MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


RTTI must adjust somewhat to work with references. The contrast between pointers and references occurs because a reference is always dereferenced for you by the compiler, whereas a pointer’s type or the type it points to may be examined. Here’s an example:

class B {
  virtual float f() { return 1.0;}
  virtual ~B() {}
class D : public B { /* ... */ };
B* p = new D;
B& r = *p; 

Whereas the type of pointer that typeid( ) sees is the base type and not the derived type, the type it sees for the reference is the derived type:

typeid(p) == typeid(B*)
typeid(p) != typeid(D*)
typeid(r) == typeid(D) 

Conversely, what the pointer points to is the derived type and not the base type, and taking the address of the reference produces the base type and not the derived type:

typeid(*p) == typeid(D)
typeid(*p) != typeid(B)
typeid(&r) == typeid(B*)
typeid(&r) != typeid(D*) 

Expressions may also be used with the typeid( ) operator because they have a type as well:

typeid(r.f()) == typeid(float)


When you perform a dynamic_cast to a reference, the result must be assigned to a reference. But what happens if the cast fails? There are no null references, so this is the perfect place to throw an exception; the Standard C++ exception type is bad_cast, but in the following example the ellipses are used to catch any exception:

class X {};

MI mi;
d1 & D1 = mi; // Upcast to reference
try {
  X& xr = dynamic_cast<X&>(D1);
} catch(...) {
  cout << "dynamic_cast<X&>(D1) failed"
       << endl;

The failure, of course, is because D1 doesn’t actually point to an X object. If an exception was not thrown here, then xr would be unbound, and the guarantee that all objects or references are constructed storage would be broken.

An exception is also thrown if you try to dereference a null pointer in the process of calling typeid( ). The Standard C++ exception is called bad_typeid:

B* bp = 0;
try {
  typeid(*bp); // Throws exception
} catch(bad_typeid) {
  cout << "Bad typeid() expression" << endl;

Here (unlike the reference example above) you can avoid the exception by checking for a nonzero pointer value before attempting the operation; this is the preferred practice.

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