Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed | Contents | Prev | Next |
//: C20:BitSet.cpp // Exercising the bitset class #include <iostream> #include <bitset> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <string> using namespace std; const int sz = 32; typedef bitset<sz> BS; template<int bits> bitset<bits> randBitset() { bitset<bits> r(rand()); for(int i = 0; i < bits/16 - 1; i++) { r <<= 16; // "OR" together with a new lower 16 bits: r |= bitset<bits>(rand()); } return r; } int main() { srand(time(0)); cout << "sizeof(bitset<16>) = " << sizeof(bitset<16>) << endl; cout << "sizeof(bitset<32>) = " << sizeof(bitset<32>) << endl; cout << "sizeof(bitset<48>) = " << sizeof(bitset<48>) << endl; cout << "sizeof(bitset<64>) = " << sizeof(bitset<64>) << endl; cout << "sizeof(bitset<65>) = " << sizeof(bitset<65>) << endl; BS a(randBitset<sz>()), b(randBitset<sz>()); // Converting from a bitset: unsigned long ul = a.to_ulong(); string s = b.to_string(); // Converting a string to a bitset: char* cbits = "111011010110111"; cout << "char* cbits = " << cbits <<endl; cout << BS(cbits) << " [BS(cbits)]" << endl; cout << BS(cbits, 2) << " [BS(cbits, 2)]" << endl; cout << BS(cbits, 2, 11) << " [BS(cbits, 2, 11)]" << endl; cout << a << " [a]" << endl; cout << b << " [b]"<< endl; // Bitwise AND: cout << (a & b) << " [a & b]" << endl; cout << (BS(a) &= b) << " [a &= b]" << endl; // Bitwise OR: cout << (a | b) << " [a | b]" << endl; cout << (BS(a) |= b) << " [a |= b]" << endl; // Exclusive OR: cout << (a ^ b) << " [a ^ b]" << endl; cout << (BS(a) ^= b) << " [a ^= b]" << endl; cout << a << " [a]" << endl; // For reference // Logical left shift (fill with zeros): cout << (BS(a) <<= sz/2) << " [a <<= (sz/2)]" << endl; cout << (a << sz/2) << endl; cout << a << " [a]" << endl; // For reference // Logical right shift (fill with zeros): cout << (BS(a) >>= sz/2) << " [a >>= (sz/2)]" << endl; cout << (a >> sz/2) << endl; cout << a << " [a]" << endl; // For reference cout << BS(a).set() << " [a.set()]" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++) if(!a.test(i)) { cout << BS(a).set(i) << " [a.set(" << i <<")]" << endl; break; // Just do one example of this } cout << BS(a).reset() << " [a.reset()]"<< endl; for(int j = 0; j < sz; j++) if(a.test(j)) { cout << BS(a).reset(j) << " [a.reset(" << j <<")]" << endl; break; // Just do one example of this } cout << BS(a).flip() << " [a.flip()]" << endl; cout << ~a << " [~a]" << endl; cout << a << " [a]" << endl; // For reference cout << BS(a).flip(1) << " [a.flip(1)]"<< endl; BS c; cout << c << " [c]" << endl; cout << "c.count() = " << c.count() << endl; cout << "c.any() = " << (c.any() ? "true" : "false") << endl; cout << "c.none() = " << (c.none() ? "true" : "false") << endl; c[1].flip(); c[2].flip(); cout << c << " [c]" << endl; cout << "c.count() = " << c.count() << endl; cout << "c.any() = " << (c.any() ? "true" : "false") << endl; cout << "c.none() = " << (c.none() ? "true" : "false") << endl; // Array indexing operations: c.reset(); for(int k = 0; k < c.size(); k++) if(k % 2 == 0) c[k].flip(); cout << c << " [c]" << endl; c.reset(); // Assignment to bool: for(int ii = 0; ii < c.size(); ii++) c[ii] = (rand() % 100) < 25; cout << c << " [c]" << endl; // bool test: if(c[1] == true) cout << "c[1] == true"; else cout << "c[1] == false" << endl; } ///:~
//: C20:VectorOfBool.cpp // Demonstrate the vector<bool> specialization #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <bitset> #include <iterator> using namespace std; int main() { vector<bool> vb(10, true); vector<bool>::iterator it; for(it = vb.begin(); it != vb.end(); it++) cout << *it; cout << endl; vb.push_back(false); ostream_iterator<bool> out (cout, ""); copy(vb.begin(), vb.end(), out); cout << endl; bool ab[] = { true, false, false, true, true, true, true, false, false, true }; // There's a similar constructor: vb.assign(ab, ab + sizeof(ab)/sizeof(bool)); copy(vb.begin(), vb.end(), out); cout << endl; vb.flip(); // Flip all bits copy(vb.begin(), vb.end(), out); cout << endl; for(int i = 0; i < vb.size(); i++) vb[i] = 0; // (Equivalent to "false") vb[4] = true; vb[5] = 1; vb[7].flip(); // Invert one bit copy(vb.begin(), vb.end(), out); cout << endl; // Convert to a bitset: ostringstream os; copy(vb.begin(), vb.end(), ostream_iterator<bool>(os, "")); bitset<10> bs(os.str()); cout << "Bitset:\n" << bs << endl; } ///:~