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MOSCTL(M1) MOSIX Commands MOSCTL(M1) NAME MOSCTL - Miscellaneous MOSIX functions SYNOPSIS mosctl stay mosctl nostay mosctl lstay mosctl nolstay mosctl block mosctl noblock mosctl logmap mosctl nologmap mosctl expel mosctl bring mosctl isolate mosctl rejoin [{maxguests}] mosctl gridguests [{maxguests}] mosctl opengrid [{maxguests}] mosctl closegrid mosctl cngpri {partner} {newpri} [{partner2} {newpri2}]..., mosctl whois [{node_number}|IP-address|hostname] mosctl status [{node_number}|IP-address|hostname] mosctl localstatus mosctl rstatus [{node_number}|IP-address|hostname] DESCRIPTION Most Mosctl functions are for MOSIX administration, available only to the Super-User, except the whois, status and rstatus functions which provide information to all users. mosctl stay prevents processes from migrating away automatically: mosctl nostay cancels this state. mosctl lstay prevents local processes from migrating away automatically, but still allows guest processes to leave: mosctl nolstay cancels this state. mosctl block prevents guest processes from moving in: mosctl noblock can- cels this state. mosctl logmap tells the kernel to log the MOSIX map of nodes to the con- sole (and/or the Linux kernel-logging facility) whenever it changes (this is the default). mosctl nologmap stops logging such changes. mosctl expel expels all guest processes. It does not return until all guest processes are moved away (it can be interrupted, in which case there is no guarantee that all guest processes were expelled). mosctl bring brings back all processes whose home-node is here. It does not return until all these processes arrive back (it can be interrupted, in which case there is no guarantee that all the processes arrived back). mosctl isolate disconnects the cluster from the grid, bringing back all migrated processes whose home-node is in the disconnecting cluster and sending away all guest processes from other clusters. To actually dis- connect the cluster, this command must be issued on all the nodes of that cluster. mosctl rejoin cancels the effect of mosctl isolate: an optional argument sets the number of guest processes that are allowed to move to this node or run here from outside the local cluster. When this argument is miss- ing, no guest processes from outside the cluster will be accepted. mosctl gridguests prints the maximum number of guests that are allowed to migrate to this node from other clusters. mosctl gridguests arg, with a numeric argument arg, sets that maximum. mosctl opengrid sets the maximum number of guests from outside the local cluster to its argument. If no further argument is provided, that value is taken from /etc/mosix/maxguests and in the absence of that file, it is set to 10. mosctl closegrid sets that maximum to 0 - preventing pro- cesses from other clusters to run on this node. mosctl cngpri modifies the priority of one or more grid-partners in /etc/mosix/partners (See mosix(7)). While it is also possible to simply edit the files in /etc/mosix/partners, using mosctl cngpri is easier and the changes take effect immediately, whereas when editing those files manually, the changes may take up to 20 seconds. mosctl whois, depending on its argument, converts host-names and IP addresses to node numbers or vice-versa. mosctl status outputs useful and user-friendly information about a given node. When the last argument is omitted, the information is about the local node. mosctl localstatus is like status, but adds more information that is only available locally. mosctl rstatus output raw information about a given node. When the last argument is omitted, the information is about the local node. This information consists of 11 integers: 1. status: a bit-map, where bits have the following meaning: 1 The node is currently part of our MOSIX configuration. 2 Information is available about the node. 4 The node is in "stay" mode (see above). 8 The node is in "lstay" mode (see above). 16 The node is in "block" mode (see above). 64 The node may accept processes from here. Reasons for this bit to NOT be set include: * We do not appear in that node's map. * That node is configured to block migration of processes from us. * Our configuration does not allow sending processes to that node. * That node is currently running higher-priority MOSIX pro- cesses. * That node is currently running MOSIX processes with the same priority as our processes, but is not in our cluster and already reached its maximum number of allowed guest- processes. * That node is blocked. 512 The information is not too old. 1024 The node prefers processes from here over its current guests. 2. load: a value of 100 represents a standard load unit. 3. availability: The lower the value the more available that node is: in the extremes, 65535 means that the node is available to all while 0 means that generally it is only available for processes from its own cluster. 4. speed: a value of 10000 represents a standard processor (Pentium-IV at 3GHz). 5. ncpus: number of processors. 6. frozen: number of frozen processes. 7. utilizability: a percentage - less than 100% means that the node is under-utilized due to swapping activity. 8. available memory: in pages. 9. total memory: in pages. 10. free swap-space: in 0.1GB units. 11. total seap-space in 0.1GB units. 12. privileged memory: in pages - pages that are currently taken by less privileged guests, but could be used by clusters of higher privilege (including this node when "1024" is included in the status above). 13. number of processes: only MOSIX processes are counted and this count could differ from the load because it includes inactive processes. SEE ALSO mosix(7). MOSIX May 2006 MOSIX