MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


  1. Open a file by creating an ifstream object called in. Make an ostrstream object called os, and read the entire contents into the ostrstream using the rdbuf( ) member function. Get the address of os’s char* with the str( ) function, and capitalize every character in the file using the Standard C toupper( ) macro. Write the result out to a new file, and delete the memory allocated by os.
  2. Create a program that opens a file (the first argument on the command line) and searches it for any one of a set of words (the remaining arguments on the command line). Read the input a line at a time, and print out the lines (with line numbers) that match.
  3. Write a program that adds a copyright notice to the beginning of all source-code files. This is a small modification to exercise 1.
  4. Use your favorite text-searching program ( grep, for example) to output the names (only) of all the files that contain a particular pattern. Redirect the output into a file. Write a program that uses the contents of that file to generate a batch file that invokes your editor on each of the files found by the search program.
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