Course Rules

1. Talpiot and Engineering (6 credits vs. 7 credits)
   - All is identical with the exception of programming homeworks 2 and 3.
   - The material, exam, theoretical exercises are identical for all
   - Can attend any of the exercise sessions (with the exception of Talpiot)

2. Grade
   - 65% Exam, 25% Programming, 10% Theoretical
   - Average in course: 82-85, with no more than 10% above 95 (Rector rules)
   - Time investment is NOT proportional to contribution to grade

3. Course material
   - Lectures, exercises, homeworks, guidelines, and newsgroups are posted on home web page
   - Announcements on homeworks and other matters will be made on the web.
   - It is your responsibility to check for announcements and guidelines on the Web

4. Homework

   Theoretical exercises
   - Five, roughly once every two weeks, independent from each other
   - Individual (oral discussion ok, no written notes)
   - 10% of grade, 2% each exercise
   - Clear writing and concise answers.
   - Submission in the course mailbox

   Programming exercises
   - Three, roughly once a month, part of a project.
   - Groups of two - no switching partners in the middle of the semester -
   25% of grade, 5%, 10% and 10% each
   - Electronic submission AND printout
   - Includes automatic checking (35%) and manual checking for style, choice of data structures, and modularity of code (65%).
   - Must follow carefully posted guidelines
   - Late submissions policy: maximum 3 working days, -5 points per day

All homework are MANDATORY. Not handing in a homework means getting '0'.

5. Submissions policies
   - Follow the posted submission guidelines. The deadlines are FIXED.
   - Late submissions are ONLY accepted for exceptional situations (miluim, special personal circumstances).
   - Theoretical exercises: no late submissions.
   - Requests are made to TAs by email. You must obtain a written email confirmation. Oral consents are not considered valid.
   - Miluim: an extension will be granted upon showing a copy of the tzav miluim. You are asked to request the extension BEFORE your absence. As a rule, you will be granted an extension on a one to one basis: one day of extension for one day of miluim by the TA. You MUST obtain the approval from the TA by email
   - Sickness, personal situations: handled on an individual basis. When possible, request the extension before your absence.

6. Appeals
   - Appeals to exercise grades can be submitted in writing up to two weeks after the exercise was returned. Later appeals will NOT be considered.
   - Appeals MUST in writing in the format specified in the Web page and must include the original printout or homework. Oral appeals and appeals in the wrong format will be automatically rejected.
   - In-person appeals must be during office hours or exceptionally, by prior appointment
   - No walk-ins will be accepted.

7. Exam
   - Mandatory for everyone. All the questions must be answered!
   - No Moed Guimel!
   - Grades handled within 2 weeks.
   - Irurim must be in writing, ans should be filed at most a week after the grades are published. A written answer will be provided at most two weeks afterwords; all irur material will be files at the mazkirut (dean instructions).

8. Newsgroups and Email
   - Emails and newsgroups should be used sparingly!
   - Newsgroups include FAQs with questions and clarifications of general interest
   - Read the FAQs before sending your email. If the answer is provided by the FAQ, your email will not be answered.
   - Emails must be sent to dast@cs. Emails sent to personal TA or grader logins will not be answered.
   - Only structured emails in the following format will be considered: o Request for extension o Request for meeting with TA specify the name of the TA o Appeal o Clarification on homework o Help with class material
   - We will make our best to reply to your email within 48 72 hours, excluding Fridays and Saturdays, and holidays. However, if the volume increases substantially, expect further delays. -
   Students that abuse the email will be blacklisted and their messages will not be answered.

9. Office hours
   - If you want to see a TA in person, you must do so during his/her office hours or by prior email appointment.
   - No walk-ins will be accepted!

10. C Copying
   - Copying is regarded as a very serious offense and will be checked and prosecuted according to the University rules.
   - We have means to check for copying : automatic program cpmparison, logs of computer usage, etc.
   - Verbal communication is allowed, but no written or electronic material should exchange hands.