Alon Ziv - Computer Science PhD & Musician

Alon Ziv

I'm a computer science PhD student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the SLP Lab, and a research scientist intern at FAIR (Meta). My research interests are in fundamental AI models for audio. I currently study methods for real-time, controllable music generation. I am fortunate to be advised by Dr. Yossi Adi.

Previously, I've been a machine learning researcher at Riffusion (music generation) and Mobileye (autonomous vehicle perception).

I really like music!

In parallel with computer science, I'm also a semi-professional musician. I play piano and drums, and I have some experience in music production.

alonzi at



Masked Audio Generation using a Single Non-Autoregressive Transformer

ICLR 2024
Alon Ziv, Itai Gat, Gael Le Lan, Tal Remez, Felix Kreuk, Alexandre Defossez, Jade Copet, Gabriel Synnaeve, Yossi Adi

Vehicle Navigation based on Aligned Image and LiDAR Information

US Patent, 2024
Elad Toledano, Kevin Rosenblum, Erez Dagan, Alon Ziv

LiDAR and REM Localization

US Patent, 2023
Kevin Rosenblum, Alon Ziv, Erez Dagan

On the Long-Term Memory of Deep Recurrent Networks

Preprint, 2019
Yoav Levine, Or Sharir, Alon Ziv, Amnon Shashua