Alon Eden
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
I am a Senior Lecturer (≅Assistant Professor) in the School of Computer Science and Engineering of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
My main research interests lie in the interface of computer science and economics. I am interested in applying computational tools in the design and analysis of economic mechanisms, and in considering computational problems from a game theoretic perspective.
I received my PhD from Tel Aviv University where I was advised by Michal Feldman and Amos Fiat, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Harvard's EconCS group, hosted by Yiling Chen and David Parkes. My Curriculum Vitae can be found here.
Check out my wife's page, Talya Eden. She does awesome things in the field of sublinear algorithms.
Laura Doval and I are chairing EC 2024 Tutorials. Please consider joining us!
I am organizing an EconCS seminar at the Hebrew University this year! Please contact me if you're interested in giving a talk.
Combinatorial Auctions with Interdependent Valuations: SOS to the Rescue
with Michal Feldman, Amos Fiat, Kira Goldner and Anna Karlin. Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR).
with Uriel Feige and Michal Feldman. Special issue of selected APPROX 2019 papers in Theory of Computing (ToC), 18(6):1-33, 2022.
A Simple and Approximately Optimal Mechanism for a Buyer with Complements [arxiv]
with Michal Feldman, Ophir Friedler, Inbal Talgam-Cohen and S. Matthew Weinberg. Operations Research (OR), 69(1):188–206,2020
Online Random Sampling for Budgeted Settings
with Michal Feldman and Adi Vardi. Special issue of selected SAGT 2017 papers in Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS), 63(7):1470-1498, 2019.
Plant-and-Steal: Truthful Fair Allocations via Predictions
with Ilan Reuven Cohen, Talya Eden and Arsen Vasilyan, in NeurIPS 2024.
Private Interdependent Valuations: New Bounds for Single-Item Auctions and Matroids
with Michal Feldman, Simon Mauras and Divyarthi Mohan, in EC 2024.
Platform Equilibrium: Analyzing Social Welfare in Online Market Places
with Gary Qiurui Ma and David C. Parkes, in EC 2024.
Constant Approximation for Private Interdependent Valuations
with Michal Feldman, Kira Goldner, Simon Mauras and Divyarthi Mohan, in FOCS 2023.
Presented in Highlights Beyond EC 2024.
Platform Behavior under Market Shocks: A Simulation Framework and Reinforcement-Learning Based Study
with Xintong Wang, Gary Qiurui Ma, Clara Li, Alexander Trott, Stephan Zheng nd David C. Parkes, in TheWebConf (formerly WWW) 2023.
with Yiling Chen and Juntao Wang, in ITCS 2022.
Private Interdependent Valuations
with Kira Goldner and Shuran Zheng, in SODA 2022.
Reinforcement Learning of Simple Indirect Mechanisms
with Gianluca Brero, Matthias Gerstgrasser, David C. Parkes and Duncan Rheingans-Yoo, in AAAI 2021.
Also appeared in ML For Economic Policy Workshop@NeurIPS 2020.
Price of Anarchy of Simple Auctions with Interdependent Values
with Michal Feldman, Inbal Talgam-Cohen and Ori Zviran, in AAAI 2021.
An Economics-Based Analysis of RANKING for Online Bipartite Matching
with Michal Feldman, Amos Fiat and Kineret Segal, in SOSA 2021.
On the Power and Limits of Dynamic Pricing in Combinatorial Markets
with Ben Berger and Michal Feldman, in WINE 2020.
Combinatorial Auctions with Interdependent Valuations: SOS to the Rescue
with Michal Feldman, Amos Fiat, Kira Goldner and Anna Karlin, in EC 2019.
Best Paper with Student Lead Authors.
Best Presentation by a Student or Postdoctoral Researcher - Honorable Mention. [video]
with Uriel Feige and Michal Feldman, in APPROX 2019.
Dynamic Pricing of Servers on Trees
with Ilan Reuven Cohen, Amos Fiat and Lukasz Jez, in APPROX 2019.
Interdependent Values without Single-Crossing
with Michal Feldman, Amos Fiat and Kira Goldner, in EC 2018.
Truthful Prompt Scheduling for Minimizing Sum of Completion Times
with Michal Feldman, Amos Fiat and Tzahi Taub, in ESA 2018.
The Competition Complexity of Auctions: A Bulow-Klemperer Result for Multi-Dimensional Bidders
with Michal Feldman, Ophir Friedler, Inbal Talgam-Cohen and S. Matthew Weinberg, in EC 2017.
A Simple and Approximately Optimal Mechanism for a Buyer with Complements
with Michal Feldman, Ophir Friedler, Inbal Talgam-Cohen and S. Matthew Weinberg, in EC 2017.
Online Random Sampling for Budgeted Settings
with Michal Feldman and Adi Vardi, in SAGT 2017.
Best Paper.
with Tomer Ezra and Michal Feldman, in ESA 2017.
The Invisible Hand of Dynamic Market Pricing
with Vincent Cohen-Addad, Michal Feldman and Amos Fiat, in EC 2016.
with Shaddin Dughmi, Michal Feldman, Amos Fiat and Stefano Lenoardi, in EC 2016.
(Corrected a minor inaccuracy in the conference version regarding the separation oracle.)
Pricing Online Decisions: Beyond Auctions
with Ilan Reuven Cohen, Amos Fiat and Lukasz Jez, in SODA 2015.
Learning Stackelberg Equilibria in Sequential Price Mechanisms
with Gianluca Brero, Darshan Chakrabarti, Matthias Gerstgrasser, Vincent Li and David C. Parkes, in Workshop for Reinforcement Learning Theory@ICML 2021.
Full CV in PDF.
- TA in Algorithms, 2016-2017.
- TA in Discrete Math, 2014-2016.
- TA in Programming for Engineers, 2014.