
Returns the parent directory of dir.

dir - the File being queried
the parent directory of dir, or null if dir is null


protected File createFileSystemRoot(File f)
Creates a new File object for f with correct behavior for a file system root directory.

f - a File object representing a file system root directory, for example "/" on Unix or "C:\" on Windows.
a new File object

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

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Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Also see the documentation redistribution policy.