MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

21: STL Algorithms

The other half of the STL is the algorithms, which are templatized functions designed to work with the containers (or, as you will see, anything that can behave like a container, including arrays and string objects).

The STL was originally designed around the algorithms. The goal was that you use algorithms for almost every piece of code that you write. In this sense it was a bit of an experiment, and only time will tell how well it works. The real test will be in how easy or difficult it is for the average programmer to adapt. At the end of this chapter you’ll be able to decide for yourself whether you find the algorithms addictive or too confusing to remember. If you’re like me, you’ll resist them at first but then tend to use them more and more.

Before you make your judgement, however, there’s one other thing to consider. The STL algorithms provide a vocabulary with which to describe solutions. That is, once you become familiar with the algorithms you’ll have a new set of words with which to discuss what you’re doing, and these words are at a higher level than what you’ve had before. You don’t have to say “this loop moves through and assigns from here to there ... oh, I see, it’s copying!” Instead, you say copy( ). This is the kind of thing we’ve been doing in computer programming from the beginning – creating more dense ways to express what we’re doing and spending less time saying how we’re doing it. Whether the STL algorithms and generic programming are a great success in accomplishing this remains to be seen, but that is certainly the objective.

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