MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

Throwing an exception

If you encounter an exceptional situation in your code – that is, one where you don’t have enough information in the current context to decide what to do – you can send information about the error into a larger context by creating an object containing that information and “throwing” it out of your current context. This is called throwing an exception . Here’s what it looks like:

throw myerror(“something bad happened”);

myerror is an ordinary class, which takes a char* as its argument. You can use any type when you throw (including built-in types), but often you’ll use special types created just for throwing exceptions.

The keyword throw causes a number of relatively magical things to happen. First it creates an object that isn’t there under normal program execution, and of course the constructor is called for that object. Then the object is, in effect, “returned” from the function, even though that object type isn’t normally what the function is designed to return. A simplistic way to think about exception handling is as an alternate return mechanism, although you get into trouble if you take the analogy too far – you can also exit from ordinary scopes by throwing an exception. But a value is returned, and the function or scope exits.

Any similarity to function returns ends there because where you return to is someplace completely different than for a normal function call. (You end up in an appropriate exception handler that may be miles away from where the exception was thrown.) In addition, only objects that were successfully created at the time of the exception are destroyed (unlike a normal function return that assumes all the objects in the scope must be destroyed). Of course, the exception object itself is also properly cleaned up at the appropriate point.

In addition, you can throw as many different types of objects as you want. Typically, you’ll throw a different type for each different type of error. The idea is to store the information in the object and the type of object, so someone in the bigger context can figure out what to do with your exception.

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