MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next


  1. Modify the Handle.h, Handle.cpp, and UseHandle.cpp files at the end of Chapter 5 to use constructors and destructors.
  2. Create a class with a destructor and nondefault constructor, each of which print something to announce their presence. Write code that demonstrates when the constructor and destructor are called.
  3. Demonstrate automatic counting and aggregate initialization with an array of objects of the class you created in Exercise 2. Add a member function to that class that prints a message. Calculate the size of the array and move through it, calling your new member function.
  4. Create a class without any constructors, and show you can create objects with the default constructor. Now create a nondefault constructor (one with an argument) for the class, and try compiling again. Explain what happened.

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