The Selim and Rachel Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Multiagent Systems Research Group - Critical MAS Director: Professor Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
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John S. Breese
Publications with HU MAS Group:
Communication-Free Interactions Among Rational Agents: A Probabilistic Approach, John S. Breese and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. In Distributed Artificial Intelligence, edited by Les Gasser and Michael N. Huhns, Morgan Kaufmann, 1989, pp. 99-118. [bibtex-entry]
Communication-Free Interactions Among Rational Agents: A Probabilistic Approach, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein and John S. Breese. Technical Report CRI-88-41, Computer Research Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 1988. In ``Collected Draft Papers from the 1988 Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence,'' Lake Arrowhead, California, compiled by Les Gasser. [bibtex-entry]

This site is maintained by Jeff Rosenschein.
Last modified on 22 December 2014