MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
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The code extractor

The code for this book is automatically extracted directly from the ASCII text version of this book. The book is normally maintained in a word processor capable of producing camera-ready copy, automatically creating the table of contents and index, etc. To generate the code files, the book is saved into a plain ASCII text file, and the program in this section automatically extracts all the code files, places them in appropriate subdirectories, and generates all the makefiles. The entire contents of the book can then be built, for each compiler, by invoking a single make command. This way, the code listings in the book can be regularly tested and verified, and in addition various compilers can be tested for some degree of compliance with Standard C++ (the degree to which all the examples in the book can exercise a particular compiler, which is not too bad).

The code in this book is designed to be as generic as possible, but it is only tested under two operating systems: 32-bit Windows and Linux (using the Gnu C++ compiler g++, which means it should compile under other versions of Unix without too much trouble). You can easily get the latest sources for the book onto your machine by going to the web site and downloading the zipped archive containing all the code files and makefiles. If you unzip this you’ll have the book’s directory tree available. However, it may not be configured for your particular compiler or operating system. In this case, you can generate your own using the ASCII text file for the book (available at and the ExtractCode.cpp program in this section. Using a text editor, you find the CompileDB.txt file inside the ASCII text file for the book, edit it (leaving it the book’s text file) to adapt it to your compiler and operating system, and then hand it to the ExtractCode program to generate your own source tree and makefiles.

You’ve seen that each file to be extracted contains a starting marker (which includes the file name and path) and an ending marker. Files can be of any type, and if the colon after the comment is directly followed by a ‘!’ then the starting and ending marker lines are not reproduced in the generated file. In addition, you’ve seen the other markers {O}, {L}, and {T} that have been placed inside comments; these are used to generate the makefile for each subdirectory.

If there’s a mistake in the input file, then the program must report the error, which is the error( ) function at the beginning of the program. In addition, directory manipulation is not supported by the standard libraries, so this is hidden away in the class OSDirControl. If you discover that this class will not compile on your system, you must replace the non-portable function calls in OSDirControl with eqivalent calls from your library.

Although this program is very useful for distributing the code in the book, you’ll see that it’s also a useful example in its own right, since it partitions everything into sensible objects and also makes heavy use of the STL and the standard string class. You may note that one or two pieces of code might be duplicated from other parts of the book, and you might observe that some of the tools created within the program might have been broken out into their own reusable header files and CPP files. However, for easy unpacking of the book’s source code it made more sense to keep everything lumped together in a single file.

//: C26:ExtractCode.cpp
// Automatically extracts code files from
// ASCII text of this book.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

string copyright =
  "// From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition\n"
  "// Available at\n"
  "// (c) Bruce Eckel 1999\n"
  "// Copyright notice in Copyright.txt\n";

string usage =
  " Usage:ExtractCode source\n"
  "where source is the ASCII file containing \n"
  "the embedded tagged sourcefiles. The ASCII \n"
  "file must also contain an embedded compiler\n"
  "configuration file called CompileDB.txt \n"
  "See Thinking in C++, 2nd ed. for details\n";

// Tool to remove the white space from both ends:
string trim(const string& s) {
  if(s.length() == 0)
    return s;
  int b = s.find_first_not_of(" \t");
  int e = s.find_last_not_of(" \t");
  if(b == -1) // No non-spaces
    return "";
  return string(s, b, e - b + 1);

// Manage all the error messaging:
void error(string problem, string message) {
  static const string border(
  class ErrReport {
    int count;
    string fname;
    ofstream errs;
    ErrReport(char* fn = "ExtractCodeErrors.txt") 
      : count(0),fname(fn),errs(fname.c_str()) {}
    void operator++(int) { count++; }
    ~ErrReport() {
      // Dump error messages to console
      ifstream in(fname.c_str());
      cerr << in.rdbuf() << endl;
      cerr << count << " Errors found" << endl;
      cerr << "Messages in " << fname << endl;
  // Created on first call to this function;
  // Destructor reports total errors:
  static ErrReport report;
  report.errs << border << message << endl
    << "Problem spot: " << problem << endl;

///// OS-specific code, hidden inside a class:
#ifdef __GNUC__  // For egcs under Linux/Unix
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class OSDirControl {
  static string getCurrentDir() {
    char path[PATH_MAX];
    getcwd(path, PATH_MAX);
    return string(path);
  static void makeDir(string dir) {
    mkdir(dir.c_str(), 0777);
  static void changeDir(string dir) {
#else // For Dos/Windows:
#include <direct.h>
class OSDirControl {
  static string getCurrentDir() {
    char path[_MAX_PATH];
    getcwd(path, _MAX_PATH);
    return string(path);
  static void makeDir(string dir) {
  static void changeDir(string dir) {
#endif ///// End of OS-specific code

class PushDirectory {
  string oldpath;
  PushDirectory(string path);
  ~PushDirectory() {
  void pushOneDir(string dir) {

PushDirectory::PushDirectory(string path) {
  oldpath = OSDirControl::getCurrentDir();
  while(path.length() != 0) {
    int colon = path.find(':');
    if(colon != string::npos) {
      pushOneDir(path.substr(0, colon));
      path = path.substr(colon + 1);
    } else {

//--------------- Manage code files -------------
// A CodeFile object knows everything about a
// particular code file, including contents, path
// information, how to compile, link, and test 
// it, and which compilers it won't compile with.
enum TType {header, object, executable, none};

class CodeFile {
  TType _targetType;
  string _rawName, // Original name from input
    _path, // Where the source file lives
    _file, // Name of the source file
    _base, // Name without extension
    _tname, // Target name
    _testArgs; // Command-line arguments
    lines, // Contains the file
    _compile, // Compile dependencies
    _link; // How to link the executable
    _noBuild; // Compilers it won't compile with
  bool writeTags; // Whether to write the markers
  // Initial makefile processing for the file:
  void target(const string& s);
  // For quoted #include headers:
  void headerLine(const string& s);
  // For special dependency tag marks:
  void dependLine(const string& s);
  CodeFile(istream& in, string& s);
  const string& rawName() { return _rawName; }
  const string& path() { return _path; }
  const string& file() { return _file; }
  const string& base() { return _base; }
  const string& targetName() { return _tname; }
  TType targetType() { return _targetType; }
  const vector<string>& compile() {
    return _compile;
  const vector<string>& link() {
    return _link;
  const set<string>& noBuild() {
    return _noBuild;
  const string& testArgs() { return _testArgs; }
  // Add a compiler it won't compile with:
  void addFailure(const string& failure) {
  bool compilesOK(string compiler) {
    return _noBuild.count(compiler) == 0;
  friend ostream&
  operator<<(ostream& os, const CodeFile& cf) {
    copy(cf.lines.begin(), cf.lines.end(),
      ostream_iterator<string>(os, ""));
    return os;
  void write() {
    PushDirectory pd(_path);
    ofstream listing(_file.c_str());
    listing << *this;  // Write the file
  void dumpInfo(ostream& os);

void CodeFile::target(const string& s) {
  // Find the base name of the file (without
  // the extension):
  int lastDot = _file.find_last_of('.');
  if(lastDot == string::npos) {
    error(s, "Missing extension");
  _base = _file.substr(0, lastDot);
  // Determine the type of file and target:
  if(s.find(".h") != string::npos ||
     s.find(".H") != string::npos) {
    _targetType = header;
    _tname = _file;
  if(s.find(".txt") != string::npos
      || s.find(".TXT") != string::npos
      || s.find(".dat") != string::npos
      || s.find(".DAT") != string::npos) {
    // Text file, not involved in make
    _targetType = none;
    _tname = _file;
  // CPP objs/exes depend on their own source:
  if(s.find("{O}") != string::npos) {
    // Don't build an executable from this file
    _targetType = object;
    _tname = _base;
  } else {
    _targetType = executable;
    _tname = _base;
    // The exe depends on its own object file:

void CodeFile::headerLine(const string& s) {
  int start = s.find('\"');
  int end = s.find('\"', start + 1);
  int len = end - start - 1;
  _compile.push_back(s.substr(start + 1, len));

void CodeFile::dependLine(const string& s) {
  const string linktag("//{L} ");
  string deps = trim(s.substr(linktag.length()));
  while(true) {
    int end = deps.find(' ');
    string dep = deps.substr(0, end);
    if(end == string::npos) // Last one
      deps = trim(deps.substr(end));

CodeFile::CodeFile(istream& in, string& s) {
  // If false, don't write begin & end tags:
  writeTags = (s[3] != '!');
  // Assume a space after the starting tag:
  _file = s.substr(s.find(' ') + 1);
  // There will always be at least one colon:
  int lastColon = _file.find_last_of(':');
  if(lastColon == string::npos) {
    error(s, "Missing path");
    lastColon = 0; // Recover from error
  _rawName = trim(_file);
  _path = _file.substr(0, lastColon);
  _file = _file.substr(lastColon + 1);
  _file =_file.substr(0,_file.find_last_of(' '));
  cout << "path = [" << _path << "] "
    << "file = [" << _file << "]" << endl;
  target(s); // Determine target type
    lines.push_back(s + '\n');
  string s2;
  while(getline(in, s2)) {
    // Look for specified link dependencies:
    if(s2.find("//{L}") == 0) // 0: Start of line
    // Look for command-line arguments for test:
    if(s2.find("//{T}") == 0) // 0: Start of line
      _testArgs = s2.substr(strlen("//{T}") + 1);
    // Look for quoted includes:
    if(s2.find("#include \"") != string::npos) {
      headerLine(s2); // Grab makefile info
    // Look for end marker:
    if(s2.find("//" "/:~") != string::npos) {
        lines.push_back(s2 + '\n');
      return;  // Found the end
    // Make sure you don't see another start:
    if(s2.find("//" ":") != string::npos
       || s2.find("/*" ":") != string::npos) {
      error(s, "Error: new file started before"
        " previous file concluded");
    // Write ordinary line:
    lines.push_back(s2 + '\n');

void CodeFile::dumpInfo(ostream& os) {
  os << _path << ':' << _file << endl;
  os << "target: " << _tname << endl;
  os << "compile: " << endl;
  for(int i = 0; i < _compile.size(); i++)
    os << '\t' << _compile[i] << endl;
  os << "link: " << endl;
  for(int i = 0; i < _link.size(); i++)
    os << '\t' << _link[i] << endl;
  if(_noBuild.size() != 0) {
    os << "Won't build with: " << endl;
    copy(_noBuild.begin(), _noBuild.end(),
      ostream_iterator<string>(os, "\n"));

//--------- Manage compiler information ---------
class CompilerData {
  // Information about each compiler:
  vector<string> rules; // Makefile rules
  set<string> fails; // Non-compiling files
  string objExtension; // File name extensions
  string exeExtension;
  // For OS-specific activities:
  bool _dos, _unix;
  // Store the information for all the compilers:
  static map<string, CompilerData> compilerInfo;
  static set<string> _compilerNames;
  CompilerData() : _dos(false), _unix(false) {}
  // Read database of various compiler's 
  // information and failure listings for 
  // compiling the book files:
  static void readDB(istream& in);
  // For enumerating all the compiler names:
  static set<string>& compilerNames() {
    return _compilerNames;
  // Tell this CodeFile which compilers
  // don't work with it:
  static void addFailures(CodeFile& cf);
  // Produce the proper object file name
  // extension for this compiler:
  static string obj(string compiler);
  // Produce the proper executable file name
  // extension for this compiler:
  static string exe(string compiler);
  // For inserting a particular compiler's
  // rules into a makefile:
  static void 
  writeRules(string compiler, ostream& os);
  // Change forward slashes to backward 
  // slashes if necessary:
  static string 
  adjustPath(string compiler, string path);
  // So you can ask if it's a Unix compiler:
  static bool isUnix(string compiler) {
    return compilerInfo[compiler]._unix;
  // So you can ask if it's a dos compiler:
  static bool isDos(string compiler) {
    return compilerInfo[compiler]._dos;
  // Display information (for debugging):
  static void dump(ostream& os = cout);

// Static initialization:
set<string> CompilerData::_compilerNames;

void CompilerData::readDB(istream& in) {
  string compiler; // Name of current compiler
  string s;
  while(getline(in, s)) {
    if(s.find("#//" "/:~") == 0)
      return; // Found end tag
    s = trim(s);
    if(s.length() == 0) continue; // Blank line
    if(s[0] == '#') continue; // Comment
    if(s[0] == '{') { // Different compiler
      compiler = s.substr(0, s.find('}'));
      compiler = trim(compiler.substr(1));
      if(compiler.length() != 0)
      continue; // Changed compiler name
    if(s[0] == '(') { // Object file extension
      string obj = s.substr(1);
      obj = trim(obj.substr(0, obj.find(')')));
      compilerInfo[compiler].objExtension =obj;
    if(s[0] == '[') { // Executable extension
      string exe = s.substr(1);
      exe = trim(exe.substr(0, exe.find(']')));
      compilerInfo[compiler].exeExtension =exe;
    if(s[0] == '&') { // Special directive
      if(s.find("dos") != string::npos)
        compilerInfo[compiler]._dos = true;
      else if(s.find("unix") != string::npos)
        compilerInfo[compiler]._unix = true;
        error("Compiler Information Database", 
          "unknown special directive: " + s);
    if(s[0] == '@') { // Makefile rule
      string rule(s.substr(1)); // Remove the @
      if(rule[0] == ' ') // Space means tab
        rule = '\t' + trim(rule);
    // Otherwise, it's a failure line:
  error("CompileDB.txt","Missing end tag");

void CompilerData::addFailures(CodeFile& cf) {
  set<string>::iterator it = 
  while(it != _compilerNames.end()) {
       .fails.count(cf.rawName()) != 0)

string CompilerData::obj(string compiler) {
  if(compilerInfo.count(compiler) != 0) {
    string ext(
    if(ext.length() != 0)
      ext = '.' + ext; // Use '.' if it exists
    return ext;
  } else
    return "No such compiler information";

string CompilerData::exe(string compiler) {
  if(compilerInfo.count(compiler) != 0) {
    string ext(
    if(ext.length() != 0)
      ext = '.' + ext; // Use '.' if it exists
    return ext;
  } else
    return "No such compiler information";

void CompilerData::writeRules(
  string compiler, ostream& os) {
  if(_compilerNames.count(compiler) == 0) {
    os << "No info on this compiler" << endl;
  vector<string>& r = 
  copy(r.begin(), r.end(), 
    ostream_iterator<string>(os, "\n"));

string CompilerData::adjustPath(
  string compiler, string path) {
  // Use STL replace() algorithm:
    replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '/', '\\');
  return path;

void CompilerData::dump(ostream& os) {
  ostream_iterator<string> out(os, "\n");
  *out = "Compiler Names:";
    _compilerNames.end(), out);
  map<string, CompilerData>::iterator compIt;
  for(compIt = compilerInfo.begin(); 
    compIt != compilerInfo.end(); compIt++) {
    os << "******************************\n";
    os << "Compiler: [" << (*compIt).first <<
      "]" << endl;
    CompilerData& cd = (*compIt).second;
    os << "objExtension: " << cd.objExtension
      << "\nexeExtension: " << cd.exeExtension 
      << endl;
    *out = "Rules:";
    copy(cd.rules.begin(), cd.rules.end(), out);
    cout << "Won't compile with: " << endl;
    copy(cd.fails.begin(), cd.fails.end(), out);

// ---------- Manage makefile creation ----------
// Create the makefile for this directory, based
// on each of the CodeFile entries:
class Makefile {
  vector<CodeFile> codeFiles;
  // All the different paths 
  // (for creating the Master makefile):
  static set<string> paths;
  createMakefile(string compiler, string path);
  Makefile() {}
  void addEntry(CodeFile& cf) {
    paths.insert(cf.path()); // Record all paths
    // Tell it what compilers don't work with it:
  // Write the makefile for each compiler:
  void writeMakefiles(string path);
  // Create the master makefile:
  static void writeMaster(string flag = "");

// Static initialization:
set<string> Makefile::paths;

void Makefile::writeMakefiles(string path) {
  if(trim(path).length() == 0)
    return; // No makefiles in root directory
  PushDirectory pd(path);
  set<string>& compilers = 
  set<string>::iterator it = compilers.begin();
  while(it != compilers.end())
    createMakefile(*it++, path);

void Makefile::createMakefile(
  string compiler, string path) {
  string // File name extensions:
  string filename(compiler + ".makefile");
  ofstream makefile(filename.c_str());
  makefile << 
    "# From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition\n"
    "# At\n"
    "# (c) Bruce Eckel 1999\n"
    "# Copyright notice in Copyright.txt\n"
    "# Automatically-generated MAKEFILE \n"
    "# For examples in directory "+ path + "\n"
    "# using the " + compiler + " compiler\n"
    "# Note: does not make files that will \n"
    "# not compile with this compiler\n"
    "# Invoke with: make -f " 
    + compiler + ".makefile\n"
    << endl;
  CompilerData::writeRules(compiler, makefile);
  vector<string> makeAll, makeTest, 
    makeBugs, makeDeps, linkCmd;
  // Write the "all" dependencies:
  makeAll.push_back("all: ");
  makeTest.push_back("test: all ");
  makeBugs.push_back("bugs: ");
  string line;
  vector<CodeFile>::iterator it;
  for(it = codeFiles.begin(); 
    it != codeFiles.end(); it++) {
    CodeFile& cf = *it;
    if(cf.targetType() == executable) {
      line = "\\\n\t"+cf.targetName()+ exe + ' ';
      if(cf.compilesOK(compiler) == false) {
      } else {
        line = "\\\n\t" + cf.targetName() + exe +
          ' ' + cf.testArgs() + ' ';
      // Create the link command:
      int linkdeps =;
      string linklist;
      for(int i = 0; i < linkdeps; i++)
        linklist += 
[](i) + obj + " ";
      line = cf.targetName() + exe + ": "
        + linklist + "\n\t$(CPP) $(OFLAG)"
        + cf.targetName() + exe
        + ' ' + linklist + "\n\n";
    // Create dependencies
    if(cf.targetType() == executable
      || cf.targetType() == object) {
      int compiledeps = cf.compile().size();
      string objlist(cf.base() + obj + ": ");
      for(int i = 0; i < compiledeps; i++)
        objlist += 
          cf.compile().operator[](i) + " ";
          compiler, objlist) +"\n");
  ostream_iterator<string> mkos(makefile, "");
  *mkos = "\n";
  copy(makeAll.begin(), makeAll.end(), mkos);
  *mkos = "\n\n";
  copy(makeTest.begin(), makeTest.end(), mkos);
  *mkos = "\n\n";
  copy(makeBugs.begin(), makeBugs.end(), mkos);
  if(makeBugs.size() == 1)
    *mkos = "\n\t@echo No compiler bugs in "
      "this directory!";
  *mkos = "\n\n";
  copy(linkCmd.begin(), linkCmd.end(), mkos);
  *mkos = "\n";
  copy(makeDeps.begin(), makeDeps.end(), mkos);
  *mkos = "\n";

void Makefile::writeMaster(string flag) {
  string filename = "makefile";
  if(flag.length() != 0)
    filename += '.' + flag;
  ofstream makefile(filename.c_str());
  makefile << "# Master makefile for "
    "Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed. by Bruce Eckel\n"
    "# at\n"
    "# Compiles all the code in the book\n"
    "# Copyright notice in Copyright.txt\n\n"
    "help: \n"
    "\t@echo To compile all programs from \n"
    "\t@echo Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed., type\n"
    "\t@echo one of the following commands,\n"
    "\t@echo according to your compiler:\n";
  set<string>& n = CompilerData::compilerNames();
  set<string>::iterator nit;
  for(nit = n.begin(); nit != n.end(); nit++)
    makefile << 
      string("\t@echo make " + *nit + "\n");
  makefile << endl;
  // Make for each compiler:
  for(nit = n.begin(); nit != n.end(); nit++) {
    makefile << *nit << ":\n";
    for(set<string>::iterator it = paths.begin();
      it != paths.end(); it++) {
      // Ignore the root directory:
      if((*it).length() == 0) continue;
      makefile << "\tcd " << *it;
      // Different commands for unix vs. dos:
        makefile << "; ";
        makefile << "\n\t";
      makefile << "make -f " << *nit 
        << ".makefile";
      if(flag.length() != 0) {
        makefile << ' ';
        if(flag == "bugs")
          makefile << "-i ";
        makefile << flag;
      makefile << "\n";
      if(CompilerData::isUnix(*nit) == false)
        makefile << "\tcd ..\n";
    makefile << endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  if(argc < 2) {
    error("Command line error", usage);
  // For development & testing, leave off notice:
  if(argc == 3)
    if(string(argv[2]) == "-nocopyright")
      copyright = "";
  // Open the input file to read the compiler
  // information database:
  ifstream in(argv[1]);
  if(!in) {
    error(string("can't open ") + argv[1],usage);
  string s;
  while(getline(in, s)) {
    // Break up the strings to prevent a match when
    // this code is seen by this program:
    if(s.find("#:" " :CompileDB.txt") 
      != string::npos) {
      // Parse the compiler information database:
      break; // Out of while loop
    error("CompileDB.txt", "Can't find data");
  in.seekg(0, ios::beg); // Back to beginning
  map<string, Makefile> makeFiles;
  while(getline(in, s)) {
    // Look for tag at beginning of line:
    if(s.find("//" ":") == 0
       || s.find("/*" ":") == 0
       || s.find("#" ":") == 0) {
      CodeFile cf(in, s);
      cf.write();  // Tell it to write itself
  // Write all the makefiles, telling each
  // the path where it belongs:
  map<string, Makefile>::iterator mfi;
  for(mfi = makeFiles.begin(); 
    mfi != makeFiles.end(); mfi++)
  // Create the master makefile:
  // Write the makefile that tries the bug files:
} ///:~ 

The first tool you see is trim( ), which was lifted from the strings chapter earlier in the book. It removes the whitespace from both ends of a string object. This is followed by the usage string which is printed whenever something goes wrong with the program.

The error( ) function is global because it uses a trick with static members of functions. error( ) is designed so that if it is never called, no error reporting occurs, but if it is called one or more times then an error file is created and the total number of errors is reported at the end of the program execution. This is accomplished by creating a nested class ErrReport and making a static ErrReport object inside error( ). That way, an ErrReport object is only created the first time error( ) is called, so if error( ) is never called no error reporting will occur. ErrReport creates an ofstream to write the errors to, and the ErrReport destructor closes the ofstream, then re-opens it and dumps it to cerr. This way, if the error report is too long and scrolls off the screen, you can use an editor to look at it. The count of the number of errors is held in ErrReport, and this is also reported upon program termination.

The job of a PushDirectory object is to capture the current directory, then created and move down each directory in the path (the path can be arbitrarily long). Each subdirectory in the file’s path description is separated by a ‘ :’ and the mkdir( ) and chdir( ) (or the equivalent on your system) are used to move into only one directory at a time, so the actual character that’s used to separate directory paths is safely ignored. The destructor returns the path to the one that was captured before all the creating and moving took place.

Unfortunately, there are no functions in Standard C or Standard C++ to control directory creation and movement, so this is captured in the class OSDirControl. After reading the design patterns chapter, your first impulse might be to use the full “Bridge” pattern. However, there’s a lot more going on here. Bridge generally works with things that are already classes, and here we are actually creating the class to encapsulating operating system directory control. In addition, this requires #ifdefs and #includes for each different operating system and compiler. However, the basic idea is that of a Bridge, since the rest of the code ( PushDirectory is actually the only thing that uses this, and thus it acts as the Bridge abstraction) treats an OsDirControl object as a standard interface.

All the information about a particular source code file is encapsulated in a CodeFile object. This includes the type of target the file should produce, variations on the name of the file including the name of the target file it’s supposed to produce. The entire contents of the file is contained in the vector<string> lines . In addition, the file’s dependencies (the files which, if they change, should cause a recompilation of the current file) and the files on the linker command line are also vector<string> objects. The CodeFile object keeps all the compilers it won’t work with in _noBuild, which is a set<string> because it’s easier to look up an element in a set. The writeTags flag indicates whether the beginning and ending markers from the book listing should actually be output to the generated file.

The three private helper functions target( ), headerLine( ) and dependLine( ) are used by the CodeFile constructor while it is parsing the input stream. In fact, the CodeFile constructor does much of the work and most of the rest of the member functions simply return values that are stored in the CodeFile object. Exceptions to this are addFailure( ) which stores a compiler that won’t work, and compilesOK( ) which, when given a compiler tells whether this file will compile successfully with that compiler. The ostream operator<< uses the STL copy( ) algorithm and write( ) uses operator<< to write the file into a particular directory and file name.

Looking at the implementation, you’ll see that the helper functions target( ), headerLine( ) and dependLine( ) are just using string functions in order to search and manipulate the lines. The constructor is what initiates everything. The idea is that the main program opens the file and reads it until it sees the starting marker for a code file. At that point it makes a CodeFile object and hands the constructor the istream (so the constructor can read the rest of the code file) and the first line that was already read, since it contains valuable information. This first line is dissected for the file name information and the target type. The beginning of the file is written (source and copyright information is added) and the rest of the file is read, until the ending tag. The top few lines may contain information about link dependencies and command line arguments, or they may be files that are #included using quotes rather than angle brackets. Quotes indicate they are from local directories and should be added to the makefile dependency.

You’ll notice that a number of the markers strings in this program are broken up into two adjacent character strings, relying on the preprocessor to concatenate those strings. This is to prevent them from causing the ExtractCode program from accidentally mistaking the strings embedded in the program with the end marker, when ExtractCode is extracting it’s own source code.

The goal of CompilerData is to capture and make available all the information about particular compiler idiosyncrasies. At first glance, the CompilerData class appears to be a container of static member functions, a library of functions wrapped in a class. Actually, the class contains two static data members; the simpler one is a set<string> that holds all the compiler names, but compilerInfo is a map that maps string objects (the compiler name) to CompilerData objects. Each individual CompilerData object in compilerInfo contains a vector<string> which is the “rules” that are placed in the makefile (these rules are different for different compilers) and a set<string> which indicates the files that won’t compile with this particular compiler. Also, each compiler creates different extensions for object files and executable files, and these are also stored. There are two flags which indicate if this is a “dos” or “unix” style environment (this causes differences in path information and command styles for the resulting makefiles).

The member function readDB( ) is responsible for taking an istream and parsing it into a series of CompilerData objects which are stored in compilerInfo. By choosing a relatively simple format (which you can see in Appendix D) the parsing of this configuration file is fairly simple: the first character on a line determines what information the line contains; a ‘ #’ sign is a comment, a ‘ {‘ indicates that the next compiler configuration is beginning and this is the new compiler name, a ‘ (‘ is used to establish the object file extension name, a ‘ &’ indicates the “dos” or “unix” directive, and ‘@’ is a makefile rule which is placed verbatim at the beginning of the makefile. If there is no special character at the beginning of the line, the it must be a file that fails to compile.

The addFailures( ) member function takes it’s CodeFile argument (by reference, so it can modify the outside object) and checks each compiler to see if it works with that particular code file; if not, it adds that compiler to the CodeFile object’s failure list.

Both obj( ) and exe( ) return the appropriate file extension for a particular compiler. Note that some situations don’t expect extensions, and so the ‘ .’ is added only if there is an extension.

When the makefile is being created, one of the first things to do is add the various make rules, such as the prefixes and target rules (see Appendix D for examples). This is accomplished with writeRules( ). Note the use of the STL copy( ) algorithm.

Although dos compilers have no trouble with forward slashes as part of the paths of #include files, most dos make programs expect backslashes as part of paths in dependency lists. To adjust for this, the adjustPath( ) function checks to see if this is a dos compiler, and if so it uses the STL replace( ) algorithm, treating the path string object as a container, to replace forward-slash characters with backward slashes.

The last class, Makefile, is used to create all the makefiles, including the master makefile that moves into each subdirectory and calls the other makefiles. Each Makefile contains a group of CodeFile objects, stored in a vector. You call addEntry( ) to put a new CodeFile into the Makefile; this also adds the failure list to the CodeFile. In addition, there is a static set<string> which contains all the different paths where all the different makefiles will be written; this is used to build the master makefile so it can call all the makefiles in all the subdirectories. The addEntry( ) function also updates this set of paths.

To write the makefile for a particular path (once the entire book file has been read), you call writeMakefiles( ) and hand it the path you want it to write the makefile for. This function simply iterates through all the compilers in compilers and calls createMakefile( ) for each one, passing it the compiler name and the path. The latter function is where the real work gets done. First the file name extensions are captured into local string objects, then the file name is created from the name of the compiler with “.makefile” concatenated (you can use a file with a name other than “makefile” by using the make -f flag). After writing the header comments and the rules for that particular compiler/operating-system combination (remember, these rules come from the compiler configuration file), a vector<string> is created to hold all the different regions of the makefile: the master target list makeAll, the testing commands makeTest, the dependencies makeDeps, and the commands for linking into executables linkCmd. The reason it’s necessary to have lists for these four regions is that each CodeFile object causes entries into each region, so the regions are built as the list of CodeFiles is traversed, and then finally each region is written in its proper order. This is the function which decides whether a file is going to be included, and also calls adjustPath( ) to conditionally change forward slashes to backward slashes.

To write the master makefile in writeMaster( ), the initial comments are written. The default target is called “help,” and it is used if you simply type make. This provides very simple help to the first time user, including the options for make that this makefile supports (that is, all the different compilers the makefile is set up for). Then it creates the list of commands for each compiler, which basically consists of: descending into a subdirectory, call make (recursively) on the appropriate makefile in that subdirectory, and then rising back up to the book’s root subdirectory. Makefiles in unix and dos work very differently from each other in this situation: in unix, you cd to the directory, followed by a semicolon and then the command you want to execute – returning to the root directory happens automatically. While in dos, you must cd both down and then back up again, all on separate lines. So the writeMaster( ) function must interrogate to see if a compiler is running under Unix and write different commands accordingly.

Because of the work done in designing the classes (and this was an iterative process; it didn’t just pop out this way), main( ) is quite straightforward to read. After opening the input file, the getline( ) function is used to read each input line until the line containing CompileDB.txt is found; this indicates the beginning of the compiler database listing. Once that has been parsed, seekg( ) is used to move the file pointer back to the beginning so all the code files can be extracted.

Each line is read and if one of the start markers is found in the line, a CodeFile object is created using that line (which has essential information) and the input stream. The constructor returns when it finishes reading its file, and at that point you can turn around and call write( ) for the code file, and it is automatically written to the correct spot (an earlier version of this program collected all the CodeFile objects first and put them in a container, then wrote one directory at a time, but the approach shown above has code that’s easier to understand and the performance impact is not really significant for a tool like this.

For makefile management, a map<string, Makefile> is created, where the string is the path where the makefile exists. The nice thing about this approach is that the Makefile objects will be automatically created whenever you access a new path, as you can see in the line


then to write all the makefiles you simply iterate through the makeFiles map.

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