MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

Repairing an interface

One of the best arguments for multiple inheritance involves code that’s out of your control. Suppose you’ve acquired a library that consists of a header file and compiled member functions, but no source code for member functions. This library is a class hierarchy with virtual functions, and it contains some global functions that take pointers to the base class of the library; that is, it uses the library objects polymorphically. Now suppose you build an application around this library, and write your own code that uses the base class polymorphically.

Later in the development of the project or sometime during its maintenance, you discover that the base-class interface provided by the vendor is incomplete: A function may be nonvirtual and you need it to be virtual, or a virtual function is completely missing in the interface, but essential to the solution of your problem. If you had the source code, you could go back and put it in. But you don’t, and you have a lot of existing code that depends on the original interface. Here, multiple inheritance is the perfect solution.

For example, here’s the header file for a library you acquire:

//: C22:Vendor.h
// Vendor-supplied class header
// You only get this & the compiled VENDOR.OBJ
#ifndef VENDOR_H
#define VENDOR_H

class Vendor {
  virtual void v() const;
  void f() const;

class Vendor1 : public Vendor {
  void v() const;
  void f() const;

void A(const Vendor&);
void B(const Vendor&);
// Etc.
#endif // VENDOR_H ///:~ 

Assume the library is much bigger, with more derived classes and a larger interface. Notice that it also includes the functions A( ) and B( ), which take a base pointer and treat it polymorphically. Here’s the implementation file for the library:

//: C22:Vendor.cpp {O}
// Implementation of VENDOR.H
// This is compiled and unavailable to you
#include <fstream>
#include "Vendor.h"
using namespace std;

extern ofstream out; // For trace info

void Vendor::v() const {
  out << "Vendor::v()\n";

void Vendor::f() const {
  out << "Vendor::f()\n";

Vendor::~Vendor() {
  out << "~Vendor()\n";

void Vendor1::v() const {
  out << "Vendor1::v()\n";

void Vendor1::f() const {
  out << "Vendor1::f()\n";

Vendor1::~Vendor1() {
  out << "~Vendor1()\n";

void A(const Vendor& V) {
  // ...

void B(const Vendor& V) {
  // ...
} ///:~ 

In your project, this source code is unavailable to you. Instead, you get a compiled file as VENDOR.OBJ or VENDOR.LIB (or the equivalent for your system).

The problem occurs in the use of this library. First, the destructor isn’t virtual. This is actually a design error on the part of the library creator. In addition, f( ) was not made virtual; assume the library creator decided it wouldn’t need to be. And you discover that the interface to the base class is missing a function essential to the solution of your problem. Also suppose you’ve already written a fair amount of code using the existing interface (not to mention the functions A( ) and B( ), which are out of your control), and you don’t want to change it.

To repair the problem, create your own class interface and multiply inherit a new set of derived classes from your interface and from the existing classes:

//: C22:Paste.cpp
//{L} Vendor
// Fixing a mess with MI
#include <fstream>
#include "Vendor.h"
using namespace std;

ofstream out("paste.out");

class MyBase { // Repair Vendor interface
  virtual void v() const = 0;
  virtual void f() const = 0;
  // New interface function:
  virtual void g() const = 0;
  virtual ~MyBase() { out << "~MyBase()\n"; }

class Paste1 : public MyBase, public Vendor1 {
  void v() const {
    out << "Paste1::v()\n";
  void f() const {
    out << "Paste1::f()\n";
  void g() const {
    out << "Paste1::g()\n";
  ~Paste1() { out << "~Paste1()\n"; }

int main() {
  Paste1& p1p = *new Paste1;
  MyBase& mp = p1p; // Upcast
  out << "calling f()\n";
  mp.f();  // Right behavior
  out << "calling g()\n";
  mp.g(); // New behavior
  out << "calling A(p1p)\n";
  A(p1p); // Same old behavior
  out << "calling B(p1p)\n";
  B(p1p);  // Same old behavior
  out << "delete mp\n";
  // Deleting a reference to a heap object:
  delete &mp; // Right behavior
} ///:~ 

In MyBase (which does not use MI), both f( ) and the destructor are now virtual, and a new virtual function g( ) has been added to the interface. Now each of the derived classes in the original library must be recreated, mixing in the new interface with MI. The functions Paste1::v( ) and Paste1::f( )need to call only the original base-class versions of their functions. But now, if you upcast to MyBase as in main( )

MyBase* mp = p1p; // Upcast

any function calls made through mp will be polymorphic, including delete. Also, the new interface function g( ) can be called through mp. Here’s the output of the program:

calling f()
calling g()
calling A(p1p)
calling B(p1p)
delete mp
The original library functions A( ) and B( ) still work the same (assuming the new v( ) calls its base-class version). The destructor is now virtual and exhibits the correct behavior.

Although this is a messy example, it does occur in practice and it’s a good demonstration of where multiple inheritance is clearly necessary: You must be able to upcast to both base classes.

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