LdapReferralException (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2)
JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

Class LdapReferralException

  extended byjava.lang.Throwable
      extended byjava.lang.Exception
          extended byjavax.naming.NamingException
              extended byjavax.naming.ReferralException
                  extended byjavax.naming.ldap.LdapReferralException
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class LdapReferralException
extends ReferralException

This abstract class is used to represent an LDAP referral exception. It extends the base ReferralException by providing a getReferralContext() method that accepts request controls. LdapReferralException is an abstract class. Concrete implementations of it determine its synchronization and serialization properties.

A Control[] array passed as a parameter to the getReferralContext() method is owned by the caller. The service provider will not modify the array or keep a reference to it, although it may keep references to the individual Control objects in the array.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.naming.NamingException
remainingName, resolvedName, resolvedObj, rootException
Constructor Summary
protected LdapReferralException()
          Constructs a new instance of LdapReferralException.
protected LdapReferralException(String explanation)
          Constructs a new instance of LdapReferralException using the explanation supplied.
Method Summary
abstract  Context getReferralContext()
          Retrieves the context at which to continue the method using the context's environment and no controls.
abstract  Context getReferralContext(Hashtable env)
          Retrieves the context at which to continue the method using environment properties and no controls.
abstract  Context getReferralContext(Hashtable env, Control[] reqCtls)
          Retrieves the context at which to continue the method using request controls and environment properties.
Methods inherited from class javax.naming.ReferralException
getReferralInfo, retryReferral, skipReferral
Methods inherited from class javax.naming.NamingException
appendRemainingComponent, appendRemainingName, getCause, getExplanation, getRemainingName, getResolvedName, getResolvedObj, getRootCause, initCause, setRemainingName, setResolvedName, setResolvedObj, setRootCause, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected LdapReferralException(String explanation)
Constructs a new instance of LdapReferralException using the explanation supplied. All other fields are set to null.

explanation - Additional detail about this exception. Can be null.
See Also:


protected LdapReferralException()
Constructs a new instance of LdapReferralException. All fields are set to null.

Method Detail


public abstract Context getReferralContext()
                                    throws NamingException
Retrieves the context at which to continue the method using the context's environment and no controls. The referral context is created using the environment properties of the context that threw the ReferralException and no controls.

This method is equivalent to

 getReferralContext(ctx.getEnvironment(), null);
where ctx is the context that threw the ReferralException.

It is overridden in this class for documentation purposes only. See ReferralException for how to use this method.

Specified by:
getReferralContext in class ReferralException
The non-null context at which to continue the method.
NamingException - If a naming exception was encountered. Call either retryReferral() or skipReferral() to continue processing referrals.


public abstract Context getReferralContext(Hashtable env)
                                    throws NamingException
Retrieves the context at which to continue the method using environment properties and no controls. The referral context is created using env as its environment properties and no controls.

This method is equivalent to

 getReferralContext(env, null);

It is overridden in this class for documentation purposes only. See ReferralException for how to use this method.

Specified by:
getReferralContext in class ReferralException
env - The possibly null environment to use when retrieving the referral context. If null, no environment properties will be used.
The non-null context at which to continue the method.
NamingException - If a naming exception was encountered. Call either retryReferral() or skipReferral() to continue processing referrals.


public abstract Context getReferralContext(Hashtable env,
                                           Control[] reqCtls)
                                    throws NamingException
Retrieves the context at which to continue the method using request controls and environment properties. Regardless of whether a referral is encountered directly during a context operation, or indirectly, for example, during a search enumeration, the referral exception should provide a context at which to continue the operation. To continue the operation, the client program should re-invoke the method using the same arguments as the original invocation.

reqCtls is used when creating the connection to the referred server. These controls will be used as the connection request controls for the context and context instances derived from the context. reqCtls will also be the context's request controls for subsequent context operations. See the LdapContext class description for details.

This method should be used instead of the other two overloaded forms when the caller needs to supply request controls for creating the referral context. It might need to do this, for example, when it needs to supply special controls relating to authentication.

Service provider implementors should read the "Service Provider" section in the LdapContext class description for implementation details.

reqCtls - The possibly null request controls to use for the new context. If null or the empty array means use no request controls.
env - The possibly null environment properties to use when for the new context. If null, the context is initialized with no environment properties.
The non-null context at which to continue the method.
NamingException - If a naming exception was encountered. Call either retryReferral() or skipReferral() to continue processing referrals.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

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