MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

Creating your own containers

With the STL as a foundation, it’s possible to create your own containers. Assuming you follow the same model of providing iterators, your new container will behave as if it were a built-in STL container.

Consider the “ring” data structure, which is a circular sequence container. If you reach the end, it just wraps around to the beginning. This can be implemented on top of a list as follows:

//: C20:Ring.cpp
// Making a "ring" data structure from the STL
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

template<class T>
class Ring {
  list<T> lst;
  // Declaration necessary so the following 
  // 'friend' statement sees this 'iterator' 
  // instead of std::iterator:
  class iterator;
  friend class iterator;
  class iterator : public std::iterator<
    list<T>::iterator it;
    list<T>* r;
    // "typename" necessary to resolve nesting:
    iterator(list<T>& lst,
      const typename list<T>::iterator& i)
      : r(&lst), it(i) {}
    bool operator==(const iterator& x) const {
      return it ==;
    bool operator!=(const iterator& x) const {
      return !(*this == x);
    list<T>::reference operator*() const {
      return *it;
    iterator& operator++() {
      if(it == r->end())
        it = r->begin();
      return *this;
    iterator operator++(int) {
      iterator tmp = *this;
      return tmp;
    iterator& operator--() {
      if(it == r->begin())
        it = r->end();
      return *this;
    iterator operator--(int) {
      iterator tmp = *this;
      return tmp;
    iterator insert(const T& x){
      return iterator(*r, r->insert(it, x));
    iterator erase() {
      return iterator(*r, r->erase(it));
  void push_back(const T& x) {
  iterator begin() {
    return iterator(lst, lst.begin());
 int size() { return lst.size(); }

int main() {
  Ring<string> rs;
  Ring<string>::iterator it = rs.begin();
  it++; it++;
  it = rs.begin();
  // Twice around the ring:
  for(int i = 0; i < rs.size() * 2; i++)
    cout << *it++ << endl;
} ///:~ 

You can see that the iterator is where most of the coding is done. The Ring iterator must know how to loop back to the beginning, so it must keep a reference to the list of its “parent” Ring object in order to know if it’s at the end and how to get back to the beginning.

You’ll notice that the interface for Ring is quite limited; in particular there is no end( ), since a ring just keeps looping. This means that you won’t be able to use a Ring in any STL algorithms that require a past-the-end iterator – which is many of them. (It turns out that adding this feature is a non-trivial exercise). Although this can seem limiting, consider stack, queue and priority_queue, which don’t produce any iterators at all!

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