Uses of Class java.util.EventObject (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2)
JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use EventObject
java.awt Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. 
java.awt.dnd Drag and Drop is a direct manipulation gesture found in many Graphical User Interface systems that provides a mechanism to transfer information between two entities logically associated with presentation elements in the GUI. 
java.awt.event Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components. 
java.beans Contains classes related to developing beans -- components based on the JavaBeansTM architecture. 
java.beans.beancontext Provides classes and interfaces relating to bean context. 
java.util.prefs This package allows applications to store and retrieve user and system preference and configuration data. 
javax.naming.event Provides support for event notification when accessing naming and directory services. 
javax.naming.ldap Provides support for LDAPv3 extended operations and controls. Provides classes for the secure socket package. 
javax.print.event Package javax.print.event contains event classes and listener interfaces. 
javax.sound.sampled Provides interfaces and classes for capture, processing, and playback of sampled audio data. 
javax.sql Provides the API for server side data source access and processing from the JavaTM programming language. 
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.event Provides for events fired by Swing components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 
javax.swing.tree Provides classes and interfaces for dealing with javax.swing.JTree

Uses of EventObject in java.awt

Subclasses of EventObject in java.awt
 class AWTEvent
          The root event class for all AWT events.

Uses of EventObject in java.awt.dnd

Subclasses of EventObject in java.awt.dnd
 class DragGestureEvent
          A DragGestureEvent is passed to DragGestureListener's dragGestureRecognized() method when a particular DragGestureRecognizer detects that a platform dependent drag initiating gesture has occurred on the Component that it is tracking.
 class DragSourceDragEvent
          The DragSourceDragEvent is delivered from the DragSourceContextPeer, via the DragSourceContext, to the DragSourceListener registered with that DragSourceContext and with its associated DragSource.
 class DragSourceDropEvent
          The DragSourceDropEvent is delivered from the DragSourceContextPeer, via the DragSourceContext, to the dragDropEnd method of DragSourceListeners registered with that DragSourceContext and with its associated DragSource.
 class DragSourceEvent
          This class is the base class for DragSourceDragEvent and DragSourceDropEvent.
 class DropTargetDragEvent
          The DropTargetDragEvent is delivered to a DropTargetListener via its dragEnter() and dragOver() methods.
 class DropTargetDropEvent
          The DropTargetDropEvent is delivered via the DropTargetListener drop() method.
 class DropTargetEvent
          The DropTargetEvent is the base class for both the DropTargetDragEvent and the DropTargetDropEvent.

Uses of EventObject in java.awt.event

Subclasses of EventObject in java.awt.event
 class ActionEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that a component-defined action occured.
 class AdjustmentEvent
          The adjustment event emitted by Adjustable objects.
 class ComponentEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a component moved, changed size, or changed visibility (also, the root class for the other component-level events).
 class ContainerEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a container's contents changed because a component was added or removed.
 class FocusEvent
          A low-level event which indicates that a Component has gained or lost the input focus.
 class HierarchyEvent
          An event which indicates a change to the Component hierarchy to which a Component belongs.
 class InputEvent
          The root event class for all component-level input events.
 class InputMethodEvent
          Input method events contain information about text that is being composed using an input method.
 class InvocationEvent
          An event which executes the run() method on a Runnable when dispatched by the AWT event dispatcher thread.
 class ItemEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that an item was selected or deselected.
 class KeyEvent
          An event which indicates that a keystroke occurred in a component.
 class MouseEvent
          An event which indicates that a mouse action occurred in a component.
 class MouseWheelEvent
          An event which indicates that the mouse wheel was rotated in a component.
 class PaintEvent
          The component-level paint event.
 class TextEvent
          A semantic event which indicates that an object's text changed.
 class WindowEvent
          A low-level event that indicates that a window has changed its status.

Uses of EventObject in java.beans

Subclasses of EventObject in java.beans
 class PropertyChangeEvent
          A "PropertyChange" event gets delivered whenever a bean changes a "bound" or "constrained" property.

Uses of EventObject in java.beans.beancontext

Subclasses of EventObject in java.beans.beancontext
 class BeanContextEvent
           BeanContextEvent is the abstract root event class for all events emitted from, and pertaining to the semantics of, a BeanContext.
 class BeanContextMembershipEvent
          A BeanContextMembershipEvent encapsulates the list of children added to, or removed from, the membership of a particular BeanContext.
 class BeanContextServiceAvailableEvent
           This event type is used by the BeanContextServicesListener in order to identify the service being registered.
 class BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent
           This event type is used by the BeanContextServiceRevokedListener in order to identify the service being revoked.

Uses of EventObject in java.util.prefs

Subclasses of EventObject in java.util.prefs
 class NodeChangeEvent
          An event emitted by a Preferences node to indicate that a child of that node has been added or removed.
 class PreferenceChangeEvent
          An event emitted by a Preferences node to indicate that a preference has been added, removed or has had its value changed.

Uses of EventObject in javax.naming.event

Subclasses of EventObject in javax.naming.event
 class NamingEvent
          This class represents an event fired by a naming/directory service.
 class NamingExceptionEvent
          This class represents an event fired when the procedures/processes used to collect information for notifying listeners of NamingEvents threw a NamingException.

Uses of EventObject in javax.naming.ldap

Subclasses of EventObject in javax.naming.ldap
 class UnsolicitedNotificationEvent
          This class represents an event fired in response to an unsolicited notification sent by the LDAP server.

Uses of EventObject in

Subclasses of EventObject in
 class HandshakeCompletedEvent
          This event indicates that an SSL handshake completed on a given SSL connection.
 class SSLSessionBindingEvent
          This event is propagated to a SSLSessionBindingListener.

Uses of EventObject in javax.print.event

Subclasses of EventObject in javax.print.event
 class PrintEvent
          Class PrintEvent is the super class of all Print Service API events.
 class PrintJobAttributeEvent
          Class PrintJobAttributeEvent encapsulates an event a PrintService reports to let the client know that one or more printing attributes for a PrintJob have changed.
 class PrintJobEvent
          Class PrintJobEvent encapsulates common events a print job reports to let a listener know of progress in the processing of the DocPrintJob.
 class PrintServiceAttributeEvent
          Class PrintServiceAttributeEvent encapsulates an event a Print Service instance reports to let the client know of changes in the print service state.

Uses of EventObject in javax.sound.sampled

Subclasses of EventObject in javax.sound.sampled
 class LineEvent
          The LineEvent class encapsulates information that a line sends its listeners whenever the line opens, closes, starts, or stops.

Uses of EventObject in javax.sql

Subclasses of EventObject in javax.sql
 class ConnectionEvent
          An Event object that provides information about the source of a connection-related event.
 class RowSetEvent
          An Event object generated when an event occurs to a RowSet object.

Uses of EventObject in javax.swing

Methods in javax.swing with parameters of type EventObject
 boolean AbstractCellEditor.isCellEditable(EventObject e)
          Returns true.
 boolean AbstractCellEditor.shouldSelectCell(EventObject anEvent)
          Returns true.
 boolean DefaultCellEditor.isCellEditable(EventObject anEvent)
          Forwards the message from the CellEditor to the delegate.
 boolean DefaultCellEditor.shouldSelectCell(EventObject anEvent)
          Forwards the message from the CellEditor to the delegate.
 boolean DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate.isCellEditable(EventObject anEvent)
          Returns true if anEvent is not a MouseEvent.
 boolean DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate.shouldSelectCell(EventObject anEvent)
          Returns true to indicate that the editing cell may be selected.
 boolean DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate.startCellEditing(EventObject anEvent)
          Returns true to indicate that editing has begun.
 boolean CellEditor.isCellEditable(EventObject anEvent)
          Asks the editor if it can start editing using anEvent.
 boolean CellEditor.shouldSelectCell(EventObject anEvent)
          Returns true if the editing cell should be selected, false otherwise.
 boolean JTable.editCellAt(int row, int column, EventObject e)
          Programmatically starts editing the cell at row and column, if the cell is editable.

Uses of EventObject in javax.swing.event

Subclasses of EventObject in javax.swing.event
 class AncestorEvent
          An event reported to a child component that originated from an ancestor in the component hierarchy.
 class CaretEvent
          CaretEvent is used to notify interested parties that the text caret has changed in the event source.
 class ChangeEvent
          ChangeEvent is used to notify interested parties that state has changed in the event source.
 class HyperlinkEvent
          HyperlinkEvent is used to notify interested parties that something has happened with respect to a hypertext link.
 class InternalFrameEvent
          An AWTEvent that adds support for JInternalFrame objects as the event source.
 class ListDataEvent
          Defines an event that encapsulates changes to a list.
 class ListSelectionEvent
          An event that characterizes a change in the current selection.
 class MenuDragMouseEvent
          MenuDragMouseEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a MouseEvent forwarded to it under drag conditions.
 class MenuEvent
          MenuEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu which is the event source has been posted, selected, or canceled.
 class MenuKeyEvent
          MenuKeyEvent is used to notify interested parties that the menu element has received a KeyEvent forwarded to it in a menu tree.
 class PopupMenuEvent
          PopupMenuEvent only contains the source of the event which is the JPoupMenu sending the event
 class TableColumnModelEvent
          TableColumnModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table column model has changed, such as a column was added, removed, or moved.
 class TableModelEvent
          TableModelEvent is used to notify listeners that a table model has changed.
 class TreeExpansionEvent
          An event used to identify a single path in a tree.
 class TreeModelEvent
          Encapsulates information describing changes to a tree model, and used to notify tree model listeners of the change.
 class TreeSelectionEvent
          An event that characterizes a change in the current selection.
 class UndoableEditEvent
          An event indicating that an operation which can be undone has occurred.

Uses of EventObject in javax.swing.text.html

Subclasses of EventObject in javax.swing.text.html
 class HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent
          HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent is used to notify interested parties that link was activated in a frame.

Uses of EventObject in javax.swing.tree

Methods in javax.swing.tree with parameters of type EventObject
 boolean DefaultTreeCellEditor.isCellEditable(EventObject event)
          If the realEditor returns true to this message, prepareForEditing is messaged and true is returned.
 boolean DefaultTreeCellEditor.shouldSelectCell(EventObject event)
          Messages the realEditor for the return value.
protected  boolean DefaultTreeCellEditor.shouldStartEditingTimer(EventObject event)
          Returns true if event is a MouseEvent and the click count is 1.
protected  boolean DefaultTreeCellEditor.canEditImmediately(EventObject event)
          Returns true if event is null, or it is a MouseEvent with a click count > 2 and inHitRegion returns true.

JavaTM 2 Platform
Std. Ed. v1.4.2

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java 2 SDK SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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