MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


The term “pointer magic” has been used to describe the way virtual inheritance is implemented. You can see the physical overhead of virtual inheritance with the following program:

//: C22:Overhead.cpp
// Virtual base class overhead
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
ofstream out("overhead.out");

class MBase {
  virtual void f() const {};
  virtual ~MBase() {}

class NonVirtualInheritance
  : public MBase {};

class VirtualInheritance
  : virtual public MBase {};

class VirtualInheritance2
  : virtual public MBase {};

class MI
  : public VirtualInheritance,
    public VirtualInheritance2 {};

#define WRITE(ARG) \
out << #ARG << " = " << ARG << endl;

int main() {
  MBase b;
  NonVirtualInheritance nonv_inheritance;
  VirtualInheritance v_inheritance;
  MI mi;
} ///:~ 

Each of these classes only contains a single byte, and the “core size” is that byte. Because all these classes contain virtual functions, you expect the object size to be bigger than the core size by a pointer (at least – your compiler may also pad extra bytes into an object for alignment). The results are a bit surprising (these are from one particular compiler; yours may do it differently):

sizeof(b) = 2
sizeof(nonv_inheritance) = 2
sizeof(v_inheritance) = 6
sizeof(MI) = 12 
Both b and nonv_inheritance contain the extra pointer, as expected. But when virtual inheritance is added, it would appear that the VPTR plus two extra pointers are added! By the time the multiple inheritance is performed, the object appears to contain five extra pointers (however, one of these is probably a second VPTR for the second multiply inherited subobject).

The curious can certainly probe into your particular implementation and look at the assembly language for member selection to determine exactly what these extra bytes are for, and the cost of member selection with multiple inheritance [57]. The rest of you have probably seen enough to guess that quite a bit more goes on with virtual multiple inheritance, so it should be used sparingly (or avoided) when efficiency is an issue.

[57] See also Jan Gray , “C++ Under the Hood” , a chapter in Black Belt C++ (edited by Bruce Eckel, M&T Press, 1995).

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