MFC Programmer's SourceBook : Thinking in C++
Bruce Eckel's Thinking in C++, 2nd Ed Contents | Prev | Next

Creating functions

In old (pre-Standard) C, you could call a function with any number or type of arguments, and the compiler wouldn’t complain. Everything seemed fine until you ran the program. You got mysterious results (or worse, the program crashed) with no hints as to why. The lack of help with argument passing and the enigmatic bugs that resulted is probably one reason why C was dubbed a “high-level assembly language.” Pre-Standard C programmers just adapted to it.

Standard C and C++ use a feature called function prototyping . With function prototyping, you must use a description of the types of arguments when declaring and defining a function. This description is the “prototype.” When the function is called, the compiler uses the prototype to ensure the proper arguments are passed in, and that the return value is treated correctly. If the programmer makes a mistake when calling the function, the compiler catches the mistake.

Essentially, you learned about function prototyping (without naming it as such) in the previous chapter, since the form of function declaration in C++ requires proper prototyping. In a function prototype, the argument list contains the types of arguments that must be passed to the function and (optionally for the declaration) identifiers for the arguments. The order and type of the arguments must match in the declaration, definition and function call. Here’s an example of a function prototype in a declaration:

int translate(float x, float y, float z);

You do not use the same form when declaring variables in function prototypes as you do in ordinary variable definitions. That is, you cannot say: float x, y, z . You must indicate the type of each argument. In a function declaration, the following form is also acceptable:

int translate(float, float, float);

Since the compiler doesn’t do anything but check for types when the function is called, the identifiers are only included for clarity, when someone is reading the code.

In the function definition, names are required because the arguments are referenced inside the function:

int translate(float x, float y, float z) {
  x = y = z;
  // ...

It turns out this rule only applies to C. In C++, an argument may be unnamed in the argument list of the function definition. Since it is unnamed, you cannot use it in the function body, of course. The reason unnamed arguments are allowed is to give the programmer a way to “reserve space in the argument list.” Whoever uses the function must still call the function with the proper arguments. However, the person creating the function can then use the argument in the future without forcing modification of code that calls the function. This option of ignoring an argument in the list is also possible if you leave the name in, but you will get an obnoxious warning message about the value being unused every time you compile the function. The warning is eliminated if you remove the name.

C and C++ have two other ways to declare an argument list. If you have an empty argument list you can declare it as func( ) in C++, which tells the compiler there are exactly zero arguments. You should be aware that this only means an empty argument list in C++. In C it means “an indeterminate number of arguments (which is a “hole” in C since it disables type checking in that case). In both C and C++, the declaration func(void); means an empty argument list. The void keyword means “nothing” in this case (it can also mean “no type” in the case of pointers, as you’ll see later in this chapter).

The other option for argument lists occurs when you don’t know how many arguments or what type of arguments you will have; this is called a variable argument list. This “uncertain argument list” is represented by ellipses ( ...). Defining a function with a variable argument list is significantly more complicated than defining a regular function. You can use a variable argument list for a function that has a fixed set of arguments if (for some reason) you want to disable the error checks of function prototyping. Because of this, you should restrict your use of variable argument lists to C, and avoid them in C++ (where, as you’ll learn, there are much better alternatives). Handling variable argument lists is described in the library section of your local C guide.

Function return values

A C++ function prototype must specify the return value type of the function (in C, if you leave off the return value type it defaults to int). The return type specification precedes the function name. To specify that no value is returned, use the void keyword. This will generate an error if you try to return a value from the function. Here are some complete function prototypes:

int f1(void); // Returns an int, takes no arguments
int f2(); // Like f1() in C++ but not in Standard C!
float f3(float, int, char, double); // Returns a float
void f4(void); // Takes no arguments, returns nothing 

To return a value from a function, you use the return statement. return exits the function, back to the point right after the function call. If return has an argument, that argument becomes the return value of the function. If a function says that it will return a particular type, then each return statement must return that type. You can have more than one return statement in a function definition:

//: C03:Return.cpp
// Use of "return"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

char cfunc(const int i) {
  if(i == 0)
    return 'a';
  if(i == 1)
    return 'g';
  if(i == 5)
    return 'z';
  return 'c';

int main() {
  cout << "type an integer: ";
  int val;
  cin >> val;
  cout << cfunc(val) << endl;
} ///:~ 

In cfunc( ), the first if that evaluates to true exits the function via the return statement. Notice that a function declaration is not necessary because the function definition appears before it is used in main( ), so the compiler knows about it from that function definition.

Using the C function library

All the functions in your local C function library are available while you are programming in C++. You should look hard at the function library before defining your own function – there’s a good chance that someone has already solved your problem for you, and probably given it a lot more thought and debugging.

A word of caution, though: many compilers include a lot of extra functions that make life even easier and are very tempting to use, but are not part of the Standard C library. If you are certain you will never want to move the application to another platform (and who is certain of that?), go ahead –use those functions and make your life easier. If you want your application to be portable, you should restrict yourself to Standard library functions. If you must perform platform-specific activities, try to isolate that code in one spot so it can easily be changed when porting to another platform. In C++, platform-specific activities are often encapsulated in a class, which is the ideal solution.

The formula for using a library function is as follows: first, find the function in your programming reference (many programming references will index the function by category as well as alphabetically). The description of the function should include a section that demonstrates the syntax of the code. The top of this section usually has at least one #include line, showing you the header file containing the function prototype. Duplicate this #include line in your file, so the function is properly declared. Now you can call the function in the same way it appears in the syntax section. If you make a mistake, the compiler will discover it by comparing your function call to the function prototype in the header, and tell you about your error. The linker searches the standard library by default, so that’s all you need to do: include the header file, and call the function.

Creating your own libraries with the librarian

You can collect your own functions together into a library. Most programming packages come with a librarian that manages groups of object modules. Each librarian has its own commands, but the general idea is this: if you want to create a library, make a header file containing the function prototypes for all the functions in your library. Put this header file somewhere in the preprocessor’s search path, either in the local directory (so it can be found by #include "header" ) or in the include directory (so it can be found by #include <header> ). Now take all the object modules and hand them to the librarian along with a name for the finished library (most librarians require a common extension, such as .lib or .a). Place the finished library where the other libraries reside, so the linker can find it. When you use your library, you will have to add something to the command line so the linker knows to search the library for the functions you call. You must find all the details in your local manual, since they vary from system to system.

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