Parallel Workloads Archive: LCG Grid

The LCG Grid log

System: LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Computing Grid
Duration: 11 days in November – December 2005
Jobs: 188,041

This log contains 11 days of activity from multiple nodes that make up the LCG (Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid). For more information about this installation, see URL

The MaxProcs noted in the log is the total number of processors in the grid, as stated in the accompanying paper. This does not necessarily reflect the nodes that were available to and used by the jobs in the log. Moreover, the log only contains jobs submitted via the grid resource brokers, and does not include locally generated loads. Therefore the calculation of system utilization is unreliable.

The LCG data was graciously provided by the e-Science Group of HEP at Imperial College London. If you use this log in your work, please use a similar acknowledgment. It was deposited in this repository by Hui Li (

This log was analyzed and described in Hui Li, Michael Muskulus, and Lex Wolters, "Modeling job arrivals in a data-intensive grid", In Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, Eitan Frachtenberg and Uwe Schwiegelshohn, (ed.), Springer-Verlag, to appear.


LCG-2005-0 1.3 MB gz original log
LCG-2005-1.swf 1.9 MB gz converted log
(May need to click with right mouse button to save to disk)

Papers Using this Log:

This log was used in the following papers:

[li06] [shah10] [shah11] [carvalho12] [leal13]

System Environment

Users submit serial or parallel jobs to resource brokers. The resource brokers find suitable resources for carying out the computation, and send processes for execution on the different systems. The log is at the level of individual processes, and does not contain data about which processes may be part of the same parallel job. A side effect is that all jobs (actually processes) are recorded as having a size of 1.

Log Format

The original log is available as LCG-2005-0.

This file contains one line per completed job with the following space separated fields:

Conversion Notes

The converted log is available as LCG-2005-1.swf. The conversion from the original format to SWF was done subject to the following. The conversion was done by a log-specific parser in conjunction with a more general converter module (version 2).

The Log in Graphics

File LCG-2005-1.swf

weekly cycle daily cycle burstiness and active users job size and runtime histograms job size vs. runtime scatterplot

Parallel Workloads Archive - Logs