MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

Classifying patterns

The Design Patterns book discusses 23 different patterns, classified under three purposes (all of which revolve around the particular aspect that can vary). The three purposes are:

  1. Creational: how an object can be created. This often involves isolating the details of object creation so your code isn’t dependent on what types of objects there are and thus doesn’t have to be changed when you add a new type of object. The aforementioned Singleton is classified as a creational pattern, and later in this chapter you’ll see examples of Factory Method and Prototype.
  2. Structural: designing objects to satisfy particular project constraints. These work with the way objects are connected with other objects to ensure that changes in the system don’t require changes to those connections.
  3. Behavioral: objects that handle particular types of actions within a program. These encapsulate processes that you want to perform, such as interpreting a language, fulfilling a request, moving through a sequence (as in an iterator), or implementing an algorithm. This chapter contains examples of the Observer and the Visitor patterns.
The Design Patterns book has a section on each of its 23 patterns along with one or more examples for each, typically in C++ but sometimes in Smalltalk. This book will not repeat all the details of the patterns shown in Design Patterns since that book stands on its own and should be studied separately. The catalog and examples provided here are intended to rapidly give you a grasp of the patterns, so you can get a decent feel for what patterns are about and why they are so important.

[[ Describe different form of categorization, based on what you want to accomplish rather than the way the patterns look. More categories, but should result in easier-to-understand, faster selection ]]]

Features, idioms, patterns

How things have gotten confused; conflicting pattern descriptions, naïve “patterns,” patterns are not trivial nor are they represented by features that are built into the language, nor are they things that you do almost all the time. Constructors and destructors, for example, could be called the “guaranteed initialization and cleanup design pattern.” This is an important and essential idea, but it’s built into the language.

Another example comes from various forms of aggregation. Aggregation is a completely fundamental principle in object-oriented programming: you make objects out of other objects [[ make reference to basic tenets of OO ]]. Yet sometimes this idea is classified as a pattern, which tends to confuse the issue. This is unfortunate because it pollutes the idea of the design pattern and suggest that anything that surprises you the first time you see it should be a design pattern.

Another misguided example is found in the Java language; the designers of the “JavaBeans” specification decided to refer to a simple naming convention as a design pattern (you say getInfo( ) for a member function that returns an Info property and setInfo( ) for one that changes the internal Info property; the use of the “get” and “set” strings is what they decided constituted calling it a design pattern).

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