main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i, num, def_size, full_driver = 1;
char answ[10];
int sb_base = 0;
char old_config_file[200];
fprintf (stderr, "\nConfiguring the sound support\n\n");
if (getuid () != 0) /* Not root */
char *home;
if ((home = getenv ("HOME")) != NULL)
sprintf (old_config_file, "%s/.soundconf", home);
oldconf = old_config_file;
if (argc > 1)
if (strcmp (argv[1], "-o") == 0 &&
use_old_config (oldconf))
exit (0);
if (access (oldconf, R_OK) == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Old configuration exists in %s. Use it (y/n) ? ",
if (think_positively (1))
if (use_old_config (oldconf))
exit (0);
printf ("/*\tGenerated by configure. Don't edit!!!!\t*/\n\n");
* Partial driver
full_driver = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= OPT_LAST; i++)
if (can_select_option (i))
if (!(selected_options & B (i))) /*
* Not selected yet
if (!hw_table[i].verify)
if (hw_table[i].alias)
selected_options |= B (hw_table[i].alias);
selected_options |= B (i);
int def_answ = hw_table[i].default_answ;
fprintf (stderr,
def_answ ? " %s (y/n) ? " : " %s (n/y) ? ",
if (think_positively (def_answ))
if (hw_table[i].alias)
selected_options |= B (hw_table[i].alias);
selected_options |= B (i);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_SBPRO))
fprintf (stderr, "Do you want support for the mixer of SG NX Pro ? ");
if (think_positively (0))
printf ("#define __SGNXPRO__\n");
if (selected_options & B (OPT_SB))
fprintf (stderr, "Do you want support for the MV Jazz16 (ProSonic etc.) ? ");
if (think_positively (0))
printf ("#define JAZZ16\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\tValid 16 bit DMA channels for ProSonic/Jazz 16 are\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\t1, 3, 5 (default), 7\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\tEnter 16bit DMA channel for Prosonic : ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 5);
while (num != 1 && num != 3 && num != 5 && num != 7);
fprintf (stderr, "ProSonic 16 bit DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define JAZZ_DMA16 %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "Do you have SoundMan Wave (n/y) ? ");
if (think_positively (0))
printf ("#define SM_WAVE\n");
"Logitech SoundMan Wave has a microcontroller which must be initialized\n"
"before MIDI emulation works. This is possible only if the microcode\n"
"file is compiled into the driver.\n"
"Do you have access to the MIDI0001.BIN file (y/n) ? ");
if (think_positively (1))
char path[512];
fprintf (stderr,
"Enter full name of the MIDI0001.BIN file (pwd is sound): ");
scanf ("%s", path);
fprintf (stderr, "including microcode file %s\n", path);
if (!bin2hex (path, "smw-midi0001.h", "smw_ucode"))
fprintf (stderr, "couldn't open %s file\n",
fprintf (stderr, "try again with correct path? ");
if (think_positively (1))
goto midi0001_again;
printf ("#define SMW_MIDI0001_INCLUDED\n");
printf ("/*build bin2hex %s smw-midi0001.h smw_ucode */\n", path);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_SBPRO))
fprintf (stderr, "\n\nThe Logitech SoundMan Games supports 44 kHz in stereo\n"
"while the standard SB Pro supports just 22 kHz/stereo\n"
"You have an option to enable the SM Games mode.\n"
"However do enable it only if you are _sure_ that your\n"
"card is a SM Games. Enabling this feature with a\n"
"plain old SB Pro _will_ cause troubles with stereo mode.\n"
"DANGER! Read the above once again before answering 'y'\n"
"Answer 'n' in case you are unsure what to do!\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Do you have a Logitech SoundMan Games (n/y) ? ");
if (think_positively (0))
printf ("#define SM_GAMES\n");
if (selected_options & B (OPT_SB16))
selected_options |= B (OPT_SBPRO);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_AEDSP16))
int sel1 = 0;
if (selected_options & B (OPT_SBPRO))
fprintf (stderr, "Do you want support for the Audio Excel SoundBlaster pro mode ? ");
if (think_positively (1))
printf ("#define AEDSP16_SBPRO\n");
sel1 = 1;
if ((selected_options & B (OPT_MSS)) && (sel1 == 0))
fprintf (stderr, "Do you want support for the Audio Excel Microsoft Sound System mode? ");
if (think_positively (1))
printf ("#define AEDSP16_MSS\n");
sel1 = 1;
if (sel1 == 0)
printf ("#undef CONFIGURE_SOUNDCARD\n");
printf ("#undef KERNEL_SOUNDCARD\n");
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR!!!!!\nYou loose: you must select at least one mode when using Audio Excel!\n");
exit (-1);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_MPU401))
printf ("#define AEDSP16_MPU401\n");
if (selected_options & B (OPT_PSS))
"if you wish to emulate the soundblaster and you have a DSPxxx.LD.\n"
"then you must include the LD in the kernel.\n"
"Do you wish to include a LD (y/n) ? ");
if (think_positively (1))
char path[512];
fprintf (stderr,
"Enter the path to your LD file (pwd is sound): ");
scanf ("%s", path);
fprintf (stderr, "including LD file %s\n", path);
if (!bin2hex (path, "synth-ld.h", "pss_synth"))
fprintf (stderr, "couldn't open %s as the ld file\n",
fprintf (stderr, "try again with correct path? ");
if (think_positively (1))
goto genld_again;
printf ("#define PSS_HAVE_LD\n");
printf ("/*build bin2hex %s synth-ld.h pss_synth */\n", path);
FILE *sf = fopen ("synth-ld.h", "w");
fprintf (sf, "/* automaticaly generated by configure */\n");
fprintf (sf, "unsigned char pss_synth[1];\n"
"#define pss_synthLen 0\n");
fclose (sf);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_TRIX))
fprintf (stderr, "MediaTriX audioTriX Pro has a onboard microcontroller\n"
"which needs to be initialized by downloading\n"
"the code from file TRXPRO.HEX in the DOS driver\n"
"directory. If you don't have the TRXPRO.HEX handy\n"
"you may skip this step. However SB and MPU-401\n"
"modes of AudioTriX Pro will not work without\n"
"this file!\n"
"Do you want to include TRXPRO.HEX in your kernel (y/n) ? ");
if (think_positively (1))
char path[512];
fprintf (stderr,
"Enter the path to your TRXPRO.HEX file (pwd is sound): ");
scanf ("%s", path);
fprintf (stderr, "including HEX file %s\n", path);
if (!hex2hex (path, "trix_boot.h", "trix_boot"))
goto hex2hex_again;
printf ("/*build hex2hex %s trix_boot.h trix_boot */\n", path);
printf ("#define INCLUDE_TRIX_BOOT\n");
if (!(selected_options & ANY_DEVS))
printf ("#undef CONFIGURE_SOUNDCARD\n");
printf ("#undef KERNEL_SOUNDCARD\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\n*** This combination is useless. Sound driver disabled!!! ***\n\n");
exit (0);
printf ("#define KERNEL_SOUNDCARD\n");
for (i = 0; i <= OPT_LAST; i++)
if (!hw_table[i].alias)
if (selected_options & B (i))
printf ("#undef EXCLUDE_%s\n", hw_table[i].macro);
printf ("#define EXCLUDE_%s\n", hw_table[i].macro);
printf ("\n");
i = 0;
while (extra_options[i].name != NULL)
if (selected_options & extra_options[i].mask)
printf ("#undef EXCLUDE_%s\n", extra_options[i].name);
printf ("#define EXCLUDE_%s\n", extra_options[i].name);
printf ("\n");
build_defines ();
* IRQ and DMA settings
if (selected_options & B (OPT_AEDSP16))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for Audio Excel DSP 16 ?\n"
"If you are using Audio Excel SoundBlaster emulation,\n"
"you must use the same I/O base for Audio Excel and SoundBlaster.\n"
"The factory default is 220 (other possible value is 240)\n"
"Enter the Audio Excel DSP 16 I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x220);
fprintf (stderr, "Audio Excel DSP 16 I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define AEDSP16_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
if ((selected_options & B (OPT_SB)) && selected_options & (B (OPT_AUDIO) | B (OPT_MIDI)))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for SB?\n"
"The factory default is 220\n"
"Enter the SB I/O base: ");
sb_base = num = ask_value ("%x", 0x220);
fprintf (stderr, "SB I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define SBC_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for SoundBlaster?\n"
"The IRQ address is defined by the jumpers on your card.\n"
"The factory default is either 5 or 7 (depending on the model).\n"
"Valid values are 9(=2), 5, 7 and 10.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 7);
if (num != 9 && num != 5 && num != 7 && num != 10)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 7;
fprintf (stderr, "SoundBlaster IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define SBC_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & (B (OPT_SBPRO) | B (OPT_PAS)))
fprintf (stderr, "\nDMA channel for SoundBlaster?\n"
"For SB 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 this MUST be 1\n"
"SB Pro supports DMA channels 0, 1 and 3 (jumper)\n"
"For SB16 give the 8 bit DMA# here\n"
"The default value is 1\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 1);
if (num < 0 || num > 3)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 1;
fprintf (stderr, "SoundBlaster DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define SBC_DMA %d\n", num);
sb_dma = num;
if (selected_options & B (OPT_SB16))
fprintf (stderr, "\n16 bit DMA channel for SoundBlaster 16?\n"
"Possible values are 5, 6 or 7\n"
"The default value is 6\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 6);
if ((num < 5 || num > 7) && (num != sb_dma))
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 6;
fprintf (stderr, "SoundBlaster DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define SB16_DMA %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for SB16 Midi?\n"
"Possible values are 300 and 330\n"
"The factory default is 330\n"
"Enter the SB16 Midi I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x330);
fprintf (stderr, "SB16 Midi I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define SB16MIDI_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_PAS))
if (selected_options & (B (OPT_AUDIO) | B (OPT_MIDI)))
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for ProAudioSpectrum?\n"
"The recommended value is the IRQ used under DOS.\n"
"Please refer to the ProAudioSpectrum User's Guide.\n"
"The default value is 10.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 10);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15 || num == 2) /*
* Illegal
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 10;
fprintf (stderr, "ProAudioSpectrum IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define PAS_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_AUDIO))
fprintf (stderr, "\nDMA number for ProAudioSpectrum?\n"
"The recommended value is the DMA channel under DOS.\n"
"Please refer to the ProAudioSpectrum User's Guide.\n"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num == 4 || num < 0 || num > 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nProAudioSpectrum DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define PAS_DMA %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nEnable Joystick port on ProAudioSpectrum (n/y) ? ");
if (think_positively (0))
printf ("#define PAS_JOYSTICK_ENABLE\n");
fprintf (stderr, "PAS16 could be noisy with some mother boards\n"
"There is a command line switch (was it :T?)\n"
"in the DOS driver for PAS16 which solves this.\n"
"Don't enable this feature unless you have problems!\n"
"Do you have to use this switch with DOS (y/n) ?");
if (think_positively (0))
printf ("#define BROKEN_BUS_CLOCK\n");
if (selected_options & B (OPT_GUS))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for Gravis Ultrasound?\n"
"Valid choices are 210, 220, 230, 240, 250 or 260\n"
"The factory default is 220\n"
"Enter the GUS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x220);
if ((num > 0x260) || ((num & 0xf0f) != 0x200) || ((num & 0x0f0) > 0x060))
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 0x220;
if ((selected_options & B (OPT_SB)) && (num == sb_base))
fprintf (stderr, "FATAL ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"
"\t0x220 cannot be used if SoundBlaster is enabled.\n"
"\tRun the config again.\n");
printf ("#undef CONFIGURE_SOUNDCARD\n");
printf ("#undef KERNEL_SOUNDCARD\n");
exit (-1);
fprintf (stderr, "GUS I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define GUS_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for Gravis UltraSound?\n"
"The recommended value is the IRQ used under DOS.\n"
"Please refer to the Gravis Ultrasound User's Guide.\n"
"The default value is 15.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 15);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15 || num == 2) /*
* Invalid
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 15;
fprintf (stderr, "Gravis UltraSound IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define GUS_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nDMA number for Gravis UltraSound?\n"
"The recommended value is the DMA channel under DOS.\n"
"Please refer to the Gravis Ultrasound User's Guide.\n"
"The default value is 6\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 6);
if (num == 4 || num < 0 || num > 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 6;
fprintf (stderr, "\nGravis UltraSound DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define GUS_DMA %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nSecond DMA channel for GUS (optional)?\n"
"The default value is 7 (-1 disables)\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 7);
if (num > 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 7;
fprintf (stderr, "\nGUS DMA2 set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define GUS_DMA2 %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_GUS16))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for GUS16 (GUS 16 bit sampling option)?\n"
"The factory default is 530\n"
"Other possible values are 604, E80 or F40\n"
"Enter the GUS16 I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x530);
fprintf (stderr, "GUS16 I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define GUS16_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for GUS16?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 3, 4, 5, 7, or 9(=2).\n"
"The default value is 7.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 7);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 7;
fprintf (stderr, "GUS16 IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define GUS16_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nDMA number for GUS16?\n"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num < 0 || num > 3)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nGUS16 DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define GUS16_DMA %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_MPU401))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for MPU-401?\n"
"The factory default is 330\n"
"Enter the MPU-401 I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x330);
fprintf (stderr, "MPU-401 I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define MPU_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for MPU-401?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9(=2).\n"
"The default value is 9.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 9);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 5;
fprintf (stderr, "MPU-401 IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MPU_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_MAUI))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for TB Maui (MIDI I/O of TB Tropez)?\n"
"The factory default is 330\n"
"Valid alternatives are 210, 230, 260, 290, 300, 320, 338 and 330\n"
"Enter the Maui/Tropez MIDI I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x330);
fprintf (stderr, "Maui I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define MAUI_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for TB Maui (TB Tropez MIDI)?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 5, 9, 12 and 15.\n"
"The default value is 9.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 9);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 5;
fprintf (stderr, "Maui/Tropez MIDI IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MAUI_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_UART6850))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for 6850 UART Midi?\n"
"Be carefull. No defaults.\n"
"Enter the 6850 UART I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0);
if (num == 0)
* Invalid value entered
printf ("#define EXCLUDE_UART6850\n");
fprintf (stderr, "6850 UART I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define U6850_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for 6850 UART?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9(=2).\n"
"The default value is 5.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 5);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 5;
fprintf (stderr, "6850 UART IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define U6850_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_PSS))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for PSS?\n"
"The factory default is 220 (240 also possible)\n"
"Enter the PSS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x220);
fprintf (stderr, "PSS I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define PSS_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for PSS?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9(=2) or 10.\n"
"The default value is 10.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 10);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 7;
fprintf (stderr, "PSS IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define PSS_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nDMA number for ECHO-PSS?\n"
"The default value is 5\n"
"Valid values are 5, 6 and 7\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 5);
if (num < 5 || num > 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 5;
fprintf (stderr, "\nECHO-PSS DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define PSS_DMA %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMSS (MS Sound System) I/O base for the PSS card?\n"
"The factory default is 530\n"
"Other possible values are 604, E80 or F40\n"
"Enter the MSS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x530);
fprintf (stderr, "PSS/MSS I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define PSS_MSS_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for the MSS mode of PSS ?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 7, 9(=2), 10 and 11.\n"
"The default value is 11.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 11);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 11;
fprintf (stderr, "PSS/MSS IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define PSS_MSS_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMSS DMA number for PSS?\n"
"Valid values are 0, 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num == 4 || num < 0 || num > 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nPSS/MSS DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define PSS_MSS_DMA %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMIDI I/O base for PSS?\n"
"The factory default is 330\n"
"Enter the PSS MIDI I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x330);
fprintf (stderr, "PSS/MIDI I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define PSS_MPU_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for PSS MIDI?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9(=2).\n"
"The default value is 9.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 9);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 5;
fprintf (stderr, "PSS MIDI IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define PSS_MPU_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_MSS))
fprintf (stderr, "\nI/O base for MSS (MS Sound System)?\n"
"The factory default is 530\n"
"Other possible values are 604, E80 or F40\n"
"Enter the MSS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x530);
fprintf (stderr, "MSS I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define MSS_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for MSS?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 7, 9(=2), 10 and 11.\n"
"The default value is 10.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 10);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 7;
fprintf (stderr, "MSS IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MSS_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nDMA number for MSS?\n"
"Valid values are 0, 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num == 4 || num < 0 || num > 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nMSS DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MSS_DMA %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_SSCAPE))
int reveal_spea;
fprintf (stderr, "\n(MIDI) I/O base for Ensoniq Soundscape?\n"
"The factory default is 330\n"
"Other possible values are 320, 340 or 350\n"
"Enter the Soundscape I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x330);
fprintf (stderr, "Soundscape I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define SSCAPE_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "Is your SoundScape card made/marketed by Reveal or Spea? ");
reveal_spea = think_positively (0);
if (reveal_spea)
printf ("#define REVEAL_SPEA\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for Soundscape?\n");
if (reveal_spea)
fprintf (stderr, "Check valid interrupts from the manual of your card.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Valid numbers are: 5, 7, 9(=2) and 10.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "The default value is 9.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 9);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 9;
fprintf (stderr, "Soundscape IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define SSCAPE_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nDMA number for Soundscape?\n"
"Valid values are 1 and 3 (sometimes 0)"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num == 4 || num < 0 || num > 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nSoundscape DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define SSCAPE_DMA %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMSS (MS Sound System) I/O base for the SSCAPE card?\n"
"The factory default is 534\n"
"Other possible values are 608, E84 or F44\n"
"Enter the MSS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x534);
fprintf (stderr, "SSCAPE/MSS I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define SSCAPE_MSS_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for the MSS mode of SSCAPE ?\n");
if (reveal_spea)
fprintf (stderr, "Valid numbers are: 5, 7, 9(=2) and 15.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Valid numbers are: 5, 7, 9(=2) and 10.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "The default value is 5.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 5);
if (num == 6 || num < 3 || num > 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 10;
fprintf (stderr, "SSCAPE/MSS IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define SSCAPE_MSS_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMSS DMA number for SSCAPE?\n"
"Valid values are 0, 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num == 4 || num < 0 || num > 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nSSCAPE/MSS DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define SSCAPE_MSS_DMA %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_TRIX))
fprintf (stderr, "\nWindows Sound System I/O base for the AudioTriX card?\n"
"The factory default is 530\n"
"Other possible values are 604, E80 or F40\n"
"Enter the MSS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x530);
fprintf (stderr, "AudioTriX MSS I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for the WSS mode of AudioTriX ?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 5, 7, 9(=2), 10 and 11.\n"
"The default value is 11.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 11);
if (num != 5 && num != 7 && num != 9 && num != 10 && num != 11)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 11;
fprintf (stderr, " AudioTriX WSS IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nWSS DMA number for AudioTriX?\n"
"Valid values are 0, 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num != 0 && num != 1 && num != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nAudioTriX/WSS DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_DMA %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nSecond (capture) DMA number for AudioTriX?\n"
"Valid values are 0, 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 0\n"
"(-1 disables the second DMA)\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 0);
if (num != 0 && num != 1 && num != 3 || num != -1)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 0;
fprintf (stderr, "\nAudioTriX/WSS DMA2 set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_DMA2 %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nSoundBlaster I/O address for the AudioTriX card?\n"
"The factory default is 220\n"
"Other possible values are 200, 210, 230, 240, 250, 260 and 270\n"
"Enter the MSS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x220);
fprintf (stderr, "AudioTriX SB I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_SB_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for the SB mode of AudioTriX ?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 3, 4, 5 and 7.\n"
"The default value is 7.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 7);
if (num != 3 && num != 4 && num != 5 && num != 7)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 7;
fprintf (stderr, " AudioTriX SB IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_SB_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nSB DMA number for AudioTriX?\n"
"Valid values are 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 1\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 1);
if (num != 1 && num != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 1;
fprintf (stderr, "\nAudioTriX/SB DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_SB_DMA %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMIDI (MPU-401) I/O address for the AudioTriX card?\n"
"The factory default is 330\n"
"Other possible values are 330, 370, 3B0 and 3F0\n"
"Enter the MPU I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x330);
fprintf (stderr, "AudioTriX MIDI I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_MPU_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMIDI IRQ number for the AudioTriX ?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9(=2).\n"
"The default value is 5.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 5);
if (num != 3 && num != 4 && num != 5 && num != 7 && num != 9)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 5;
fprintf (stderr, " AudioTriX MIDI IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define TRIX_MPU_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_CS4232))
int dma1;
fprintf (stderr, "\nWindows Sound System I/O base for CS4232?\n"
"The factory default is 534\n"
"Other possible values are 608, E84 or F44\n"
"Enter the MSS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x534);
fprintf (stderr, "CS4232 MSS I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define CS4232_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for the WSS mode of CS4232 ?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 5, 7, 9(=2), 11, 12 or 15.\n"
"The default value is 11.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 11);
if (num != 5 && num != 7 && num != 9 && num != 11 && num != 12 || num != 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 11;
fprintf (stderr, " CS4232 WSS IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define CS4232_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nWSS DMA number for CS4232?\n"
"Valid values are 0, 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 0\n"
"(select the lowes possible one if you want to\n"
"use full duplex mode)\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 0);
if (num != 0 && num != 1 && num != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 0;
fprintf (stderr, "\nCS4232/WSS DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define CS4232_DMA %d\n", num);
dma1 = num;
fprintf (stderr, "\n Second WSS DMA number for CS4232?\n"
"Valid values are 0, 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value (-1 disables duplex mode): ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num == dma1 || (num != -1 && num != 0 && num != 1 && num != 3))
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nCS4232/WSS DMA2 set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define CS4232_DMA2 %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMIDI (MPU-401) I/O address for the CS4232 card?\n"
"The factory default is 330\n"
"Other possible values are 330, 370, 3B0 and 3F0\n"
"Enter the MPU I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x330);
fprintf (stderr, "CS4232 MIDI I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define CS4232_MPU_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMIDI IRQ number for CS4232?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 5, 7, 9(=2), 11, 12 or 15.\n"
"The default value is 5.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 5);
if (num != 5 && num != 7 && num != 9 && num != 11 && num != 12 || num != 15)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 5;
fprintf (stderr, " CS4232 MIDI IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define CS4232_MPU_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_MAD16))
fprintf (stderr, "\n*** Options for the MAD16 and Mozart based cards ***\n\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\nWindows Sound System I/O base for the MAD16/Mozart card?\n"
"The factory default is 530\n"
"Other possible values are 604, E80 or F40\n"
"(Check which ones are supported by your card!!!!!!)\n"
"Enter the MSS I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x530);
fprintf (stderr, "MAD16 MSS I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define MAD16_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
if ((sb_base == 0x220 && (num == 0x530 || num == 0x480)) ||
(sb_base == 0x240 && (num == 0xf40 || num == 0x604)))
fprintf (stderr, "FATAL ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"
"\tThis I/O port selection makes MAD16/Mozart\n"
"\tto use 0x%03x as the SB port.\n"
"\tThis conflicts with the true SB card.\n"
"\tRun the config again and select another I/O base.\n",
printf ("#undef CONFIGURE_SOUNDCARD\n");
printf ("#undef KERNEL_SOUNDCARD\n");
exit (-1);
fprintf (stderr, "\nIRQ number for the WSS mode of MAD16/Mozart ?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 7, 9(=2), 10 and 11.\n"
"The default value is 11.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 11);
if (num != 7 && num != 9 && num != 10 && num != 11)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 11;
fprintf (stderr, " MAD16 WSS IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MAD16_IRQ %d\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nWSS DMA (playback) number for MAD16/Mozart?\n"
"Valid values are 0, 1 and 3.\n"
"The default value is 3\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 3);
if (num != 0 && num != 1 && num != 3)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 3;
fprintf (stderr, "\nMAD16/WSS DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MAD16_DMA %d\n", num);
num = (num == 0) ? 1 : 0;
fprintf (stderr, "\nMAD16/Mozart supports full duplex mode if the\n"
"card has a suitable codec chip (CS423x or AD1845).\n"
"This mode requires another DMA channel (DMA%d)\n"
"Do you want to enable this mode? (n/y)", num);
if (think_positively (0))
fprintf (stderr, "\nMAD16/WSS capture DMA set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MAD16_DMA2 %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MAD16_DMA2 -1\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\nMIDI (MPU-401/SB) I/O address for the MAD16 card?\n"
"(This is the second MIDI port in TB Tropez)\n"
"Other possible values are 330, 320, 310 and 300\n"
"For 82C928 and Mozart you may use any nonzero value\n"
"since the driver ignores this setting.\n"
"The factory default is 330 (use 0 to disable)\n"
"Enter the MIDI I/O base: ");
num = ask_value ("%x", 0x330);
if (num == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "MAD16/Mozart MIDI port disabled\n");
fprintf (stderr, "MAD16 MIDI I/O base set to %03x\n", num);
printf ("#define MAD16_MPU_BASE 0x%03x\n", num);
fprintf (stderr, "\nMIDI IRQ number for the MAD16 ?\n"
"Valid numbers are: 5, 7, 9(=2) and 10.\n"
"The default value is 5.\n"
"Enter the value: ");
num = ask_value ("%d", 5);
if (num != 3 && num != 4 && num != 5 && num != 7 && num != 9)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = 5;
fprintf (stderr, " MAD16 MIDI IRQ set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define MAD16_MPU_IRQ %d\n", num);
if (selected_options & B (OPT_AUDIO))
def_size = 65536;
fprintf (stderr, "\nSelect the DMA buffer size (4096, 16384, 32768 or 65536 bytes)\n"
"%d is recommended value for this configuration.\n"
"Enter the value: ", def_size);
num = ask_value ("%d", def_size);
if (num != 4096 && num != 16384 && num != 32768 && num != 65536)
fprintf (stderr, "*** Illegal input! ***\n");
num = def_size;
fprintf (stderr, "The DMA buffer size set to %d\n", num);
printf ("#define DSP_BUFFSIZE %d\n", num);
printf ("#define SELECTED_SOUND_OPTIONS\t0x%08x\n", selected_options);
fprintf (stderr, "The sound driver is now configured.\n");
#if defined(SCO) || defined(ISC) || defined(SYSV)
fprintf (stderr, "Remember to update the System file\n");
if (!old_config_used)
fprintf (stderr, "Save copy of this configuration to %s (y/n)", oldconf);
if (think_positively (1))
char cmd[200];
sprintf (cmd, "cp local.h %s", oldconf);
fclose (stdout);
if (system (cmd) != 0)
perror (cmd);
exit (0);
Generated by GNU enscript 1.6.4.