Enscript Output


char *capi_info2str(u16 reason)
    switch (reason) {

/*-- informative values (corresponding message was processed) -----*/
	case 0x0001:
	   return "NCPI not supported by current protocol, NCPI ignored";
	case 0x0002:
	   return "Flags not supported by current protocol, flags ignored";
	case 0x0003:
	   return "Alert already sent by another application";

/*-- error information concerning CAPI_REGISTER -----*/
	case 0x1001:
	   return "Too many applications";
	case 0x1002:
	   return "Logical block size too small, must be at least 128 Bytes";
	case 0x1003:
	   return "Buffer exceeds 64 kByte";
	case 0x1004:
	   return "Message buffer size too small, must be at least 1024 Bytes";
	case 0x1005:
	   return "Max. number of logical connections not supported";
	case 0x1006:
	   return "Reserved";
	case 0x1007:
	   return "The message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition";
	case 0x1008:
	   return "OS resource error (no memory ?)";
	case 0x1009:
	   return "CAPI not installed";
	case 0x100A:
	   return "Controller does not support external equipment";
	case 0x100B:
	   return "Controller does only support external equipment";

/*-- error information concerning message exchange functions -----*/
	case 0x1101:
	   return "Illegal application number";
	case 0x1102:
	   return "Illegal command or subcommand or message length less than 12 bytes";
	case 0x1103:
	   return "The message could not be accepted because of a queue full condition !! The error code does not imply that CAPI cannot receive messages directed to another controller, PLCI or NCCI";
	case 0x1104:
	   return "Queue is empty";
	case 0x1105:
	   return "Queue overflow, a message was lost !! This indicates a configuration error. The only recovery from this error is to perform a CAPI_RELEASE";
	case 0x1106:
	   return "Unknown notification parameter";
	case 0x1107:
	   return "The Message could not be accepted because of an internal busy condition";
	case 0x1108:
	   return "OS Resource error (no memory ?)";
	case 0x1109:
	   return "CAPI not installed";
	case 0x110A:
	   return "Controller does not support external equipment";
	case 0x110B:
	   return "Controller does only support external equipment";

/*-- error information concerning resource / coding problems -----*/
	case 0x2001:
	   return "Message not supported in current state";
	case 0x2002:
	   return "Illegal Controller / PLCI / NCCI";
	case 0x2003:
	   return "Out of PLCI";
	case 0x2004:
	   return "Out of NCCI";
	case 0x2005:
	   return "Out of LISTEN";
	case 0x2006:
	   return "Out of FAX resources (protocol T.30)";
	case 0x2007:
	   return "Illegal message parameter coding";

/*-- error information concerning requested services  -----*/
	case 0x3001:
	   return "B1 protocol not supported";
	case 0x3002: 
	   return "B2 protocol not supported";
	case 0x3003: 
	   return "B3 protocol not supported";
	case 0x3004: 
	   return "B1 protocol parameter not supported";
	case 0x3005: 
	   return "B2 protocol parameter not supported";
	case 0x3006: 
	   return "B3 protocol parameter not supported";
	case 0x3007: 
	   return "B protocol combination not supported";
	case 0x3008: 
	   return "NCPI not supported";
	case 0x3009: 
	   return "CIP Value unknown";
	case 0x300A: 
	   return "Flags not supported (reserved bits)";
	case 0x300B: 
	   return "Facility not supported";
	case 0x300C: 
	   return "Data length not supported by current protocol";
	case 0x300D: 
	   return "Reset procedure not supported by current protocol";

/*-- informations about the clearing of a physical connection -----*/
	case 0x3301: 
	   return "Protocol error layer 1 (broken line or B-channel removed by signalling protocol)";
	case 0x3302: 
	   return "Protocol error layer 2";
	case 0x3303: 
	   return "Protocol error layer 3";
	case 0x3304: 
	   return "Another application got that call";
/*-- T.30 specific reasons -----*/
	case 0x3311: 
	   return "Connecting not successful (remote station is no FAX G3 machine)";
	case 0x3312: 
	   return "Connecting not successful (training error)";
	case 0x3313: 
	   return "Disconnected before transfer (remote station does not support transfer mode, e.g. resolution)";
	case 0x3314: 
	   return "Disconnected during transfer (remote abort)";
	case 0x3315: 
	   return "Disconnected during transfer (remote procedure error, e.g. unsuccessful repetition of T.30 commands)";
	case 0x3316: 
	   return "Disconnected during transfer (local tx data underrun)";
	case 0x3317: 
	   return "Disconnected during transfer (local rx data overflow)";
	case 0x3318: 
	   return "Disconnected during transfer (local abort)";
	case 0x3319: 
	   return "Illegal parameter coding (e.g. SFF coding error)";

/*-- disconnect causes from the network according to ETS 300 102-1/Q.931 -----*/
	case 0x3481: return "Unallocated (unassigned) number";
	case 0x3482: return "No route to specified transit network";
	case 0x3483: return "No route to destination";
	case 0x3486: return "Channel unacceptable";
	case 0x3487: 
	   return "Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel";
	case 0x3490: return "Normal call clearing";
	case 0x3491: return "User busy";
	case 0x3492: return "No user responding";
	case 0x3493: return "No answer from user (user alerted)";
	case 0x3495: return "Call rejected";
	case 0x3496: return "Number changed";
	case 0x349A: return "Non-selected user clearing";
	case 0x349B: return "Destination out of order";
	case 0x349C: return "Invalid number format";
	case 0x349D: return "Facility rejected";
	case 0x349E: return "Response to STATUS ENQUIRY";
	case 0x349F: return "Normal, unspecified";
	case 0x34A2: return "No circuit / channel available";
	case 0x34A6: return "Network out of order";
	case 0x34A9: return "Temporary failure";
	case 0x34AA: return "Switching equipment congestion";
	case 0x34AB: return "Access information discarded";
	case 0x34AC: return "Requested circuit / channel not available";
	case 0x34AF: return "Resources unavailable, unspecified";
	case 0x34B1: return "Quality of service unavailable";
	case 0x34B2: return "Requested facility not subscribed";
	case 0x34B9: return "Bearer capability not authorized";
	case 0x34BA: return "Bearer capability not presently available";
	case 0x34BF: return "Service or option not available, unspecified";
	case 0x34C1: return "Bearer capability not implemented";
	case 0x34C2: return "Channel type not implemented";
	case 0x34C5: return "Requested facility not implemented";
	case 0x34C6: return "Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available";
	case 0x34CF: return "Service or option not implemented, unspecified";
	case 0x34D1: return "Invalid call reference value";
	case 0x34D2: return "Identified channel does not exist";
	case 0x34D3: return "A suspended call exists, but this call identity does not";
	case 0x34D4: return "Call identity in use";
	case 0x34D5: return "No call suspended";
	case 0x34D6: return "Call having the requested call identity has been cleared";
	case 0x34D8: return "Incompatible destination";
	case 0x34DB: return "Invalid transit network selection";
	case 0x34DF: return "Invalid message, unspecified";
	case 0x34E0: return "Mandatory information element is missing";
	case 0x34E1: return "Message type non-existent or not implemented";
	case 0x34E2: return "Message not compatible with call state or message type non-existent or not implemented";
	case 0x34E3: return "Information element non-existent or not implemented";
	case 0x34E4: return "Invalid information element contents";
	case 0x34E5: return "Message not compatible with call state";
	case 0x34E6: return "Recovery on timer expiry";
	case 0x34EF: return "Protocol error, unspecified";
	case 0x34FF: return "Interworking, unspecified";

	default: return "No additional information";

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