MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


C++ string objects provide developers with a number of great advantages over their C counterparts. For the most part, the string class makes referring to strings through the use of character pointers unnecessary. This eliminates an entire class of software defects that arise from the use of uninitialized and incorrectly valued pointers. C++ strings dynamically and transparently grow their internal data storage space to accommodate increases in the size of the string data. This means that when the data in a string grows beyond the limits of the memory initially allocated to it, the string object will make the memory management calls that take space from and return space to the heap. Consistent allocation schemes prevent memory leaks and have the potential to be much more efficient than “roll your own” memory management.

The string class member functions provide a fairly comprehensive set of tools for creating, modifying, and searching in strings. string comparisons are always case sensitive, but you can work around this by copying string data to C style null terminated strings and using case insensitive string comparison functions, temporarily converting the data held in sting objects to a single case, or by creating a case insensitive string class which overrides the character traits used to create the basic_string object.

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