MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


  1. Create a message class with a constructor that takes a single char* with a default value. Create a private member char*, and assume the constructor will be passed a static quoted character array; simply assign the argument pointer to your internal pointer. Create two overloaded member functions called print( ): one that takes no arguments and simply prints the message stored in the object, and one that takes a char* argument, which it prints in addition to the internal message. Does it make sense to use this approach rather than the one used for the constructor?
  2. Determine how to generate assembly output with your compiler, and run experiments to deduce the name-mangling scheme.
  3. Modify Stash4.h and Stash4.cpp to use default arguments in the constructor. Test the constructor by making two different versions of a Stash object.
  4. Compare the execution speed of the Flags class versus the BitVector class. To ensure there’s no confusion about efficiency, first remove the index, offset, and mask clarification definitions in set( ), clear( ) and read( ) by combining them into a single statement that performs the appropriate action. (Test the new code to make sure you haven’t broken anything.)
  5. Change Flags.cpp so it dynamically allocates the storage for the flags. Give the constructor an argument that is the size of the storage, and put a default of 100 on that argument. Make sure you properly clean up the storage in the destructor.
  6. Modify SuperVar so there are #ifdefs around all the vartype code as described in the section on enum.

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