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Spring 2009 Projects

Note: All Copyrights and any Intellectual Property presented in these projects are retained by their creators and cannot be used without express permission.
NotiMe! is a location-based notification system for Google Calendar. After entering Google Account information, NotiMe! is ready to go. It periodically gets events from your Google Calendar and calculates the time to drive from your current location to the event location (using Google Maps). Then, NotiMe! notifies you before you have to set out - in order to
arrive on time. NotiMe! does not affect your Google Calendar data, it only reads information that is relevant for notification purposes.
Daniel Dahan, Slava Kupershtein, Asaf Schoen
Local Agents
Local Agentsis a Location Based public task marketplace.
Every user can create task requests and filter repliers by location and/or different categories. Users who match the profile/location are offered the task. When a task is completed a notificastion is sent to the requester. Task creation, notifications, and image and text based tasks are enabled.
ZoharArgaman, Michael Gopshtein
The idea behind the “DigiDish” is to enable any customer that walks into a restaurant to use their mobile phone as a digital interface to their surroundings. The application allows the user to browse through today’s dishes, order the dish they like, ask the waiter for extras, and even pay the bill. DigiDish can also notify waiters that their order is ready, or that the client wants their assistance, and even helps the management to keep track of the dish ordering, and update dishes and prices accordingly.
Avia Aharon, Gilad Turbahn
Amazon on Earth Checkout system
Amazon on Earth is a project aimed to revolutionize the library – book loan experience, and later to be introduced to other mobile commerce fields. Using only a mobile phone, one can search for a book, get all the information needed from Amazon, navigate using the phone inside the library and after obtaining a copy, checkout the book using the phone, and leaving the library without the hassle of standing in lines.
The project was designed and implemented by Barak Schiller and Niv Noach under the guidance of Amnon Dekel, is  functional except the final checkout stage. Our goal was to implement the final stage, the checkout.
Yonatan Shek Shachar Gelbourt
MADIS : Mobile Aided Diagnostic Imaging System
According to WHO reports, more than 20% of the diseases in the world, cannot be healed without medical imaging. Unfortunately more than 75% of the world’s population, living primarily in developing nations, has no access to medical imaging facilities. This leads to a vicious cycle of sickness & poverty. The idea behind MADIS is to design a prototype for a mobile diagnostic station which can be used by the health workers in developing nations to collect information, scan and treat patients in clinics.
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Arie Meir
The M4Bus is a system that enables the user to purchase public transport tickets from the mobile device, and to use the device as the receipt (bus ticket or taxi pass). The system works from the point of view that bus users know where they are and where they are going. We believe this covers the majority of bus users, as opposed to people who try to get somewhere without knowing exactly how they should get there (tourists and such). The system will enable quick and easy selection of bus route, fast purchase mechanism and simple proof of purchase to the bus/taxi driver.
Michal Ben-Hamo, Tamar Shouker, Gil Shinnar, Shaull Almagor
The goal of the project is to detect the distance of the user from the nearby facing wall. The project uses the sound as a means to achieve the goal. The phone transmits a sinusoidal signal with frequency of 2000 Hz towards the wall, and receives the echo back. The program analyses the received signal, and according to its strength, it calculates the distance. 
Amin Habash and Salah Kabbani
Shoot to Go
Shoot to Go is a mobile and cloud based system that enables the mobile phone to be used to browse and buy merchandise in participating stores. The application adapts itself into any store which has an online database and a paypal bill. The user then connects to the store using a data connection and can purchase any item by scanning its barcode and paying for it using a paypal bill.
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David Baum, Dana Monat, Simeon Shpiz, Erez Turjeman
Location Based Social Treasure Hunt
This game is our first implementation of a location based social game. A team gets riddles and in order to solve them needs to get to the correct location (the location is the answer like in traditional treasure hunt games). The locations which are the answers to the riddles are close to one another. We want the players to explore the nearby surroundings, they won’t have to go very far. The players can get clues if they don’t know the answer. If the answer is correct their score rises. If they use clues they loose points. When the player wins they get a small prize (perhaps a coffee or a cake). The player can see their location on a google map. The location of the riddles they solved is also shown in the map.
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Oron Gola, Avnit Mackin, Hila Amrani, Gal Rosensaft
This project uses techniques from computer graphics to write a game for android that will simulate cloth. The main objective was to see how the little device can handle rendering that even a desktop computer finds hard. The application uses the accelerometer to make the cloth always fall towards the ground in close to real time.
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Guy Avni
Note: All Copyrights and any Intellectual Property presented in these projects are retained by their creators and cannot be used without express permission.