The Selim and Rachel Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Multiagent Systems Research Group - Critical MAS Director: Professor Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
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Claudia V. Goldman
Claudia V. Goldman is a senior post-doctoral researcher at the
University of Massachusetts Amherst where she focuses on formal models
and algorithms for decentralized control. Her research interests are in
decentralized control, resource bounded reasoning, decision theory and
multi-agent learning systems.

She has been a postdoctoral fellow at Bar Ilan University between 1999
and 2001, where she studied interactions among autonomous agents in
electronic marketplaces.

Dr. Goldman received her B.Sc. in computer science in 1991, and the
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science/distributed artificial
intelligence in 1993, and 1999 respectively, from the Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel. Her Ph.D. thesis was in the area of multi-agent systems.
In particular, she designed and analyzed algorithms aimed at learning
to coordinate behaviors and learning to organize

She is a member of the American Association for Artificial
Intelligence. Her current address is: Dept. of Computer Science, 140 Governors Dr,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA 01003-4610. Email:
Publications with HU MAS Group:
The Role of Middle-Agents in Electronic Commerce, Itai Yarom, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. IEEE Intelligent Systems. Volume 18, Number 6, November/December 2003, pp. 15-21. [download, bibtex-entry]
The Complexity of Multiagent Systems: The Price of Silence, Zinovi Rabinovich, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, July 2003, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1102-1103. [download, bibtex-entry]
Non-approximability of Centralized Control, Zinovi Rabinovich, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Technical Report 2002-29, Leibniz Center for Computer Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 2002. [download, bibtex-entry]
Evolutionary Patterns of Agent Organizations, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Volume 32, Number 1, 2002, pp. 135-148. [download, bibtex-entry]
DOrAM: Real Answers to Real Questions, Taras Mahlin, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, July 2002, Bologna, Italy, pp. 792-793. [download, bibtex-entry]
The Impact of InfoCenters on E-Marketplaces, Itai Yarom, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, July 2002, Bologna, Italy, pp. 1290-1291. [download, bibtex-entry]
Pricing and Manipulation of Information in E-Marketplaces, Itai Yarom, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. The Seventh Bar Ilan Symposium on Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, June 2001, Ramat Gan, Israel. [download, bibtex-entry]
Partitioned Multiagent Systems in Information Oriented Domains, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. The Third International Conference on Autonomous Agents, May 1999, Seattle, Washington, pp. 32-39. [download, bibtex-entry]
NetNeg: A Connectionist-Agent Integrated System for Representing Musical Knowledge, Claudia V. Goldman, Dan Gang and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein and Daniel Lehmann. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. Volume 25, Number 1, 1999, pp. 69-90. [download, bibtex-entry]
Mutual Adaptation Enhanced by Social Laws, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Technical Report 98-5, Leibniz Center for Computer Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1998. [download, bibtex-entry]
Multiagent Learning Systems and Expert Agents, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. AAAI Fall Symposium Series on Socially Intelligent Agents, November 1997, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 58-60. [download, bibtex-entry]
Evolving Organizations of Agents, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Workshop on Multiagent Learning at the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Technical Report WS-97-03, July 1997, Providence, Rhode Island, pp. 25-30. [download, bibtex-entry]
Relevancy Ranking of Web Pages Using Shallow Parsing, Yuval Z. Feinstein, Claudia V. Goldman, Yishay Mor and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Proceedings of the Practical Application of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, April 1997, London, pp. 125-136. [download, bibtex-entry]
Musag: An Agent that Learns What You Mean, Claudia V. Goldman, Amir Langer and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence. Volume 11, Number 5-6, 1997, pp. 413-435. Special Issue on Practical Applications of Intelligent Agents and Multiagent Technology. [download, bibtex-entry]
Incremental and Mutual Adaptation in Multiagent Systems, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Technical Report 96-15, Leibniz Center for Computer Science, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, October 1996. [download, bibtex-entry]
NetNeg: A Hybrid Interactive Architecture for Composing Polyphonic Music in Real Time, Claudia V. Goldman, Dan Gang, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein and Daniel Lehmann. Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, August 1996, Hong Kong, pp. 133-140. [download, bibtex-entry]
Musag: An Agent that Learns What You Mean, Claudia V. Goldman, Amir Langer and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. The First International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, April 1996, London, pp. 311-329. [download, bibtex-entry]
Courtz: An Agent that Pleases You, Claudia V. Goldman, Yishay Mor and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. The First International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, April 1996, London, pp. 837-842. [download, bibtex-entry]
Learn your Opponent's strategy (in Polynomial Time)!, Yishay Mor, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. In Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Multiagent Systems at the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, August 1995, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Number 1042, edited by G. Weiss and S. Sen, Springer-Verlag, 1996, pp. 164-176. [download, bibtex-entry]
Mutually Supervised Learning in Multiagent Systems, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. In Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Multiagent Systems at the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, August 1995, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Number 1042, edited by G. Weiss and S. Sen, Springer-Verlag, 1996, pp. 85-96. [download, bibtex-entry]
NetNeg: A Hybrid System Architecture for Composing Polyphonic Music (Extended Abstract), Claudia V. Goldman, Dan Gang and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music at the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 1995, Montreal, pp. 11-15.  [download, bibtex-entry]
Emergent Coordination through the Use of Cooperative State-Changing Rules, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 1994, Seattle, Washington, pp. 408-413. [download, bibtex-entry]
Emergent Coordination through the Use of Cooperative State-Changing Rules, Claudia V. Goldman and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, May 1993, Hidden Valley, Pennsylvania, pp. 171-185. [download, bibtex-entry]

This site is maintained by Jeff Rosenschein.
Last modified on 22 December 2014