Pervasive Computing Mag:

Labscape: Design of a Smart Environment


Larry Arnstein, University of Washington

Gaetano Borriello, University of Washington and Intel Research laboratories at Seattle

February, 2002



Labscape, a project at the intersection of bioinformatics and pervasive computing research, represents a new point in the design space of smart environments. From the bioinformatics perspective, the goal of Labscape is to make laboratory work easier, while enhancing the ability of biologists to communicate and collaborate with each other. From a ubiquitous computing perspective, this project has provided the opportunity to study the design strategies and tradeoffs that are associated with building smart environments for real users.

Many of the smart environments built by the ubiquitous computing research community serve primarily as platforms for technology evaluation [1][2][3][4]. These environments are crucial to the research enterprise because they provide a sandbox in which experimental technologies can be safely tested and evaluated. In contrast, smart environments that are built to meet the rigorous requirements of an authentic user community provide insights into effective design and integration strategies that lead to usable, extensible environments. These insights in turn guide and influence technology-based research. We present Labscape, now going into a second deployment, as a case study of smart environment design.

1. The Application Domain

A cell biology experiment involves observing how the state of a cell changes in response to some form of stimulus or treatment. The outcome of an experiment usually takes the form of charts or images associated with measurements that corresponds to features of the state of the cell. As an example, the image of Figure 1 might indicate the affect on gene expression (RNA production) that ten different drug candidates had on otherwise identical cells. Columns correspond to the cells treated by different drug candidates, and the rows correspond to gene activity. The darkness of the band at each row-column intersection indicates the activity level of a specific gene under the influence of the drug candidate. The image is produced by a technique called gel electrophoresis, in which an electric field is used to sort molecules by size. Larger molecules move more slowly through the gel than smaller ones.  Since each gene produces RNA molecules of different sizes this technique can be used to discriminate between them.

Figure 1. An experimental result: an electrophoresis gel

In a common biochemical procedure called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), very small concentrations of genetic material (RNA in this case) are amplified (repeatedly duplicated) so that the presence of the molecules can be detected using the electrophoresis technique. Thus, the entire experiment would consist of exposing cells to drug candidates; destroying the cells and performing PCR on their molecular components; then applying electrophoresis and imaging the gel to read out the results.  Many details of the experimental procedure would have to be communicated for a third party to understand the outcome of this experiment: some examples are the identities of the drug candidates, the history of the cells, and the PCR chemistry.  Even the exposure setting of the camera might be important for comparing the results two different experiments.

Our goal is to support communication and collaboration in cell biology by linking the outcomes of experiments to captured representations of the procedures. This goal closely mirrors a general ubiquitous computing problem that also motivated the Classroom 2000 project[5], which is to  “automate the capture of live experiences and provide flexible and universal access to those experiences later on”[6]. Labscape shares this and many other distinguishing characteristics of ubiquitous computing, including a high degree of user mobility and the need to stay focused on physical and intellectual tasks.

Figure 2 exemplifies the information management challenge that we are addressing in Labscape: that the lab bench is place where information is both created and needed; yet it remains a largely computer-free zone. As a result, significant human effort is required to transform laboratory results into a form that can be understood and applied by others. Labscape addresses this problem by transforming the laboratory itself into an assistant that captures and organizes data as the work is performed.  In the next section, we describe the design strategies that have enabled us to begin establishing authentic user communities in two separate institutions: the immunology laboratory of the Cell Systems Initiative (CSI) [7] which is part of the University of Washington’s Department of Bioengineering, and the cell purification laboratory of Immunex Corporation.

Figure 2. The lab bench: a computer-free zone

2. Design Strategy

The first obvious challenge when setting out to build a smart environment is to decide where to start. Should one install a rich sensor network and start invisibly capturing and processing the data? Would it be better to install many flat panel displays to provide ubiquitous access to an more traditional application interface? Or, is a hybrid solution most appropriate? Given our goal of capturing experiments without distracting the biologist, we started with a hybrid system that emphasized sensor networks and recognition systems, while relying on the application interface for error correction. This approach failed to lead to a useful system for biologists for two main reasons:

·         To meet our users’ needs, we must capture a logically structured representation of the procedure, but we could not identify sensor technologies that would provide the detail, completeness, and reliability required without dramatically altering the physical working environment. As an example, one of the sensing challenges we faced is that it is essential to know over which cm2 area a pipette tip is hovering when a small volume of liquid is dispensed.

·         Though error correction for a hypothetical reliable recognizer might require little user input, error detection would still required extensive user monitoring. This is not a problem when the user would normally be monitoring system output anyway, as in a speech or gesture interface to a graphics editor.  In the laboratory, however, monitoring of a recognition-based capture system would be a new and difficult task to perform in conjunction with the physical and intellectual demands of the experiment.

Our decision to focus on the needs of laboratory users rather than on sensing and recognition technology had a profound impact on the design of our prototype environment.  We faced a typical engineering challenge: to develop a system that delivers a high-degree of utility in a rich environment and is still useful even in a minimally-enhanced environment.  We defined the worst-case scenario to be the complete lack of a sensor network, assuming only the availability of an application interface with intermittent network connectivity. Under these conditions, experiment capture would have to be the outcome of voluntary interaction with an electronic laboratory assistant that provides other immediate benefits to its users. Specifically, such a system must satisfy the following requirement and constraints:

1.      Requirement:

It should maximize immediate utility to the user with minimal required interaction, while producing a valuable record of the experiment. Thus, the goal of experiment capture remains, but it has become a side effect of achieving other goals.

2.      Constraints:

a.      It must be compatible with almost any cell biology laboratory. This means that a minimal system must rely only on basic computing equipment and networking infrastructure.

b.      A minimal system must rely only on mature computer interface modalities for interaction.

c.      It must be available at all times anywhere in the laboratory with minimal effort from the user.

Success with a minimally-enhanced configuration will allow us to establish a user base while we increase the utility of the system through strategic inclusion of experimental technologies (e.g., ubiquitous sensing and novel interaction modalities) and through deeper integration with existing laboratory equipment. The key ethnographic findings that will enable us to meet the requirement under the given constraints are:

·         An accurate, but abstract representation of a laboratory procedure has value and does not require sensor networks and device integration.


3. Abstract Representation for Laboratory Procedures

Anything that happens in a laboratory environment has a plausible impact on the outcome of an experiment: ambient room temperature, how long a sample sits on a lab bench, how far out of calibration a particular tool or instrument was at the time of use, etc. Thus we were forced to make a trade-off between the difficulty of obtaining such details and their potential utility. The key to rapid development and deployment of a useful system was to discover the highest level of procedural abstraction in the captured record that still provides significant utility to the biologists.

Despite the apparent complexity of the physical environment and diversity of laboratory instruments and tools hinted towards in Figure 2, we have found that the essence of laboratory procedures can be represented by arrangements of simple abstract operations into flow graph structures.  For instance, any trained biologist can understand the experiment plan shown in Figure 3, though significantly more detail might be needed for them to successfully reproduce the result. More of the features of this interface are described below.

Figure 3: A Sample Flow Graph representation of a PCR procedure shown in the Labscape interface.

Though we do not claim to have identified all possible abstract operations, we are confident that the list will remain short even as diversity of techniques and devices increases. Thus, it is reasonable to expect universal standards to emerge over time. Our list of abstract operations currently includes combination, incubation, dispensing, separation, measurement, storage, and retrieval.  Figure 3 shows how these abstract operations are made more concrete by specifying the appropriate parameters. For example, the separation operation indicates that the sample will be separated by molecular size to validate the presence of 443 base-pair products from the PCR process. 

The actual complexity and diversity of the physical world can be accommodated in the language in two ways: 1) by annotating the operations in the flow graph with unstructured audio, video, text, and images; and 2) by defining less abstract operations that inherit the semantics of one or more of the base set of abstract operations. Institutions only have to agree on the basic set of abstract operations to ensure some level of interoperability and mutual understandability.

If biologists could produce an SFG representation of each procedure as it is performed in the laboratory then we would be meeting our basic capture requirement. The discovery of the useful SFG abstraction provides the right conceptual model for interaction with the biologist, but we still have not addressed the need to provide immediate utility that is commensurate with the cost to the user of interaction with the system.

4. A Ubiquitous Laboratory Assistant

There are three phases in the typical laboratory workflow that may be more or less distinct in practice: preparation, execution, and documentation. The outcome of the preparation phase is a working (paper) document that the biologist uses for support in the laboratory. The biologist carries the working document into the laboratory where it is used as a reference, to track progress, and to record information during execution of the procedure. In the documentation phase, a formal record of the laboratory work is entered into the laboratory notebook. The formal record is produced by transcribing information from such sources as the working document, previous formal entries, and by cutting and pasting printed results. The amount of detail in the record is inversely proportional to the amount effort expended. The documentation work may occur quite some time after the execution phase was completed leading to omissions and errors. These three phases closely mirror the pre-production, capture, and integration phases of defined by Abowd, et al in [5], yet there are significant differences in the interaction models and technological solutions that apply due to the radically different natures of the application domains. Labscape has been designed to maximize immediate utility with respect to each of these three phases. 

4.1 The Preparation Phase

Even in a research environment, laboratory work is highly repetitive. In most cases, the working document consists of the details that change from one instance of a procedure to another. Though adequate for that individual’s planning and recording purposes, such a written record is difficult for a third party to understand, and moreover, it is physically inaccessible. In Labscape, the biologist always creates a new complete representation of the intended procedure during the preparation phase. Input is minimized without loss of flexibility by allowing the biologist to use any previously completed procedure as a template for the plan. Like in the paper-based process, the user need only input the changes. But, unlike the paper system, the outcome is a complete self-contained description of the procedure that is electronically accessible and universally comprehensible. Thus, we expect our system to be at least equivalent in terms of interaction overhead while offering a higher level of utility.

4.2 The Execution Phase

During execution, the primary requirements of the information support system are A) to present the biologist with a clear representation of the plan, B) to provide a means for keeping track of progress, and C) for recording data and observations that occur during the procedure. We compare Labscape to paper-based systems in terms of these three basic requirements, and consider some additional capabilities that only Labscape will offer in each phase.

A. Plan access and presentation: Paper-based systems have the following limitations with respect to access: 1) they tend to compete for space on the lab bench with the materials and tools needed for the experiment; 2) they are difficult to transport between work areas when the biologist’s hands are busy with samples and tools; and 3) as a mobile physical object, they pose contamination risks when transported in and out of sensitive areas—permanent notebooks may actually be banned from certain laboratories that contain radioactivity and biohazards. In contrast, 1) touch panel displays mounted upright, behind a work area, occupy the biologists’ natural field of view without obscuring their work; 2) by moving data and state instead of physical objects, Labscape can eliminate the transportation problem, and 3) reduce contamination risk.

But, the main advantage of Labscape is that the SFG provides a window into a database that can answer a variety of questions that might otherwise require an interruption. Here are two examples of questions raised by the biologists in the laboratory during trials that have required reference to an information source that was not immediately available, but which could have been answered directly by a Labscape database:

“Show me if this control sample I am using was positive or negative in the original assay”

“Show me the volume scaling factor that I used last time I had a low DNA concentration reading on the spectrophotometer.”

For presentation and access, Labscape offers unique capabilities in terms of both interaction overhead and utility. Because of the ubiquitous database access, utility increases with more users, though a single user can realize the full benefits of the system.

B. Progress Tracking. In the traditional workflow, notations on paper are used to keep track of progress in a procedure during breaks and interruptions, or when the next step in the procedure cannot be deduced by looking at the physical setup. For instance, when transferring clear liquids from one set of containers to another, it may be impossible to tell which transfers have been completed and which are still pending. Depending on the situation, the biologist might like to record progress at varying levels of granularity.  In Labscape, as the user indicates progress through simple touch interactions, the plan is visually transformed into a record of the experiment—finer granularity of interaction results in better temporal resolution in the record. The user of Labscape is free to make a trade-off between precision in the experimental record and the number of interactions required. For simple progress tracking purposes, the ability to record temporal information through touch interactions counts as an increase in utility with the same or reduced interaction overhead. The standard, electronic representation of progress in Labscape may allow scientists to more easily cooperate with colleagues, laboratory technicians, or students at a finer level of granularity.
The icons outlined in blue in Figure 3 represent steps that have been completed. Red and green outlines correspond to pending steps that may or may not require additional information, respectively, before they can be marked as completed. The boxes on the display pop up in response to touch, allowing the user to see and edit properties of the abstract operations represented by the icons.
C. Recording Information. Biologists need to record information during the execution of an experiment.  Some examples are sample and reagent IDs, instrument readouts, observations, or just the name and directory location of an electronic file produced by a camera or other piece of laboratory equipment.

Labscape offers two major advantages over the traditional workflow: 1) recorded information can take the most appropriate form, such as freehand drawings, text, audio clips, videos, or images; and 2) such information can be attached to a specific component of the SFG representation providing the context for later retrieval. Attaching a drawing or a spoken comment to a particular sample at a specific point in the procedure ensures that the note resurfaces during data analysis that takes place long after the physical experiment has been completed. Multi-media annotation does not violate our constraints on the use of mature modalities because interpretation or recognition is not required.

Figure 3 shows how the SFG representation provides an organizing structure for all of the data and observations that are produced during the experiment. Measurement results are linked to specific measurement operations in the SFG, sample identifying information (tags) coming from scanners or direct user input are attached to storage and retrieval operations, and unstructured annotations and sensor data can be attached to any sample at any point in the procedure. New data items, or URLs pointing to new data files, are queued up on the left side of the Labscape display according to type so that the user can link them to operations in the SFG through touch.  The result of working in the laboratory is a complete, accurate, universally understandable representation of the experiment.

Figure 3 shows the state of the UI after a reagent has been scanned, but has not yet been associated with a store or retrieve operation in the graph. The user makes the association by touching the “Primer A” icon, and then touching the “Tag” property button in the pop-up window. The same technique would be used to link operations to unstructured annotations or measurement results, but in this case, the data item would be represented by a URL.

4.3 The Documentation Phase

Figure 4 shows a spontaneous laboratory notebook entry that resulted from a biologist’s first use of Labscape. Without direction from the system developers, the biologist chose to print out two graphical windows from Labscape in lieu of a manual entry in her laboratory notebook. The lower screen shot shows details associated with a batch of samples represented by a single icon in the top-level flow graph view. The gel image pasted on the page can also be accessed by the URL associated with the last step in the flow graph. The small amount of writing that does appear on the page is a result of the fact that upstream protocols are not yet in the system, necessitating some manual cross-referencing for sample identification.  This result strongly supports our requirement that the system be compatible with existing information management practices, which in this case is the paper laboratory notebook that they are required to maintain. It also supports our hypothesis that the abstract representation is adequate for understanding and communication of laboratory results.

Figure 4. A Laboratory Notebook Entry

5. The Design of Smart Environments

Based on our Labscape experience, we present a set of strategies that we think may be generally applicable to the design of smart environments.

5.1 UI precedes AI

Having built our system to deliver adequate utility through a graphical user interface alone, we now have the opportunity to incrementally augment the experience through selective addition of sensing and AI technologies. As an example, we have shown that it is possible to enable a handheld electronic pipetter (a tool for manipulated small amounts of liquid) to wirelessly transmit aspiration and dispensation events to a server. One could imagine flagging the user when a sequence of such actions does not correlate with the user level task representation, thereby catching a source of error that is difficult to trace. The use of sensing and recognition technology to catch exceptions in this manner would add significant value without placing a new burden on the user.

As a more generally applicable example, we are deploying an active badge-like [8] system for location tracking to control application migration and allocate laboratory resources. Until this system is enabled, users must touch the GUI button on nearby displays that are labeled with their name. This manual system is adequate but not ideal because it requires user interaction, and because it cannot provide intermediate movement data that would also be useful. However, a system that relies only on the active-badge might be worse because the user would not be able to correct system mistakes. By running both systems in parallel, explicit user interactions can be used to train the location system, possibly eliminating the need for extensive configuration typically associated with such systems. As the error rates fall, the system can become increasingly proactive without ever eliminating the user button. In Labscape, we will begin to rely on sensor data and AI techniques to further improve the utility and reduce the need for interaction in our system. But, the training data must come from regular authentic use of a existing system.

5.2 Values matter

HP Labs’ CoolTown Exploratorium [9] application shares important characteristics with Labscape: both support mobile individuals engaged in tasks that demand physical and intellectual involvement. Despite these similarities, the two projects have different outcomes because of user values. In the Exploratorium, interaction with the physical exhibit is the point of the experience—a captured record of the experience has value, but not at the expense of distraction from the exhibit. In biology research, the value is in the record more than in the experience. Interaction requirements that contribute to a better experiment record are acceptable, especially if the laboratory work can be simplified as result. As a consequence of these divergent values, HP’s interface has become increasingly implicit [10], and ours has become increasingly explicit. We are in the process of installing Labscape into a Seattle public high school biology laboratory in which the value system is more like the Exploratorium than it is like our research laboratory. In this setting, Labscape will be cast in a tutorial role to reinforce the skills and techniques associated with the process. The organizing structure of the SFG will be used to present multi-media demonstrations or explanations that have been captured by a teacher.

5.3 Invisible Infrastructure

Though the visibility of the Labscape interface is high, and will likely remain so, we have gone to great lengths to ensure that the infrastructure is transparent. For example, we did not want our users to worry about persistence and lost work. There should be no need for explicit file I/O or for defensive backups of the state of the application. To achieve this level of reliability, all user interactions that change the state of the experiment plan or record become transactions against an XML database. But, to prevent the fluidity of the UI from suffering due to database access delays or intermittent network connectivity, and to allow the application to migrate at will, [kep1] the database is decoupled from [kep2] the UI through an asynchronous event interface. This design approach raised a host of synchronization challenges that we simply could not address using standard system tools like networked file systems and TCP/IP sockets. Instead we built Labscape on top of an experimental run-time system for pervasive computing called [11]. In addition to features widely acknowledge to be useful for pervasive computing, such as discovery and event based component interaction, provides novel features that support programming for dynamic execution environments. This is an example of where we have applied and evaluated research technologies in our minimal system.

6. Status and Conclusions

Our minimal system includes the addition of the following devices to the environment: wireless active badge (IR) detectors arrayed underneath the first shelf above the lab bench; active badges worn by the biologists; RFID and barcode scanners; and pen/touch driven tablet computers (Fujistu Stylistic 3400) running Microsoft Windows 2000. In addition, the biologists have access to the system from their desktop computers in their office environment.

We have completed one round of informal user studies at CSI and are now engaged in a formal evaluation that will quantify the benefits and costs of using Labscape. At the same time, we are deploying Labscape into two more sites: the immune cell purification laboratories of Immunex corporation, and a Seattle public high school biology laboratory that has PCR equipment. Immunex is interested in the quality control potential that labscape offers in a procedure that is crucial to its scientific mission, while the high school is interested in Labscape for its potential to help students see the big picture of an experiment without losing the important details.

The reason for our intense focus on users (biologists, students, lab administrators, etc.) is to create a sustainable test-bed for evaluating new ubiquitous computing technologies in terms of their impact on real user experience. What is unique about our model is that we can evaluate individual technologies through incremental deployment, and assessment of impact on a well-characterized environment. This model has already been applied with respect to the systems infrastructure for ease of development and maintenance, and it will soon be applied to sensing technologies that increase the precision of the captured record, and to machine learning algorithms that make the environment increasingly proactive for users and administrators. Finally, this effort has led to deeper insight into design strategies for smart environments. 


The authors would like to acknowledge the support and contributions from the DARPA Ubiquitous Computing Program, NSF/REC, The Cell Systems Initiative of the University of Washington, the Intel Research laboratory at Seattle, Intel Research Council, and Immunex Corporation.


[1]          Barry Brumitt, Brian Meyers, John Krumm, Amanda Kern, and Steven Shafer. “EasyLiving: Technologies for intelligent environments”. In Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing, HUC 2000, pages 12-29, Bristol, UK, September 2000. Springer Verlag.

[2]          Michael H. Coen, "The future of human-computer interaction, or how I learned to stop worrying and love my intelligent room", IEEE Intelligent Systems, March/April 1999.

[3]          C. Kidd., G. Abowd, C. Atkeson, I. Essa, B. MacIntyre, E. Mynatt, T. Starner "The Aware Home: A Living Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing Research". In the Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Cooperative Buildings - CoBuild'99.

[4]          Fox, Armando, Brad Johanson, Pat Hanrahan, and Terry Winograd, “Integrating Information Appliances into an Interactive Space”, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20:3 (May/June, 2000), 54-65.

[5]          Gregory D. Abowd, Christopher G. Atkeson, Jason Brotherton, Tommy Enqvist, Paul Gulley, and Johan LeMon. “Investigating the capture, integration and access problem of ubiquitous computing in an educational setting.” In Proceedings of the 1998 conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems --- CHI'98, pages 440--447, May 1998.

[6]          Abowd, G.D. and Mynatt, E.D, “Charting Past, Present, and Future Research in Ubiquitous Computing”, in ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, Vol. 7, (1), 2000, pp. 29-58.

[7]          The Cell Systems Initiative:

[8]          R. Want, A. Hopper, V. Falcao, and J. Gibbons, "The active badge location system," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 10, pp. 91--102, Jan. 1992.

[9]          Mirjana Spasojevic, Tim Kindberg, A Study of an Augmented Museum Experience, Hewlett-Packard Labs Technical Report #HPL-2001-178, July 2001. 

[10]      Tim Kindberg, Private Communication (Pending approval).

[11]      Robert Grimm, Janet Davis, Eric Lemar, Adam MacBeth, Steven Swanson, Tom Anderson, Brian Bershad, Gaetano Borriello, Steven Gribble, and David Wetherall. Programming for pervasive computing environments, Submitted for publication.

 [kep1]more extra spaces
