Course Regulations
Administration and Regulations

Course Staff & Reception Hours

Teaching Assistants:
Time & Place

Exercise Classes:
Electronic Communication

There are two newsgroups in the course. The first, local.course.dast.stud, is intended for free discussion among the students.
The second, local.course.dast.ta, is open to all your technical questions for the "metargelim" regarding Java and the exercises. Please use it only if you think your question is of interest to the whole class. Messages posted in this newsgroup will not apper immediately, but only after they are approved. Check the course newsgroup before posting a question, we will not answer questions that have already been ansewered.

It is your responsibility to check the course newsgroup once in a while for our messages, updates, corrections, etc. Any message posted in the course newsgroup will be considered common knowledge.

The course mailbox,, is open to your personal questions, remarks, requests, wishes, and (well justified) complaints.

Please do not send E-Mail to the staff's personal mailboxes.

Course Requirements

The assigments of this course include:

All assignments are mandatory.

The final course grade will be calculated as follows:

65% Final Exam
25% Programming Exercises
10% Theoretical Exercises