MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


Of course it costs something for this new feature; when an exception is thrown there’s considerable run-time overhead. This is the reason you never want to use exceptions as part of your normal flow-of-control, no matter how tempting and clever it may seem. Exceptions should occur only rarely, so the overhead is piled on the exception and not on the normally executing code. One of the important design goals for exception handling was that it could be implemented with no impact on execution speed when it wasn’t used; that is, as long as you don’t throw an exception, your code runs as fast as it would without exception handling. Whether or not this is actually true depends on the particular compiler implementation you’re using.

Exception handling also causes extra information to be put on the stack by the compiler, to aid in stack unwinding.

Exception objects are properly passed around like any other objects, except that they can be passed into and out of what can be thought of as a special “exception scope” (which may just be the global scope). That’s how they go from one place to another. When the exception handler is finished, the exception objects are properly destroyed.

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