Final_Grade=12.5*ex1/30+12.5*ex2/16+12.5*ex3/16+12.5*ex4/24+0.4*exam+scribes+scribe-bonus+latex-bonus where ex{1,2,3,4}=sum of points from the corresponding exercise. scribes=the grade of the scribes scribe-bonus=for those who handed in 3 scribes. latex-bonus=for those who handed in the scribes in latex. id ex1 ex2 ex3 ex4 exam scribes scribe-bonus latex-bonus final final (rounded) 32247561 28 13 15 24 100 10 0 0 96.0 96 304759905 27 13 14 24 92 10 1 1 93.6 94 40169252 28 16 16 24 100 10 1 1 100 100 40169062 30 16 15 20 95 10 1 0 96.1 96 303745863 27 13 16 22 100 10 1 1 97.3 97 32406283 30 13 13 21 100 10 0 0 93.7 94 34997908 30 16 16 24 100 10 1 1 100 100 50744216 30 15 16 23 100 10 1 0 99.6 100 307389718 28 15 12 23 88 10 1 0 90.9 91 Average: 28.6 14.4 14.7 22.7 97.2 10 0.7 0.4 96.3 96.4