MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

13: Dynamic object creation

Sometimes you know the exact quantity, type, and lifetime of the objects in your program. But not always.

How many planes will an air-traffic system have to handle? How many shapes will a CAD system need? How many nodes will there be in a network?

To solve the general programming problem, it’s essential that you be able to create and destroy objects at run-time. Of course, C has always provided the dynamic memory allocation functions malloc( )and free( )(along with variants of malloc( )) that allocate storage from the heap (also called the free store ) at run-time.

However, this simply won’t work in C++. The constructor doesn’t allow you to hand it the address of the memory to initialize, and for good reason: If you could do that, you might

  1. Forget. Then guaranteed initialization
of objects in C++ wouldn’t be guaranteed.

  1. Accidentally do something to the object before you initialize it, expecting the right thing to happen.
  2. Hand it the wrong-sized object.
And of course, even if you did everything correctly, anyone who modifies your program is prone to the same errors. Improper initialization is responsible for a large portion of programming errors, so it’s especially important to guarantee constructor calls for objects created on the heap.

So how does C++ guarantee proper initialization and cleanup, but allow you to create objects dynamically, on the heap?

The answer is, “by bringing dynamic object creation into the core of the language.” malloc( ) and free( ) are library functions, and thus outside the control of the compiler. However, if you have an operator to perform the combined act of dynamic storage allocation and initialization and another to perform the combined act of cleanup and releasing storage, the compiler can still guarantee that constructors and destructors will be called for all objects.

In this chapter, you’ll learn how C++’s new and delete elegantly solve this problem by safely creating objects on the heap.

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