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MON(M1) MOSIX Commands MON(M1)
NAME mon - MOSIX monitor SYNOPSIS mon [-v | -V | -w] [-t] [-d] [-s | -m | -m -m | -u | -f | -l] DESCRIPTION Mon displays useful current information about MOSIX nodes. The informa- tion is represented as a bar-chart, which allows a comparison between different nodes. The display shows nodes that are assigned node numbers in /etc/mosix/ (see mosix(7)). The following options are available: -w Select horizontal numbering: better display - but less nodes are visible. -v Select vertical numbering: more nodes are visible - but denser display. -V Select tight vertical numbering: maximal number of nodes are visi- ble - but even denser display. -t Display the number of operational nodes and number of CPUs. -d Display also dead (not responding) nodes. -s Display the CPU-speeds. -m Display the used vs. total memory. -m -m Display the used vs. total swap space. -u Display the "utilizability" (see below). -f Display the number of frozen processes. -l Display the load (default). While in mon, the following keys may be used: v Select vertical numbering. V Select tight vertical numbering. w Select horizontal numbering. a Select automatic numbering (vertical numbering will be selected if it would make the difference between viewing all nodes or not - otherwise, horizontal numbering is selected). s Display CPU-speeds and number of nodes (if more than 1). 10000 units represent a standard processor (currently Pentium-IV CPU at 3GHz). m Display used memory vs. total memory: the used memory is displayed as a solid bar while the total memory is extended with '+' signs. The memory is shown in Megabytes. m m (pressing m twice) Display used swap-space vs. total swap-space: the used swap-space is displayed as a solid bar while the total swap-space is extended with '+' signs. Swap-space is shown in Gigabytes and is accurate to 0.1GB. u Display the percentage of the CPU "utilizability". A node is con- sidered utilizable when all its CPUs are either running a process, or when no processes wish to run: this excludes the situation when there are processes that wish to run but cannot because they wait for a swap-page. Utilizability should normally be 100% - other- wise, it means that memory shortage causes the node to slow down. f Display the number of frozen processes. l Display loads. The load represents one CPU-bound process that runs on a node with a single CPU under normal conditions. The load increases proportionally on slower CPUs, and decreases pro- portionally on faster CPUs and on nodes with more than one CPU. The load also increases when the utilizability is below 100%. d Display also dead (not-responding) nodes. D Stop displaying dead nodes. t Toggle displaying the count of operational nodes. Right-Arrow Move one node to the right (when not all nodes fit on the screen). Left-Arrow Move one node to the left (when not all nodes fit on the screen). n Move one screen to the right (when not all nodes fit on one screen). p Move one screen to the left (when not all nodes fit on one screen). h Bring up a help screen. Enter Redraw the screen. q Quit Mon. SEE ALSO mosix(7). MOSIX May 2006 MOSIX